Search results for ‘Community Labor United’

  • Non-profit

    Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)

    Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a large left-of-center animal liberation and vegetarianism advocacy nonprofit. Founded in 1954, HSUS lobbies to end cruelty to animals and for an end to human use of animals for food and fiber.
  • Non-profit

    Community Change

    Also see the 501(c)(4) Community Change Action (nonprofit) Community Change (formerly the Center for Community Change or CCC) is a left-of-center nonprofit that focuses on issues of poverty, race, housing policy, and the treatment of released prisoners.  It also promotes the interests of immigrants, including illegal immigrants. Its affiliated 501(c)(4),
  • Non-profit

    Americans United for Change (AUFC)

    Americans United for Change is a left-of-center 501(c)(4) group characterized as a “dark money group” by the left-leaning Sunlight Foundation for its support of center-left causes and Democratic candidates.
  • Labor Union

    American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)

    The American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is the largest federation of labor unions in the United States. Formed in 1955 in a merger between the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the AFL-CIO boasts membership of over 9 million voting members and 3
  • Non-profit

    Center for Economic Democracy (CED)

    Center for Economic Democracy (CED) is a radical-left nonprofit in Boston that espouses local community economic control, favors certain racial and ethnic groups in hiring practices, espouses that capitalism is wrong, and wants to re-make the country post-capitalism. CED has called for wealth redistribution, advanced the notion the country continues
  • Non-profit

    Asian American Resource Workshop

    The Asian American Resource Workshop is a left-of-center advocacy organization located in Boston that advocates for far-left public policy and social issues in the greater Boston area and at the national level. The organization was founded in 1979 as a local community organizing group for Asian Americans in the Boston
  • Non-profit

    Unmasking Fidelity

    Unmasking Fidelity is a far-left advocacy campaign that opposes privacy and anonymity for donors to right-leaning nonprofits, a free speech provision protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Unmasking Fidelity is a coalition of multiple center- and far-left activist nonprofits, including
  • Non-profit

    Brazilian Worker Center

    The Brazilian Worker Center is a left-of-center advocacy organization focusing on illegal immigrant-related labor law, gender issues, and other issues concerning expansionist immigration policies. The organization is fiscally supported by a number of labor-union aligned organizations and works to promote labor organizing with workers in Boston, Massachusetts and multiple cities
  • Non-profit

    Chinese Progressive Association (Boston)

    Not to be confused with the San Francisco, California-based organization of the same name. The Chinese Progressive Association (CPA; formerly Chinatown People’s Progressive Association) is a Boston-based left-of-center organization that engages in community organizing and activism among Chinese-Americans in Massachusetts. The organization has hosted events with consular officials of
  • Non-profit

    Muslim Justice League

    Muslim Justice League (MJL) is a left-of-center advocacy group primarily focused on opposition to police power in Massachusetts and federal programs targeted at suppressing radical Islamist extremism. Though focused on issues specific to American Muslims, the organization supports wider left-of-center policy goals. Opposition to “Countering Violent Extremism” Programs Muslim Justice
  • Labor Union

    Amalgamated Transit Union

    Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) is an international labor union with more than 200,000 members across the transportation sector. Its members include bus drivers, light rail operators, maintenance workers, and baggage handlers. It operates 252 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, including operations in 44 states and Washington, D.C., and is
  • Non-profit

    Resource Generation

    Resource Generation (RG) is a left-of-center organization which organizes and encourages wealthy young people to “devote a portion of their financial assets to left-of-center causes.”
  • Non-profit

    PowerSwitch Action

    PowerSwitch Action, formerly known as Partnership for Working Families (PWF), is a national coalition of left-of-center nonprofits which support policies that redistribute wealth and grant preferential treatment to workers. The organization focuses its efforts on municipal governments which are most sympathetic to its policy goals and actively opposes state and
  • Non-profit

    Solidago Foundation

    The Solidago Foundation is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that provides funding to activism and advocacy organizations that support the Foundation’s positions. The Solidago Foundation has provided grants to organizations that support environmentalist regulations, increased government spending, increased unionization, and left-of-center social policies on issues including race and immigration.
  • Other Group

    Demand Universal Healthcare (DUH)

    Demand Universal Healthcare (DUH) is a far-left activist group that organizes protests in support of a single-payer, government-controlled health care system. Duke University Social Movements Project reports that DUH’s founders identify as Democratic Socialists, and DUH has endorsed radical-left members of Congress associated with the Democratic Party, including Sen.
  • Non-profit

    Renew Democracy Initiative (RDI)

    The Renew Democracy Initiative (RDI) is a nonprofit that exposes and provides analyses of authoritarian groups and advises governments, businesses, media, and citizens on how to maintain their democracies. RDI opposes Vladamir Putin’s Russia, the Chinese Communist Party, terrorist groups in the Middle East, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un,
  • Non-profit

    Beyond Plastics

    Beyond Plastics is a project of Bennington College’s Center for the Advancement of Public Action. The group promotes campaigns against plastic products in multiple states, and trains student activists.306 Beyond Plastics has opposed conventional plastic recycling,
  • Other Group

    Hope Credit Union (HOPE)

    Hope Credit Union (HOPE) is a credit union with locations in the southeastern United States that offers banking and loan programs to address socioeconomic issues. 380 HOPE is recognized as a Black-owned credit union whose
  • Non-profit

    Front and Centered

    Front and Centered is a Washington-based coalition of left-of-center environmentalist organizations and advocacy groups. It supports a “just transition” from the United States’ economic system, which it calls an “extractive economy,” and claims that system “works to extract resources that are harmful to the climate” and applies “labor through exploitative
  • Non-profit

    Steamboat Institute (SI)

    The Steamboat Institute (SI) is a think tank that advocates for free markets, individual liberty, limited government, strong national defense, and limited taxes. 399 SI provides tools, information, and programs in support of America’s