Search results for ‘American Enterprise Institute’

  • Non-profit

    Commentary Inc.

    Commentary Inc. is the publisher of Commentary, a monthly opinion magazine that was founded in 1945 by the American Jewish Committee. Commentary has consistently focused its content on American intellectual life, covering topics like the fate of democracy, the future of Jewish people and culture in Israel, the U.S., and
  • For-profit

    Fiscal Note

    Fiscal Note (sometimes written as FiscalNote) is a publicly traded software and programming company that compiles and summarizes laws and regulations. Its clients include for-profit companies, nonprofit advocacy groups, lobbying firms, nongovernmental organizations, and others. Fiscal Note is based in Washington, D.C., with offices in the United Kingdom, Belgium, India,
  • Non-profit

    Parent Choice Inc.

    Parent Choice Inc. supports the work of School Choice Wisconsin and other advocacy groups that seek to expand school choice options for families. 26 Parent Choice has
  • Person

    Glenn Singleton

    Glenn Singleton is a consultant and author who provides race-focused education, training, and consulting for schools, colleges and universities, government entities, and corporate clients in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Singleton’s work is based on the premise that the gap between Black student performance and white student
  • Non-profit

    Civic Works

    Civic Works is a social media platform dedicated to left-of-center political activism. It distributes civic action announcements and serves as a communication platform for activist organizations. Based in Los Angeles, California, Civic Works is led by George A. Polisner.
  • Non-profit

    Tawani Foundation

    The Tawani Foundation is a grantmaking institution founded by Jennifer Pritzker, a member of the Pritzker business and political family who is said to be the first openly transgender billionaire. The organization promotes LGBT programs and funds education and historic preservation.
  • Person

    Cristina Sinclaire

    Cristina Sinclaire is a career left-of-center activist working as a partner at Democratic-aligned polling firm Clarity Campaign Labs who also sits on the board of the Center for Tech and Civic Life. Career After graduating from the University of San Francisco in 2006 with degrees in sociology and criminology,
  • Movement

    The Twitter Files

    In late November 2022, billionaire Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk announced he would be releasing “The Twitter Files on free speech suppression.” He allowed six independent journalists, many of them with left-leaning backgrounds, access to internal Twitter documents and communications covering a period beginning in 2016 when
  • Non-profit

    Club for Growth

    The Club for Growth (CFG) is an economically conservative advocacy group with a claimed national network of over 500,000 Americans who support economic freedom. CFG advocates for policies that support principles of free enterprise and limited government.
  • Non-profit

    Philadelphia Society

    The Philadelphia Society is a right-of-center membership organization that intends to strengthen the intellectual foundations, principles and traditions of what it calls a “free and ordered society.” The Philadelphia Society allows for an exchange of ideas through writing and discussion on a range of issues that include economics, policy, religion,
  • Non-profit

    Committee to Unleash Prosperity

    The Committee to Unleash Prosperity is a nonpartisan organization that advocates for supply-side economics and seeks to educate policy makers and the public about increasing economic growth. 368 The Committee to Unleash Prosperity
  • Non-profit


    DonorsTrust is a donor-advised fund that gives to right-leaning public policy organizations. An affiliated fund, the Donors Capital Fund, offers more support to donors who contribute more than $1 million to the fund. Background DonorsTrust is a donor-advised fund that donates to right-leaning public policy organizations. The fund was created
  • Person

    Mutulu Shakur

    Mutulu Shakur (born Jeral Wayne Williams) is an American activist who led far-left Black nationalist and separatist groups in the late 1960s and 1970s. He co-founded the Republic of New Afrika Movement, was a member of New Afrikan Independence Movement, and worked in collaboration with the Black Panther Party.
  • Person

    Jessica McKellar

    Jessica McKellar is a San Francisco-based technology executive who is the founder and chief technology officer of 404 In 2022, McKellar donated $100,000 to oppose the recall of controversial San Francisco District Attorney
  • Government Agency

    Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

    Known as the Bureau of Investigation until 1935, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was created within the Department of Justice in 1908, in defiance of a prior refusal by Congress to fund it. One lawmaker had predicted that the Bureau would become a “central police or spy system
  • Person

    Michael Steele

    Michael Steele is a Republican politician and pundit who formerly served as the lieutenant governor of Maryland and as chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Steele is considered an economic conservative and gained popularity as an African American conservative. However, his tenure as chairman of the RNC was
  • For-profit


    EAB is a consulting firm that conducts research on the efficacy of school operations and advances left-progressive ideology in educational institutions nationwide. The company was founded in 2007 as the Education Advisory Board, a division of the Advisory Board Company, and shortened its name to EAB in 2014.
  • Non-profit

    Minding the Campus

    Minding the Campus is an opinion website focused on exposing and finding approaches to reduce the divide that exists between American college campuses and American society, especially as it relates to intellectual exchange. 663
  • Non-profit

    Impact Justice

    Impact Justice is a left-of-center advocacy group that claims that the U.S. criminal justice system needs to be overhauled and works to find alternatives to incarceration. The leaders of Impact Justice have stated that prison and jail are a “direct legacy of slavery,” and consider Jim Crow laws and mass
  • Non-profit

    The CO2 Coalition

    The CO2 Coalition is a right-of-center advocacy organization that educates policy makers and the general public about the importance of carbon dioxide to our lives and the U.S. economy. The Coalition intends to be part of the current discussion about climate change, including the role that humans play, climate models’