LeftRoots is a far-left organizing organization that works to transform from a capitalist economy to a socialist one. The organization does not take part in electoral or issue politics. Instead, it strategizes on how to achieve what it calls “21st century socialism.” 1
Background and Structure
The organization was founded in 2014 by Ntanya Lee and three other San Francisco Bay Area organizers. The group’s membership is majority women and ethnic minorities. Lee has said that the group’s membership is by design because women and non-whites had the most to gain from destroying the system. 1
The organization offers branch meetings and other regular trainings. It works through an online curriculum called the “Little Red School” that covers political thought and strategy. It also publishes the journal Out To Win. 1
Most of the members of LeftRoots are also organizers and members of other left-of-center organizations. 1
LeftRoots does not solicit grants or any other outside financial support. It is not a registered nonprofit with the Internal Revenue Service. 1
As of 2019, the organization had more than 200 members spread over seven branches. There are two ways to join the organization. The first way to join is to become a “compa” (Spanish for “friend”), which designates a financial and political supporter. The second way is to receive an invite to join. The invited person becomes a full member once they have completed a one-day training session over eight weeks and they become a “cadre.” 1
Principles and Activities
Among the principles of LeftRoots are that white supremacy and capitalism are inseparable, capitalism must be abandoned for humanity to survive, victory for the left must require both popular movements and organizers, the planet cannot be owned, and American capitalism is based on the exploitation of others around the world. 2
In 2020, LeftRoots member and cofounder Steve Williams announced his support for the presidential campaign of Joe Biden, stating that under America’s election system he was the only way that Donald Trump could be defeated. 3
- Day, Eli. “Socialists Of Color To The Front.” In These Times. August 5, 2019. https://inthesetimes.com/article/leftroots-socialism-communities-of-color-activism-working-class-power.
- “Leftroots: Grassroots Struggles. Strategy For Liberation.” Portside. March 8, 2015. https://portside.org/2015-03-08/leftroots-grassroots-struggles-strategy-liberation.
- Williams, Steve. “Strategy Makes Possible The Unimaginable.” Organizing Upgrade. Accessed January 17, 2022. https://www.organizingupgrade.com/strategy-makes-possible-the-unimaginable/.