Labor Union
Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) is a left-of-center teachers’ union representing teachers and other public-school employees in Wisconsin. The union was formed in the 1970s and is an affiliate of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union. The union frequently advocates for left-leaning policies in Wisconsin. The
Verified Voting is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that advocates against the use of electronic voting machines, instead championing the use of verified paper ballots to allegedly promote election security.
Labor Union
The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) is a government worker union representing schoolteachers in New York City. It is an affiliate of the national American Federation of Teachers labor union as AFT Local 2 and the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and is one of
The American Prospect is a left-progressive publication that promotes left-of-center public policy through articles on its website and in print. Founded in 1989 by Robert Kuttner, Paul Starr, and former Clinton administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, the Prospect has received grants from a number of left-of-center
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) is a chapter-based drug-legalization advocacy organization with affiliates in over 30 countries. 1 The SSDP network advocates for drug decriminalization locally, nationally, and internationally while arguing for the de-stigmatization of
The Southern Vision Alliance is a left-of-center advocacy organization based in Durham, North Carolina. The organization serves as an incubator for left-wing organizing targeted at young people. The organization also serves as a fiscal sponsor for other far-left organizations. The organization has alleged ties to the communist Workers World Party;
ReThink Media, founded in 2008, is a combination public relations firm, advocacy organization, and pass-through funding entity for left-of-center organizations. It uses messaging techniques through all forms of media to promote the left-of-center framing of issues related to national security, ethnic and religious minority interests, and left-of-center electoral legislation. ReThink
Progressive Maryland is a lobbying and advocacy organization and network of left-progressive organizations in Maryland. The organization works to promote its agenda by outreach, public education campaigns, lobbying, direct public action, research, and support for left-of-center candidates. The Progressive Maryland Education Fund, Progressive Maryland’s affiliate organization, supports these efforts.
NOI is defunct. For its successor, see Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) New Organizing Institute (NOI) was a left-progressive group that trained digital organizers and campaigners for the Democratic Party and liberal political causes. The organization, described by a Washington Post reporter as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts
Move to Amend (MTA) is a coalition of hundreds of left-of-center organizations that advocates for wealth redistributionist policies, social and racial justice initiatives, and the restriction of political donations. It opposes the landmark 2011 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, contending that political contributions are not speech and
The Leonard & Sophie Davis Fund is a private foundation making grants to left-of-center organizations associated with health, education, and Jewish philanthropy. 1 Alan Davis, the fund’s president, is
The League of Women Voters Minnesota (LWVMN) is the Minnesota affiliate of the national League of Women Voters. While the group does not directly support or oppose candidates, the LWVMN has taken left-of-center policy positions.
The A.J. Fletcher Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports various colleges and educational charities in North Carolina. The organization also funds certain left-of-center advocacy organizations. While the A.J. Fletcher Foundation claims to mainly support The Fletcher Academy, a private school in North Carolina, and various charities, the organization gives
The Sanders Institute was a left-wing think tank that formed in the aftermath of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’s (I-VT) 2016 presidential campaign. It was founded by Senator Sanders’s wife Jane O’Meara Sanders in 2017. The goal of the think tank was to propose left-wing policy solutions for
Other Group
Retake Our Democracy is a left-of-center lobbying organization based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, founded in 2016 by longtime left-wing activists Roxanne Barber and Paul Gibson. The group supports Democratic candidates and left-progressive legislation in New Mexico through organizing and advocacy.
New Energy Economy is a left-of-center nonprofit organization which aims to transition all of New Mexico’s energy from conventional fuels and nuclear power to environmentalist sources. New Energy Economy has opposed the use of zero carbon nuclear energy.
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR) is a civil-rights-focused left-of-center organization based in Washington, D.C. It serves as an umbrella organization for over 200 mostly left-wing organizations which lobby and advocate before Congress and other federal agencies on legislation and Presidential appointments to the executive departments and
Other Group
EMILY’s List was founded in 1985 by IBM heiress Ellen Malcolm and a small group of her politically-connected friends, including future U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) and future Texas Gov. Ann Richards (D).
Political Party/527
The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) is a minor left-wing political party in the United States that was created in 1921 as the result of a forced merger between two rival communist factions, each founded in 1919. As of 2014 it reported only a few
Catholics for Choice (CFC) is a pro-abortion advocacy group of self-identified Catholics based in Washington, D.C., who assert, contrary to the Magisterium (teaching authority) of the Roman Catholic Church, that “the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive