Search results for ‘American Enterprise Institute’

  • Non-profit

    William E. Simon Foundation

    The William E. Simon Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation that intends to help inner-city youth and families gain greater access to education and other community-based services. The Foundation’s goal is to empower families to find independence and personal success so they may more fully participate in a free, democratic
  • Non-profit

    Howard Charitable Foundation

    The Howard Charitable Foundation was formed in 1999 in Seattle, Washington. 13 The foundation’s namesake, Robert S. Howard, was the president of Howard Publishing, a family-owned publisher of 16 daily newspapers.
  • Non-profit

    Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

    The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (EMKF) is a major philanthropic foundation primarily focused in the Kansas City area. EMKF funds some left-of-center groups and a few right-of-center groups, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute. EMKF has more than $2.5 billion in assets.
  • Non-profit

    Chase Foundation of Virginia

    The Chase Foundation of Virginia is the philanthropy created by Derwood S. Chase, Jr., founder and chairman emeritus of Chase Investment Counsel, an investment advisory firm that also runs a mutual fund. The foundation primarily gives to center-right nonprofits and to charities in the Charlottesville, Virginia area. Derwood S. Chase,
  • Person

    George Kaiser

    George B. Kaiser, billionaire oilman and philanthropist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the owner, president, and CEO of the GBK Corporation, a holding company in the oil and natural gas industry. He is also the chairman and majority owner of BOK Financial Corporation, which owns Bank of Oklahoma.
  • Other Group

    The Patriotic Millionaires

    The Patriotic Millionaires is a group of Americans who earn more than $1 million per year and advocate for left-wing economic policies. They were organized by longtime Democratic and left-wing strategist Erica Payne with help from trial lawyer and major Democratic donor Guy Saperstein in 2010, who recruited
  • Non-profit

    Environmental Grantmakers Association

    The Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) is an organization that coordinates the distribution of grants to advance the left-of-center environmentalist movement.
  • Non-profit

    Z Smith Reynolds Foundation

    The North Carolina-based Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation (ZSR)148 utilizes legacy monies from the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco fortune to fund North Carolina-based liberal agendas and organizations. It is one of numerous foundations created in
  • Non-profit

    National Wildlife Federation

    The National Wildlife Federation is one of the nation’s largest and highest-profile environmentalist organizations. In recent years, along with its associated NWF Action Fund advocacy organization, it has transitioned from being a conservation organization representing the interests of hunters and outdoor recreation enthusiasts into a left-leaning pressure group focused on
  • Non-profit

    ClimateWorks Foundation

    The ClimateWorks Foundation is a left-of-center “pass-through” funding entity that distributes funds from donors to environmentalist advocacy groups around the world. Many of said groups lobby for climate-based policies including emissions taxes, restricting coal use, international climate treaties with strict enforcement mechanisms, and diminishing the use of cars.
  • Non-profit

    Carnegie Corporation of New York

    Andrew Carnegie founded the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1911.  The earlier nonprofits Carnegie founded, such as the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Carnegie Hero Fund, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, had narrow, limited aims. But Carnegie, who still had half his fortune when he crated the
  • Non-profit

    Turner Foundation

    The Turner Foundation is a grantmaking nonprofit associated with the family of billionaire media executive Ted Turner. The Foundation primarily supports environmental conservation efforts, but also contributes to left-of-center environmental advocacy groups. Among the Foundation’s initial goals was “developing practices and policies to curb population growth rates,” a long-running
  • Non-profit

    Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ)

    The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) is an association of journalists who cover environmental issues for mainstream and left-of-center activist media outlets. It has been criticized for aligning with environmentalist viewpoints and policy goals.
  • Non-profit

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA, sometimes styled PeTA) is one of the world’s largest, most aggressive, and most controversial animal liberation groups. The group has become notorious for aggressive campaigns against any and all human use of animals, even as it is dogged by allegations of hypocrisy
  • Non-profit

    As You Sow

    As You Sow is a left-of-center advocacy organization that engages in shareholder action to force companies to adopt various left-of-center positions and practices known by the euphemism “corporate social responsibility.” The organization buys shares in the companies to force the companies to change their positions on issues through shareholder advocacy.
  • Non-profit

    William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

    The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (also known as the Hewlett Foundation) is a private foundation established in 1966 by Hewlett-Packard co-founder William R. Hewlett, his wife Flora, and his son Walter.
  • Non-profit

    Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)

    The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based activist group that uses science policy and climate change to advocate for left-of-center policies. As an activist organization, UCS began in the late 1960s with opposition to the Vietnam War and U.S. nuclear weapons testing, later coming to oppose peaceful
  • Non-profit

    Mangrove Foundation

    The Mangrove Foundation is a subsidiary of the Atlantic Philanthropies, a private foundation created in 1982 by Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney. The Atlantic Philanthropies focuses its giving on health, social, and politically left-of-center public policy causes in Australia, Bermuda, Ireland, South Africa, the United States, and Vietnam. A philanthropic
  • Non-profit

    Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC)

    Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC or ROC-United) is one of the nation’s most prominent “worker centers,” labor-union-like organizations backed by union organizing know-how and left-of-center foundation funding. An outgrowth of a mutual-aid organization for the surviving unionized employees of the Windows on the World restaurant destroyed in the September 11th
  • Non-profit

    Pew Charitable Trusts

    The Pew Charitable Trusts is a public charity formed in 2003 from the merger of seven foundations created by the Pew family, which made its money in the oil business.  It operates the Pew Research Center as a subsidiary. Originally founded as the family foundation of conservative- and Republican-leaning