Search results for ‘wellspring philanthropic ’

  • Non-profit

    Sequoia Climate Fund

    The Sequoia Climate Foundation (also known as the Sequoia Climate Fund) is donor to left-leaning climate advocacy groups that was created in 2020 as a spinoff from the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund. In a February 2023 report, Inside Philanthropy declared Sequoia was a “new giant climate change philanthropy” and
  • Other Group

    Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD)

    Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) is a left-of-center advocacy group that claims to represent and advocate for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Muslims. The group purports to challenge capitalism, and xenophobia and to support LGBT Muslims with resources, digital programming, conferences, and promoting
  • Non-profit


    MediaJustice (formerly Center for Media Justice) is a left-of-center activist group that opposes corporate media mergers and advocates for control of the media by minority racial, gender, and socioeconomic groups. The organization was formally founded in 2009 by Malkia Devich-Cyril, Amy Sonnie, and Jen Soriano.
  • Non-profit

    Fair Representation in Redistricting

    Fair Representation in Redistricting (FRR) is a coalition of left-of-center donors and foundations that aims to influence how states draw legislative and congressional maps in order to favor likely Democratic voters. It is a project of the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit in Arabella Advisors’ multi-billion-dollar network.
  • Non-profit

    International Disability Alliance (IDA)

    International Disability Alliance (IDA) is a Geneva-based alliance of 14 global and regional organizations that represent persons with disabilities. 24 IDA stands “in solidarity” with the critical race theory-influenced “anti-racism” movement.
  • Non-profit

    Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)

    Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an internationally focused feminist advocacy organization. It has endorsed liberal expansionist immigration policies, legalizing prostitution and other sex work, legalizing abortion,
  • Other Group

    Law for Black Lives (L4BL)

    Law for Black Lives (L4BL) is a self-described “political organization” 60 that includes more than “6,000 radical lawyers, legal workers, and law students.”
  • Non-profit

    Labor Innovations for the 21st Century

    Labor Innovations for the 21st Century (LIFT Fund) was founded under the direction of the late former AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka to support organized labor’s efforts to bring non-union-controlled worker groups across the country under the influence and eventual control of the AFL-CIO and its member unions.
  • Non-profit

    Environmental Defender Law Center

    Environmental Defender Law Center (EDLC) is a grantmaking organization that provides legal assistance and funds to environmentalist activists in developing countries that oppose business activities and laws deemed to be anti-environment. EDLC has funded projects that oppose mining, dams, and large-scale farming and that support other environmentalist causes. History Environmental
  • Non-profit

    Concord Fund

    The Concord Fund, formerly titled the Judicial Crisis Network, is a right-of-center judicial advocacy group. The group supports the confirmation of right-leaning judges who support the judicial philosophy of “originalism,” which holds that judicial interpretation should rely on the original meaning of legal texts rather than contemporary social or political
  • Non-profit

    International Trans Fund

    The International Trans Fund (ITF) is a left-of-center grantmaking project that provides funding to small transgender activism organizations around the world. ITF is a project of the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (Astraea), a left-of-center grantmaking organization focused on LGBT issues.
  • Non-profit

    Edge Funders Alliance

    The Edge Funders Alliance is an affinity funding network formed by the merger of Grantmakers without Borders and the Funders Network on Transforming the Global Economy.
  • Non-profit

    Highlander Research and Education Center

    Highlander Research and Education Center is a left-of-center training organization that focuses on social and economic justice, environmentalism, and grassroots movements, especially in Appalachia and the American South. It is one of the seminal institutions of the modern American left, with roots going back to the New Deal and the
  • Other Group

    Democracy Funders Collaborative

    Democracy Funders Collaborative Census Subgroup, sometimes abbreviated to Democracy Funders Collaborative, is an unofficial group of left-of-center grantmakers that assembled in 2015 to strategize activism surrounding the 2020 Census count. Democracy Funders Collaborative is currently chaired by Adam Ambrogi of the Democracy Fund and Ilona Prucha of the
  • Non-profit

    The Appeal

    The Appeal is a left-of-center media outlet primarily reporting on criminal justice issues created by Tides Advocacy, an organization that incubates and financially supports left-of-center organizations. The group became independent in November 2021 after Tides and the group’s executive director shut down the group in June 2021 following a unionization
  • Person

    Jennifer Flanagan

    Jennifer “Jenny” Flanagan is a left-of-center activist who previously served as Deputy Secretary of State for Colorado, a position she held from January 2019 until approximately early March 2020. Flanagan specializes in election policy and is the former vice president of state operations in Colorado for Common Cause, a
  • Non-profit

    Trusted Elections Fund

    The Trusted Elections Fund is a funding collaborative for center-left donors to coordinate grants to advocacy nonprofits ahead of the 2020 election. The Fund is a project of the New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created and managed by Arabella Advisors, a Washington, DC-based for-profit consultancy that caters
  • Non-profit

    Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy

    The Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy (CAELP) is a left-of-center climate policy advocacy organization that supports stronger climate regulations on energy and businesses.285 It was formerly a
  • Person

    Andrew Shechtel

    Andrew Shechtel is a hedge fund manager and a co-founder of the major center-left funder Wellspring Philanthropic Fund (formerly “Matan B’Seter Foundation”). Early Life and Career Princeton-Newport Partners Andrew Shechtel is an alumnus of Johns Hopkins University and graduated with a degree in math and political economy at the
  • Person

    Joyce Malombe

    Joyce Malombe is a senior program officer for the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund’s International Children’s Education program, a position she has held since 2012. Prior to that, she was an independent nonprofit development consultant. 320 She also