Partnership Project is a left-of-center environmentalist advocacy group that consists of a collaboration of 20 environmental groups, including some of the largest environmentalist organizations in the country. It is governed by a 20-member board of directors and a 10-member executive committee.
The Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ, sometimes styled AfGJ) is an organizing group that serves as a fiscal sponsor to numerous left-wing initiatives, among them Refuse Fascism,
The National Wildlife Federation is one of the nation’s largest and highest-profile environmentalist organizations. In recent years, along with its associated NWF Action Fund advocacy organization, it has transitioned from being a conservation organization representing the interests of hunters and outdoor recreation enthusiasts into a left-leaning pressure group focused on
The James Irvine Foundation is a California non-profit donor organization with a history of donations to left-of-center labor union activist organizations such as the National Employment Law Project, left-of-center immigration advocates such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and anti-energy organizations such as the
The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights is a left-of-center strategy and action center based in Oakland, California. The Center focuses on prison policy and promoting development in economically and socially struggling communities. 181 The
The ClimateWorks Foundation is a left-of-center “pass-through” funding entity that distributes funds from donors to environmentalist advocacy groups around the world. Many of said groups lobby for climate-based policies including emissions taxes, restricting coal use, international climate treaties with strict enforcement mechanisms, and diminishing the use of cars.
Center for Social Inclusion (CSI) is a left-of-center social justice advocacy group that advocates for centering racial identity politics in policy activism. In 2017, the group merged with the left-of-center group Race Forward, which has a similar mission focused on race and identity, though both groups still submit separate tax
Andrew Carnegie founded the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1911. The earlier nonprofits Carnegie founded, such as the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Carnegie Hero Fund, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, had narrow, limited aims. But Carnegie, who still had half his fortune when he crated the
James E. Casey (1888-1983), the founder of United Parcel Service, and his family created the Annie E. Casey Foundation in 1948. When Casey died, the foundation received much of his estate, and the endowment doubled when, in 1999, UPS raised $5.47 billion from an initial public offering. The Annie E.
Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights. The organization claims to have over 7 million members and supporters around the world. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) is the American branch and the largest section of Amnesty International (AI), a London-based international advocacy organization.
The Alliance for Justice (AFJ) is a left-of-center legal policy coalition composed of over 100 organizations. The group is best known for the Judicial Selection Project, which seeks to promote left-wing and Democratic-appointed judges while defeating conservative and Republican-appointed judges.
The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation (STBF) is one of the charitable entities associated with billionaire Berkshire Hathaway investor Warren Buffett, who funds the Foundation. Founded in 1964 as the Buffett Foundation, STBF was later renamed for Warren’s late first wife Susan, whose estate granted the Foundation over $2 billion.
The Surdna Foundation is an advocacy and endowment management foundation464 funded by a contribution from capitalist businessman turned U.S. Representative John Andrus (R-N.Y.) in 1917. The Foundation has moved away from its
The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) is an association of journalists who cover environmental issues for mainstream and left-of-center activist media outlets. It has been criticized for aligning with environmentalist viewpoints and policy goals.
The Scholars Strategy Network (SSN) is a nationwide collective of researchers, college professors, and other academic figures which aims to influence government legislation and media coverage of the causes it supports. SSN was founded in 2011 by Harvard University sociology professor Theda Skocpol and is based in Boston, Massachusetts.
Race Forward (also known as the Applied Research Center) is a left-of-center organization that advocates for a variety of race and other identity-based issues as well as environmental issues. The organization hosts conferences in support of left-of-center racial and identity-politics efforts and publishes the magazine and online media outlet Colorlines.
The Proteus Fund is a center-left “pass-through” funder and donor-advised fund provider. Since the Fund’s creation in 1995, Proteus has routed hundreds of millions of dollars from major grantmaking foundations and anonymous donors on the Left to activist groups targeting issues including legalizing same-sex marriage, reducing religious freedom to dissent
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA, sometimes styled PeTA) is one of the world’s largest, most aggressive, and most controversial animal liberation groups. The group has become notorious for aggressive campaigns against any and all human use of animals, even as it is dogged by allegations of hypocrisy
Faith in Action (formerly PICO National Network) is a national network of left-leaning faith-based community organizations in the United States. The organization is headquartered in Oakland, California, with additional offices in San Diego and Washington, D.C. It claims to be the largest organization of its kind in America. Its focus
The NoVo Foundation is the private foundation controlled by Peter Buffett, son of investor and left-of-center philanthropist Warren Buffett, and Peter’s wife Jennifer. Warren provided the initial donation of 350,000 shares of Berkshire Hathaway valued at $1 billion