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San Francisco, CA


Abortion Advocacy Organization




Morgan Love-Dorji

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Reprocare is an abortion-advocacy hotline assisting women with finding abortion providers, resources, and funding. Reprocare has made public statements that having an abortion can be “great” 1 and has affirmed “abortions for all.” 2 Reprocare’s hotline works with partner groups that provide online abortion pills, identifies nearby abortion clinics, assists in funding abortions, and provides information on other pro-abortion groups.


Reprocare began in 2019 as an abortion-telemedicine organization that provided a hotline to assist finding abortion providers, online take-at-home abortion pills, and other resources. It does further work in advocacy, media, and political theory. 3

During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, a federal appeals court struck down the rule that patients seeking abortion pills must pick them up at a local pharmacy and ruled they could be delivered through the mail. 4 In January 2021, the Supreme Court reinstated the rule that pills must be picked up at pharmacies. 5 In April 2021, the Food and Drug Administration issued a new rule that patients could use telemedicine and have pills shipped directly in the mail. 6 Reprocare continued operating throughout, as it only advises on abortions and does not distribute abortion pills. 7


Reprocare supports greater access to abortion, stating it confronts racial and economic injustice. 8 The hotline provides information and resources on how to obtain pills for at-home abortions and provides emotional support to people seeking an abortion at a clinic or at home. 9 Reprocare has advocated for abortions stating, “abortion is okay. Great even.” 10 Reprocare has stated, “No shame! No stigma! Abortions for All!” 11

Reprocare has stated that Roe v. Wade was always the floor and at home abortions allows greater access to abortion. 12 Reprocare stated that the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe was horrible, wrong, and extremely harmful. 13 Reprocare has also supported left-of-center policies on illegal immigration. 14

Partner Organizations

Reprocare has partnered with and provided resources from other pro-abortion groups such as M + A Hotline, which provides anonymous medical information from providers on abortions and miscarriage; Plan C, which provides information and resources on getting abortion pills through telemedicine; I Need An Abortion, which provides information on how to get an abortion and local laws; Repro Legal Hotline, which advises on legal rights regarding self-managed abortions; National Network of Abortion Funds, which provides financial assistance to obtain an abortion; All Options, which provides support to those thinking of getting an abortion; Shout Your Abortion, which allows people to read other people’s abortion stories; and SASS, which provides online information and support. 15


Reprocare raises funds as part of the nonprofit Abortion Freedom Project. 16 In partnership with nonprofits the Vitae Foundation and Classy, Reprocare began a fundraising campaign for people to donate money to provide abortion pills to women. 17 Reprocare has also partnered with the Midwest Access Coalition that offers funding for people to travel to, within, and from the Midwest to get an abortion. 18


Morgan Love-Dorji is founder and director at Reprocare. 19 Love-Dorji was a senior software engineer at left-of-center Voting Works from 2019 until 2021. 20 Previously Love-Dorji was a senior software engineer at Liberation Technologies and front-end engineer at Rally Health. 21 She holds a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College. 22


  1. “Reprocare.” Facebook. November 3, 2020. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/ReprocareHotline/photos/a.112671217106088/179432120429997/
  2. “Reprocare.” Facebook. August 27, 2020. Access April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/ReprocareHotline/photos/a.112671217106088/159315842441625/
  3. Who We Are.” Reprocare. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://abortionhotline.org; “Reprocare.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.linkedin.com/company/reprocare/; Littlefield, Amy. “SCOTUS Issued A Blow to Abortion Pills By Mail, But Advocates Aren’t Giving Up.” Truthout. January 22, 2021. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://truthout.org/articles/scotus-issued-a-blow-to-abortion-pills-by-mail-but-advocates-arent-giving-up/.
  4. Littlefield, Amy. “SCOTUS Issued A Blow to Abortion Pills By Mail, But Advocates Aren’t Giving Up.” Truthout. January 22, 2021. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://truthout.org/articles/scotus-issued-a-blow-to-abortion-pills-by-mail-but-advocates-arent-giving-up/.
  5. Littlefield, Amy. “SCOTUS Issued A Blow to Abortion Pills By Mail, But Advocates Aren’t Giving Up.” Truthout. January 22, 2021. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://truthout.org/articles/scotus-issued-a-blow-to-abortion-pills-by-mail-but-advocates-arent-giving-up/.
  6. “FDA Says Patients Can Get Abortion Pill Via Telemedicine.” PBS Newshour. April 13, 2021. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/fda-says-patients-can-get-abortion-pill-via-telemedicine.
  7. Littlefield, Amy. “SCOTUS Issued A Blow to Abortion Pills By Mail, But Advocates Aren’t Giving Up.” Truthout. January 22, 2021. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://truthout.org/articles/scotus-issued-a-blow-to-abortion-pills-by-mail-but-advocates-arent-giving-up/.
  8. “Who We Are.” Reprocare. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://abortionhotline.org.
  9. “Reprocare.” Accessed April 28, 2023. https://abortionhotline.org.
  10. “Reprocare.” Facebook. November 3, 2020. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/ReprocareHotline/photos/a.112671217106088/179432120429997/
  11. “Reprocare.” Facebook. August 27, 2020. Access April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/ReprocareHotline/photos/a.112671217106088/159315842441625/.
  12. “Reprocare.” Facebook. January 25, 2023. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=553939556777077&set=a.553894423448257.
  13. “Reprocare.” Facebook. June 24, 2022. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/ReprocareHotline/photos/a.112671217106088/562711562102049/
  14. “Reprocare.” Facebook. June 18, 2020. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/ReprocareHotline.
  15. “Resources.” Reprocare. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://abortionhotline.org.
  16. “Reprocare.” Accessed April 28, 2023. https://abortionhotline.org.
  17. “Reprocare Launches Campaign to Help Fund at Home Abortions.” Vitae Foundation. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://vitaefoundation.org/reprocare-launches-campaign-to-fund-at-home-abortions/.
  18. “What We Do.” Midwest Access Coalition. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.midwestaccesscoalition.org; “Reprocare.” Accessed April 28, 2023. https://abortionhotline.org.
  19. “Morgan Love-Dorji.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgan-love-dorji/.
  20. “Morgan Love-Dorji.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgan-love-dorji/.
  21. “Morgan Love-Dorji.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgan-love-dorji/.
  22. “Morgan Love-Dorji.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgan-love-dorji/.
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San Francisco, CA