Search results for ‘Democracy Alliance’

  • Non-profit

    New Economy Coalition

    New Economy Coalition (NEC), formerly known as the New Economic Institute, is a network of 209 (as of May 2020) nonprofit organizations that support left-wing economic goals. 1 The NEC coordinates the activities of its
  • Non-profit

    Institute for Policy Studies

    The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) is a left-of-center think tank and advocacy group that is active on a variety of public policy issues. It operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, with 2020 revenues totaling approximately $6.9 million. Since 2021, its executive director has been Tope Folarin.
  • Non-profit

    Emerald Cities Collaborative

    Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC) is an environmentalist advocacy group that coordinates projects to retrofit houses with energy-saving equipment across the United States and advocates for the expansion of federal environmental programs.
  • Non-profit

    Asia Society

    Asia Society is a New York City-based international nonprofit with a focus on left-of-center topics such as sustainability 310 and climate policy in U.S.-Asia relations.
  • Other Group

    Occupy Wall Street

    Occupy Wall Street (OWS) was a protest demonstration that took place in lower Manhattan, from September 17 through November 15, 2011.367 The New York “occupation,”
  • Non-profit

    Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)

    The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is a left-wing litigation and advocacy group focused on immigration, election procedure, and Census and demographic interest issues. Founded in the late 1960s with extensive financial support from the left-wing Ford Foundation which continues through the present day, MALDEF is
  • Other Group

    Lawyers for Good Government

    Lawyers for Good Government was formed in immediate reaction to the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. The morning after election night, Traci Feit Love, a Harvard Law graduate
  • Non-profit

    Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

    The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a far-left political activist group in the United States, and the largest socialist organization in the country with approximately 78,000 members as of August 2023.
  • Political Party/527

    Communist Party USA (CPUSA)

    The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) is a minor left-wing political party in the United States that was created in 1921 as the result of a forced merger between two rival communist factions, each founded in 1919. As of 2014 it reported only a few
  • Non-profit

    Center for Health and Gender Equity Inc. (CHANGE)

    Center for Health and Gender Equity Inc. (CHANGE) is an organization that claims to hold the United States accountable for commitments relating to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). CHANGE affirms a “right to access quality health care services” that includes contraception and abortion.
  • Non-profit

    Center for Emergent Diplomacy

    Center for Emergent Diplomacy is a left-of-center group that formulates and recommends policies related to environmentalism and “holistic” living as a utopian alternative to the current model of civilization. 676 Activities Center for Emergent Diplomacy is
  • Non-profit

    Bend the Arc Jewish Action

    Bend the Arc Jewish Action is a left-of-center advocacy group and electoral organization that focuses on racial discrimination and championing progressive policies at all levels of government. The organization believes that American Jews are under immediate threat from white supremacists who have been “inspired and emboldened” by the Republican Party.
  • Person

    Jared Polis

    Jared Polis is a liberal politician, internet businessman, and political donor. From 2009 to 2018, he served as the Democratic U.S. Representative for Colorado’s 2nd district, which is dominated by the university town of Boulder. In the 2018 midterm election, Polis was elected governor of Colorado. Polis earned a fortune
  • Non-profit

    Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

    Vanguard Charitable is the fourth-largest manager of donor-advised funds (DAFs) and the 17th largest grantmaking organization in the United States as of 2017. 756 Founded by the commercial investment firm Vanguard in
  • Non-profit

    VoteVets Action Fund

    VoteVets Action Fund is the 501(c)4 arm of VoteVets, a left-leaning group identified with current and former military members that focuses on advancing left-of-center policies related to the environment, gay and lesbian rights, immigration, and labor. The action fund works primarily on advocacy of those issues in the political
  • Non-profit

    NEO Philanthropy Action Fund

    NEO Philanthropy Action Fund (formerly Public Interest Projects Action Fund) is the lobbying and election-related advocacy arm of left-of-center funding pass-through NEO Philanthropy (formerly Public Interest Projects). It provides financial support to left-of-center lobbying and election-related advocacy groups including Asian Americans Advancing Justice, NextGen Climate Action, and
  • Non-profit

    Health Care for America Now (HCAN)

    Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is a center-left issue advocacy organization focused on healthcare issues. It is credited with playing a significant role in creating the blueprint for the law that became Obamacare,
  • Non-profit

    New York Communities for Change (NYCC)

    New York Communities for Change (NYCC) is a New York City-based labor and community organizing group. NYCC is a key agitation force behind the Service Employees International Union’s (SEIU) “Fight for $15” union organizing efforts, and has received over $7 million from SEIU and its local unions alone
  • Non-profit

    Community Change Action

    Community Change Action (formerly the Campaign for Community Change), the advocacy and political counterpart to the Center for Community Change, is an advocacy and grantmaking organization that supports liberal expansionist immigration policies and increase child-care and housing subsidies. Background In 1968, Community Change Action’s charitable counterpart, Community Change
  • Non-profit

    National Jobs for All Coalition

    The National Jobs for All Coalition is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Lynbrook, New York. The organization is known for its advocacy of far-left economic policies such as a $15 minimum wage, higher taxes, and a guaranteed annual income for all Americans.