The National Lawyers Guild is a radical-left association of attorneys, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers. Founded from late 1936 to early 1937, the Guild has consistently been identified with radical-left groups and political orientations throughout its history. In its early years the National Lawyers Guild was significantly influenced
National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) is a network of labor unions and labor advocacy nonprofits. The network exists to advise its member groups on strategy and on the mobilization and organization of day laborers and their supporters within the wider organized labor movement.
Midwest Academy is a prominent national training center for left-of-center activists. It has hosted training sessions around the United States since its founding in 1973. 170 The Academy claims to have trained more 25,000 activists across
The Miami Workers Center (MWC) is a left-of-center labor advocacy organization funded by George Soros’s Open Society Network. 176 MWC was founded by Tony Romano and Gihan Perera, left-wing professional
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the “world’s oldest and largest conservation body,” is a multi-national environmentalist coalition of governments, NGOs, corporations, and other organizations dedicated to global conservation efforts. The IUCN launches and funds a wide range of conservation projects around the world, usually in partnership
Labor Union
International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is a labor union representing fire fighters and other government workers based in Washington, D.C. 208 IAFF is a
Labor Union
The Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO is a Rock Tavern, New York-based labor union federation that serves as a local affiliate of the AFL-CIO (AFL-CIO). In February 2021, the federation hosted a virtual event that featured participants who advocated for expelling police unions from the AFL-CIO and other
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) sponsors initiatives that advance left-of-center causes, particularly those that it claims will benefit Black voters, and that trains policymakers and activists who support these policies. Founded in 1976, the foundation is affiliated with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), an alliance of Black Democratic members
The Center for International Policy is a non-profit public policy research and advocacy think tank with offices in Washington, D.C. and New York City. It was founded in 1975 in response to the Vietnam War. Funding Donors to CIP Between 1999 and 2018, CIP received over $20 million from foundations:
CASA de Maryland (also called CASA) is a left-of-center 501(c)(3) immigration advocacy organization that helps immigrants, most often of Central American extraction, find employment, regardless of their legal status in the United States. CASA’s executive director has told workers he will never turn their names over to federal immigration officials.
Association for Union Democracy (AUD) is a pro-union advocacy group focused on improving the internal governance of American labor unions. 290 AUD was founded in 1969 by
Resource Generation (RG) is a left-of-center organization which organizes and encourages wealthy young people to “devote a portion of their financial assets to left-of-center causes.”
The Jewish Farm School (JFS) was a nonprofit gardening and agriculture training center based in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area until it shut down in 2019. Founded in 2005, the school aimed to teach farming skills as part of a broader project to instill its variety of Jewish values and environmentalist
The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) is a left-of-center think tank and advocacy group that is active on a variety of public policy issues. It operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, with 2020 revenues totaling approximately $6.9 million. Since 2021, its executive director has been Tope Folarin.
Grassroots International (GI) is a left-of-center environmental advocacy and grantmaking nonprofit organization. Grassroots International provides grants to groups in developing counties and funds organizations that are anti-capitalist, groups that oppose the United States as an imperial power, groups that hold that there is a white supremacy problem in the world,
The Endangered Species Coalition is a left-of-center environmentalist and animal liberation coalition. The coalition is comprised of leaders from environmentalist non-profits, executive agency employees, university professors, representatives of environmentalist-aligned investment firms, and consulting firms. 656 The Endangered Species Coalition advances
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) is an environmentalist think tank and policy advocacy organization focused on left-of-center climate policies moving toward a zero-emission environment. Its issue areas include development of advanced nuclear energy, carbon capture, reduction in methane emissions, and increased emissions regulation for conventional power plants. CATF works with
Other Group
Berks Gas Truth is a local activist group in eastern Pennsylvania that protests natural gas drilling and pipelines. 694 Berks Gas Truth has partnered with a wide range of
Auburn Seminary is a nondenominational religious seminary that is affiliated with the theologically liberal Presbyterian Church USA. It is tied to left-wing religious movements and left-of-center social justice advocacy. The seminary, unlike most other seminaries, does not offer undergraduate degrees or train pastors to minister to their flocks. Instead,
Muslim Community Network (MCN) is an advocacy organization based in New York City. It primarily acts as an educational group that aims to promote tolerance toward Islam and Muslims, but also advocates left-of-center legislation concerning hate speech, affordable housing, and immigration. Background Muslim Community Network was founded in 2003 to