Dutchess County Progressive Action Alliance (DCPAA) is a community mobilization organization operating under a structure with no formally elected positions or overseeing executives. DCPAA advocates for a left-of-center agenda across a variety of issue areas such as education, health care, and immigration.
The Alliance for a Better Utah (ABU) is an activist organization promoting a wide range of left-progressive causes in the state of Utah. The alliance advocates for eliminating restrictions on abortion, expanding taxpayer-funded healthcare and education programs, adopting environmentalist policies, and implementing other left-of-center policies. The ABU claims that it
Other Group
The Democracy Defense Coalition was a coalition of several left-leaning advocacy organizations that was formed during the 2020 election to support left-leaning election administration policies. The organization’s work centered around speculation leading up to the 2020 election that President Donald Trump would refuse to concede the race to now-President
The Edge Funders Alliance is an affinity funding network formed by the merger of Grantmakers without Borders and the Funders Network on Transforming the Global Economy.
Just Democracy is a left-progressive racial and social advocacy coalition including 36 left-of-center organizations67 that supports left-of-center electoral initiatives including abolishing the Electoral College, expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court (known as “packing
The We Are America Alliance (WAAA) was a national liberal expansionist immigration advocacy organization launched in 2006. WAAA was made up of more than a dozen local, state, and national organizations all pushing for liberal expansionist immigration reform.
The Alliance for Housing Justice is a coalition of left-of-center nonprofit organizations that seek to have housing recognized as a right to ensure government provision of housing. It is a project of Public Advocates, a left-progressive public-interest law firm,
Bridge Alliance is a left-leaning coalition of over one hundred member organizations. These organizations are expected to adhere to Bridge Alliance’s membership principles,91 which focus on bridging the divide in partisan politics in order to
Alliance for A Green Economy (AGREE) is a left-of-center environmentalist advocacy organization that seeks to end New York State’s use of conventional fuels and nuclear power and to replace them with wind and solar energy.
Democracy Engine is a left-of-center, for-profit fundraising platform that primarily works with politicians associated with the Democratic Party and left-of-center nonprofit organizations. The firm was founded by Jonathan Zucker, a Democratic operative who formerly worked as executive director for the left-of-center fundraising service ActBlue. Zucker also worked as
Alliance for Youth Action (AFYA) is a left-of-center advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., that registers young people to vote. Originally named the Bus Federation, the group is a network of roughly 19 organizations across the United States that promote left-of-center policies and candidates. It has a charitable sister organization,
Democracy Forward Foundation (DFF) is a left-of-center litigation and advocacy nonprofit created in early 2017 by high-level Democratic Party operatives. The organization was aggressive in targeting the first Trump administration.145 Examples include
Democracy Forward (DF) is a left-of-center litigation and advocacy nonprofit created in early 2017 by high-level Democratic Party operatives. The organization has been aggressive in targeting the Trump administration.145 Examples include an ethics complaint against
Democracy North Carolina (or Democracy NC) is a left-of-center group based in Durham, North Carolina that lobbies against voter integrity measures and for campaign speech restrictions. It is often portrayed as a neutral organization but it has received funding from the Reynolds-family-related left-wing foundations
The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE), also known as Action for Climate Emergency Inc., is a left-of-center environmentalist education and activist group focused on educating low-income urban high schoolers about climate change activism.
Democracy in Color is a project of PowerPAC, a left-of-center lobbying organization founded by Steve Phillips, a liberal activist and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP). Democracy in Color is also funded by the Democracy Alliance, a collective of left-of-center donors focused on
Also see Democracy Fund (Non-profit) Democracy Fund Voice is a left-leaning lobbying and electoral advocacy group within the advocacy-philanthropy network of eBay chairman and founder Pierre Omidyar.
The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (“WDC”) claims to be a nonprofit, nonpartisan political watchdog group. The organization targets the financial supporters of Republican and conservative policy leaders. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign has been a staunch defender of the controversial “John Doe” investigations designed to target supporters of Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
The Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (RFDC) is a pro-abortion and gay marriage donor collaborative project created and managed by the Proteus Fund, a center-left funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit. Background In March 2017, the Proteus Fund announced the Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (RFDC). The RFDC supports state-level
Democracy Partners (DP) is a political consulting firm founded in 2011 by Robert Creamer, a longtime liberal campaign operative married to U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) who was convicted in 2005 of bank fraud; and Mike Lux, a former Clinton White House aide.