Minyon Moore is a Democratic strategist who was the chief operating officer of the Democratic National Committee, 1 the former director of White House political affairs in the Clinton administration, 2 and a principal at the political consulting organization Dewey Square Group. Moore has been described as a “confidant” to Vice President Kamala Harris, and Harris asked Moore to lead the way in assembling the vice-presidential office. 2
In the summer of 2013, Hillary Clinton was preparing for a 2016 presidential campaign and met with a handful of aides to discuss strategy. 3 Politico described the meeting as the only presentation related to her bid to become president by anyone outside her immediate circle and stated the meeting was organized by Moore. 3 She was described in January 2014 by Politico as Hillary Clinton’s “political eyes and ears.” 3
Moore is part of a group of five African-American women that have risen to the top of Democratic politics that includes Donna Brazile, Leah Daughtry, Yolanda Caraway, and Tina Flournoy who refer to themselves as the “colored girls.” 4 The name originated from Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign when four of the women moved over to work with Michael Dukakis’ campaign. 5 The leaders of the campaign were going to be moved to another floor of the hotel without including the women so they taped a handwritten sign on the door that read, “COLORED GIRLS … WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED.” 5 Vanity Fair described Moore in 2015 as “a key liaison with the African-American community.” 6
In 2013, Moore was reportedly the focus of a criminal corruption investigation in which two men, most notably D.C. local political fixer Jeffrey Thompson, pleaded guilty to criminal charges. 7 Moore had allegedly established “street teams” for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign in four states. The teams distributed political campaign material that was funded by money that was not reported to the federal government. 7 Moore denied wrongdoing, claiming she was “unaware of any inappropriate activities,” and no official action was taken against her. 8
Moore was born May 16, 1958, and is from Chicago, Illinois. She is a former advertising associate at Encyclopedia Britannica. 2 She started in politics as a youth organizer for Harold Washington’s mayoral campaign in Chicago. 2 Moore became the field director for Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign. 2
Moore left her job as chief operating officer of the Democratic National Committee in July 2020 to accept a position as head of intergovernmental affairs with Dewey Square Group. 9
Defense of Vice Presidency
In the summer of 2021, Axios reported that Democratic insiders were concerned that Harris may not be the heir to the presidency due to “a torrent of bad press, messaging, and poor polling numbers.” 10 The belief that Harris would use the vice presidency to propel her own run to be president “has taken a hit,” Sinclair Broadcast News reported in August 2021. 10
Axios reported that Moore was part of a group of the Democratic Party’s “most influential women” who met for dinner in July 2021 in Washington, D.C., to develop strategy on how to defend Harris and Flournoy who had faced “a torrent of bad press” of Biden administration officials questioning her judgment and reports of “rampant dysfunction” in the vice president’s office. 11
Jeffrey Thompson
The Washington Post reported that Moore was the focus of a federal corruption investigation in 2013. 7 Investigators were examining whether Moore had personally sought and secured money to pay for an illegal shadow operation to boost Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, according to the Washington Post. 12
Washington, D.C., businessman Jeffrey Thompson was alleged to have given more than $600,000 to fund “secret get-out-the-vote” efforts in at least four primary states to help Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign. 7 Thompson’s $600,000 contribution was not publicly disclosed as election laws required. 13 Investigators were focused on the role of Moore in setting up “street teams” that would distribute stickers, signs, and promotional materials in Texas, Indiana, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. 13
