Valerie Jarrett is a Democratic Party operative who served as a senior advisor to President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 and as co-chair of the Obama-Biden Presential Transition Team following the 2008 presidential election.
The Oak Foundation (and its U.S. affiliate Oak Foundation USA) is a left-leaning environmentalist grantmaking foundation. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Oak Foundation was formed in 1983 and maintains offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Bulgaria, India, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania.
Sheldon Whitehouse (born 195579) is a Democratic politician and the junior U.S. Senator for Rhode Island, serving since 2007. 80 He
Also see Jonathan Soros (Person) The Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation (JJASF) is a grantmaking foundation created in 2009 by left-wing philanthropist Jonathan Soros and his wife, Jennifer Allan. Jonathan Soros is the chairman of the JJASF and the third child of left-leaning billionaire activist George
The Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) is a donor-advised fund provider established in 1958 that manages funds for 2,700 separate charitable individuals, families and organizations. 187
Bill Clinton is a Democratic politician who served as President of the United States from January 20, 1993 until January 20, 2001. He is the husband of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the father of Chelsea Clinton. In December 1998 he was impeached by
Fenton Communications is a left-of-center public relations firm founded by David Fenton. The firm has represented governments, nonprofits, and for-profit companies, including the government of Nicaragua, the New Georgia Project, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Color of Change, MoveOn, and Johnson and Johnson. In 2014, the
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private nonprofit grantmaking organization that supports the development of democratic institutions around the world. Though formally private, the NED is almost entirely funded by the U.S. Congress. Annually, the NED distributes more than 2,000 grants with an average value of $50,000 in more
The JPB Foundation is a private foundation created by Barbara Picower in 2011. It is one of the largest grant-making foundations in the United States. 349 Focused on medical, environmental, and poverty issues, the
International Rivers is a nonprofit environmentalist organization. Founded in 1985, the organization has supported the concept of “environmental personhood” and has received funding from the Open Society Foundations, the private philanthropic enterprise of billionaire left-of-center financial-industry billionaire and political donor George Soros. International Rivers has opposed the use
The Hopewell Fund is a 501(c)(3) funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit managed by Arabella Advisors, a Washington, D.C.-based philanthropy consulting firm. The Hopewell Fund manages a number of left-of-center single-issue advocacy groups, including the Economic Security Project and pro-Obamacare Get America Covered. The Hopewell Fund often operates alongside its “sister” nonprofits, primarily
Association for Union Democracy (AUD) is a pro-union advocacy group focused on improving the internal governance of American labor unions. 450 AUD was founded in 1969 by
Apple, Inc. is an American computer and technology company. Apple has been a leader in consumer electronics innovation for almost fifty years, drawing praise for its aesthetic-oriented product design led by co-founder Steve Jobs and its groundbreaking computing advances led by co-founder Steve Wozniak.
The National Coalition of Black Civic Participation (sometimes called the National Coalition or NCBCP) is an advocacy group that focuses on increasing voter turnout and activism among African Americans and other underserved communities. The organization also professes to promote left-of-center social and economic policy under the guise of “social and
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR) is a civil-rights-focused left-of-center organization based in Washington, D.C. It serves as an umbrella organization for over 200 mostly left-wing organizations which lobby and advocate before Congress and other federal agencies on legislation and Presidential appointments to the executive departments and
The Gathering for Justice is a far-left criminal justice advocacy group that was created in 2005 by radical activist, singer, and actor Harry Belafonte. Its focuses on the development of left-of-center activists through organizing courses, and it seeks to end juvenile incarceration. While the group itself doesn’t engage in
Michael Vachon serves as a spokesman for billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros and as Chairman of the Soros Fund Management. 588 He is active on the
The Reason Foundation is a libertarian public policy think tank that promotes individual liberty, free markets, and limited government. 608 The Reason Foundation advocates for consumer freedom, school choice, and government reform.
The National Center for Public Policy Research is center-right think tank based in Washington, D.C. The Center advocates in support of policies in accordance with the principles of free markets, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. While the Center focuses on a number of issues, including environmental, fiscal, and defense policy,
The William H. Donner Foundation is a family foundation controlled by 29 descendants of William Henry Donner (1864-1953). Although best known for its grants to center-right advocacy organizations, it appears to have reduced this grantmaking in the past decade to increase grants for animal protection and environmentalist causes. History Donner