Search results for ‘Community Labor United’

  • Non-profit

    Labor Community Strategy Center

    The Labor Community Strategy Center (LCSC) is a radical-left organizing group based in Los Angeles. Eric Mann, a radical-left activist who has been a member of several communist organizations, helped to start LCSC in 1989 and remains its director today.
  • Non-profit

    Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)

    Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) is a left-of-center political advocacy organization, which mainly advocates and lobbies for increases to the Arizona minimum wage and legislation that restricts and regulates the flexibility of labor for Arizona employers. The group also campaigns for liberal expansionist immigration policy. LUCHA has also
  • Non-profit

    United Workers Association

    The United Workers Association (UWA) is a labor-union-aligned  worker center and environmentalist pressure group based in Baltimore, Maryland that promotes left-of-center labor and environmental policy. 52 In 2002, a group of homeless men
  • Other Group

    Wayne State University Labor Studies Center

    The Wayne State University Labor Studies Center is a state university division that trains labor union activists and advocates labor-union-aligned employment policy. It was established in 1966 and helped train more than 4,000 union members, union leaders and activists.
  • Non-profit

    Center for Labor Research and Education

    The Center for Labor Research and Education, also called the Labor Center, is a program of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE), based at the University of California, Berkeley. It works with labor unions to push policy programs.
  • Political Party/527

    Community Change Voters

    Community Change Voters (CCV) is a left-of-center Super PAC affiliated with the Center for Community Change (CCC) and the Center for Community Change Action (CCCA). Formed in 2016, the PAC has spent over $7 million in federal elections to support Democratic candidates and oppose Republicans.
  • Non-profit

    Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC)

    Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC) is a left-of-center nonprofit which provides leadership and activism training for professional environmentalists. The organization credits the Wilburforce Foundation as its major financial supporter,104 though it has also received major support
  • Non-profit

    People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH)

    People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) is a left-wing “direct action” community organizing group primarily active in Buffalo, New York. The organization engages in community redevelopment issues and promotes environmentalist activism as a key to redeveloping Buffalo. PUSH Buffalo is most notable for its protests in opposition to traditional energy
  • Labor Union

    United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA)

    United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) is the main labor union representing teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) in southern California, the nation’s second-largest school district. UTLA is affiliated with both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. UTLA has engaged in
  • Other Group

    Labor Coalition for Community Action (LCCA)

    The Labor Coalition for Community Action (LCCA) was founded in 2000 to be the umbrella organization for AFL-CIO constituency groups.
  • Non-profit

    Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (RFDC)

    The Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (RFDC) is a pro-abortion and gay marriage donor collaborative project created and managed by the Proteus Fund, a center-left funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit. Background In March 2017, the Proteus Fund announced the Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (RFDC). The RFDC supports state-level
  • Non-profit

    Clergy and Laity United for Economic (CLUE) Justice

    Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE Justice or CLUE) is a religious-oriented advocacy group that supports pro-labor-union causes such as increasing wages of hourly workers, while also campaigning for open immigration to the U.S. The Anaheim Observer in 2018 described Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice as
  • Non-profit

    United Vision for Idaho

    United Vision for Idaho (UVI) is a left-of-center organization that attempts to influence public policy in the state of Idaho. The organization organizes campaigns and protests in support of a left-progressive policy agenda, including a universal government-controlled health care system, expanded entitlement programs, universal student loan forgiveness, an end to
  • Labor Union

    Workers United

    Workers United, SEIU is a labor union and division of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) that was founded in 2009 as a result of the dissolution of the merged labor union Unite Here. In March 2009, fifteen regional joint boards of Unite Here voted to leave the
  • Non-profit

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT)

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT) is a community foundation and provider of donor-advised funds that provides grants to social programs and nonprofits including advocacy groups on the left-of-center primarily in the Chicago city area, but also nationwide. The organization is one of the largest providers of donor-advised funds in the United
  • Labor Union

    United Teachers of Dade (UTD)

    The United Teachers of Dade (UTD), an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers, is a teachers’ labor union in Miami-Dade County, Florida and one of the largest and most influential local teachers’ unions in the United States.
  • Non-profit

    United Way Worldwide

    United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a philanthropic nonprofit that oversees over 1,800 local United Way groups. UWW and its affiliates are primarily devoted to providing education, healthcare, and income support for low-income individuals. Until 2016, UWW and its affiliates combined took in $5 billion, the most of any charitable federation
  • Labor Union

    United Federation of Teachers (UFT)

    The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) is a government worker union representing schoolteachers in New York City. It is an affiliate of the national American Federation of Teachers labor union as AFT Local 2 and the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and is one of the largest local unions
  • Labor Union

    United Farm Workers of America

    The United Farm Workers of America (UFW) is a labor union representing agricultural workers, mostly in the state of California. Cesar Chavez, a Mexican-American organizer and leader of the Chicano movement, founded the union; Chavez would become one of the best-known leaders of labor unionism in the 20th century through
  • Labor Union

    United Educators of San Francisco

    United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) is a teachers’ union that advocates for far-left policies in San Francisco’s public-school system and conducts collective bargaining with the school district. It supports left-of-center racial and identity narratives, making merit-based standardized testing optional, and promoting alternative “forms of student achievement data” that promote