Search results for ‘Community Labor United’

  • Non-profit

    Harry Chapin Foundation

    The Harry Chapin Foundation (HCF) was formed following the car accident death of Grammy Award winning recording artist Harry Chapin in 1981 with help from his former manager Ken Kragen and a donation of $150,000 from fellow musician Kenny Rogers. HCF promotes programs and initiatives that support food security, ending
  • Non-profit

    Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN)

    The Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) is a network of government professionals representing communities across the United States and Canada. Its focus is on addressing left-of-center climate and sustainability issues at the community level. USDN provides training, resources, and networking opportunities to its members.
  • Non-profit

    We Are California

    We Are California is a project of the left-of-center advocacy group California Calls that advocates for increasing taxes to fund government welfare programs. 48
  • Non-profit

    Operation ABLE

    Operation ABLE of Greater Boston provides skills training and employment services to the underemployed, those in career transition, and military veterans “from economically, racially, and occupationally diverse backgrounds.” 56 It administers the federally
  • Non-profit

    International Service for Human Rights

    The International Service for Human Rights is a left-of-center international advocacy group that focuses on supporting “defenders of human rights.” During Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, the group called for an arms embargo against Israel and an end to the blockade Israel imposed on the Gaza Strip
  • Non-profit

    Stand Indivisible Arizona (AZ)

    Stand Indivisible Arizona (AZ) is a left-of-center advocacy organization and voter mobilization group. It is affiliated with the national group Indivisible (or the Indivisible Project). 86 Stand Indivisible
  • Other Group

    Black Imagination Fund

    The Black Imagination Fund is a left-of-center advocacy group that provides grants to fund projects at Black-led nonprofits and community advocacy groups. The group is a project of the Big We Foundation, which in turn is fiscally sponsored by the Movement Strategy Center, a left-of-center funding and fiscal sponsorship
  • Other Group

    Safer From Harm

    Safer From Harm is a center-left project promoting policies that encourage “harm reduction” rather than an abstinence approach to illicit drug policy. Safe from Harm promotes research and programs throughout the United States that emphasize harm reduction policies for a variety of uses “from opioids to sexual health to tobacco
  • Non-profit

    Union de Vecinos

    Union de Vecinos is a local branch of the Los Angeles Tenants Union (LATU) located in East Los Angeles. Union de Vecinos was founded in response to the proposed demolition of housing projects by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the East Los Angeles neighborhood of Boyle
  • Other Group

    Democracy Lab Foundation

    Democracy Lab Foundation, also known DemoLab, is an advocacy group based in Costa Rica 117 that claims it wants to see Costa Rica become “the freest and most prosperous democracy in Latin America.”
  • Other Group

    Annenberg Institute for School Reform

    The Annenberg Institute for School Reform is a left-of-center educational policy research center based in Providence, Rhode Island at Brown University with offices in New York. 130 The Institute advocates left-of-center
  • Other Group

    Future Earth International

    Future Earth International (FEI) is an environmentalist network created to promote and help countries achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals which include ending global poverty, reducing wealth inequality, and promoting clean energy to combat climate change.
  • Non-profit

    LUPE Votes

    LUPE (La Union del Pueblo Entero) Votes 178 is a left-of-center get-out-the-vote (GOTV) and activist organization that targets Hispanic voters in South Texas.
  • Non-profit

    Code for Science and Society

    Code for Science and Society is an advocacy group based in Portland, Oregon that uses coding and data to advocate for answers to economic issues. In December 2021, the group held an event to promote “intersectionality” and how to use data and coding in order to advance it.
  • For-profit

    Tazpit Press Service (TPS-IL)

    Tazpit Press Service, also known as TPS-IL, is an independent news outlet in based in Israel. 215 Amotz Eyal is the CEO and founder of the outlet, which it claims reaches more than 10 million people per
  • Non-profit

    Center for Workforce Inclusion (CWI)

    Center for Workforce Inclusion (CWI) is a nonprofit organization that claims to network low-income individuals with employers within the workforce. The group has received funding from several departments within the U.S government including the United States Department of Labor and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. It
  • Person

    Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer

    Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer is a billionaire philanthropist who has contributed over $12 million to Democratic-leaning campaigns and organizations including the 2024 presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DNCC).
  • Other Group

    ISEAL Innovations Fund

    ISEAL Innovations Fund is a grantmaking organization for environmentalist organizations and climate-activist groups. It is the fundraising arm of ISEAL Alliance, an environmentalist non-governmental organization (NGO) based in the United Kingdom. 259 The Innovations Fund was established
  • Non-profit

    Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico

    Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico is a legal advocacy group based in Puerto Rico founded in 2018 by its executive director, Ariadna Godreau-Aubert. 268 The group provides free legal education on issues such as abortion and immigration
  • Non-profit

    Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA)

    Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is an advocacy group that advocates for regulating the mining industry to respect “human rights,” “fair labor,” and “cultural heritage.”  278 One of Initiative for Responsible Mining