The Washington Post reported the court filings used internal emails and other details that portrayed Moore “as a central player” who asked Thompson to pay for the illegal operation and then provided the street teams company run by Troy White with internal campaign strategy. 12
Moore provided White’s New York marketing consultant that created the “street teams” with confidential internal campaign documents and the itinerary and schedule for a “high-profile” person who was coming to Texas to campaign for Hillary Clinton. 2
White pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor tax charge and Thompson pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy charges. 12 No official action was taken against Moore, who reportedly cooperated with investigators and denied wrongdoing claiming she was “unaware of any inappropriate activities.” 14
- Robin Bravender. “How DC’s Ultimate Version Of The #KHive Is Swarming To Defend Vice President Kamala Harris”; Business Insider. Aug. 31, 2021. https://www.businessinsider.com/kamala-harris-khive-defenders-democratic-women-2021-8
- Alex Thompson. Tina Sfondeles. “The Quiet Force In Harris Land”; Politico. June 29, 2021. Accessed Oct. 29, 2021. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/west-wing-playbook/2021/06/29/the-quiet-force-in-harris-land-493417
- Maggie Haberman. “Hillary Clinton’s Shadow Campaign”; Politico. Jan. 5, 2014. Accessed Oct. 29, 2021. . https://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/hillary-clinton-2016-shadow-campaign-101762
- Jada Smith. “As Part Of Political Elite, 5 ‘Colored Girls’ Carry A Torch For Inclusion”; New York Times. March 5, 2015. Accessed Oct. 30, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/06/us/politics/at-height-of-politics-5-colored-girls-carry-torch-for-inclusion.html
- Jonathan Capehart. “Opinion: Meet The ‘Colored Girls,’ The Hidden Figures In American Politics”; Washington Post. Feb. 12, 2019. Accessed Oct. 30, 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/02/12/meet-colored-girls-hidden-figures-american-politics/
- [1] Sarah Ellison. “How Hillary Clinton’s Loyal Confidants Could Cost Her The Election”; Vanity Fair. November 2015. Accessed Oct. 27, 2021. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/10/hillary-clinton-inside-circle-huma-abedin
- Philip Rucker. Matea Gold. Ann Marimow. “Investigators Probe Jeffrey E. Thompson’s Possible Role In Clinton’s 2008 Campaign”; Washington Post. Sept. 12, 2013. Accessed Oct. 27, 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/investigators-probe-jeffrey-e-thompsons-possible-role-in-clintons-2008-campaign/2013/09/12/1faaa992-1bb8-11e3-a628-7e6dde8f889d_story.html
- [1] Nuckols, Ben. “Jeffrey Thompson Sentenced for His Part in Alleged Shadow Campaign for Former Mayor Gray.” WJLA. WJLA, August 15, 2016. https://wjla.com/news/local/jeffrey-thompson-sentenced-for-his-part-in-alleged-shadow-campaign-for-former-mayor-gray.
- Washington Post. “Minyon Moore Leaving DNC”; July 15, 2002. Accessed Oct. 26, 2021.
- Christopher White. “Kamala Harris’ Poor Polling Numbers, Bad Press Raise Red Flags Among Democratic Insiders”; Sinclair Broadcast Group. Aug. 9, 2021. Accessed Oct. 31, 2021. https://katv.com/news/nation-world/kamala-harris-poor-polling-numbers-bad-press-raise-red-flags-among-democratic-insiders
- Jonathan Swan. Axios. “Scoop: Inside A Kamala Harris Crisis Dinner”; Axios. Aug. 5, 2021. Accessed Oct. 29, 2021. https://www.axios.com/kamala-harris-press-coverage-crisis-dinner-7139cfc7-754b-42aa-a411-95716273dbb0.html
- Matea Gold. Rosalind Helderman. “Hillary Clinton Adviser Minyon Moore Sought Funds For Illegal Campaign, Court Papers Allege”; Washington Post. March 11, 2014. Accessed Oct. 27, 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-adviser-minyon-moore-sought-funds-for-illegal-campaign-court-papers-say/2014/03/11/753dcfc2-a931-11e3-8d62-419db477a0e6_story.html
- [1] Philip Rucker. Matea Gold. Ann Marimow. “Investigators Probe Jeffrey E. Thompson’s Possible Role In Clinton’s 2008 Campaign”; Washington Post. Sept. 12, 2013. Accessed Oct. 27, 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/investigators-probe-jeffrey-e-thompsons-possible-role-in-clintons-2008-campaign/2013/09/12/1faaa992-1bb8-11e3-a628-7e6dde8f889d_story.html
- Nuckols, Ben. “Jeffrey Thompson Sentenced for His Part in Alleged Shadow Campaign for Former Mayor Gray.” WJLA. WJLA, August 15, 2016. https://wjla.com/news/local/jeffrey-thompson-sentenced-for-his-part-in-alleged-shadow-campaign-for-former-mayor-gray.