Other Group

OER Digest




Monthly Newsletter


Joint Project of Creative Commons USA, SPARC, and Student PIRGs

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OER Digest is a joint project of the left-of-center Creative Commons USA, SPARC, and the Student PIRGs. 1 The project is a monthly newsletter that promotes news and collaboration among higher education institutions in the United States and Canada that seek to advance Open Educational Resources (OER). 1 OER is generally defined as educational materials and tools that have no-cost access and can be re-used, re-purposed, and redistributed. 2


OER Digest was founded in 2015 as a joint project of Creative Commons USA, SPARC, and the Student PIRGs. 1


OER Digest’s website is operated by SPARC. 3 OER Digest notes that information collected through OER Digest is subject to the privacy policy of SPARC’s left-of-center fiscal sponsor, the New Venture Fund. 3

SPARC fosters the development of open educational resources among educational institutions. 4 SPARC also engages in lobbying to advance taxpayer funded support for OER resources as well as federal funding for educational programs in general. 5


Given that OER Digest is a joint project of Creative Commons USA, SPARC, and the Student PIRGs, the exact leadership structure within OER Digest is unclear. 1


  1. “About the OER Digest.” OER Digest. https://www.oerdigest.org/about
  2. “Open Educational Resources.” UNESCO. https://www.unesco.org/en/open-educational-resources
  3. “Privacy Policy.” OER Digest. https://www.oerdigest.org/privacy-policy
  4. “Who We Are.” SPARC. https://sparcopen.org/who-we-are/
  5. “Policy & Advocacy.” SPARC. https://sparcopen.org/what-we-do/active-policy/
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