Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization (CREDO) is an international organization of economists and researchers that pursues a left-of-center transformation of the world economy. It justifies its calls for economic redistribution and the curbing of free and open markets with appeals to Catholic religious concepts. 1
Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization was founded in 2013 first as an email list in the spring of that year and then as an incorporated group in the summer. It was formed by attendees of of the Economics and Social Thought conferences sponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago. 2
Catholic Research Economists Organization gathers economists and scholars around the world interested in of left-of-center economics and Catholic teaching to work together on promoting a left-wing Catholic ideology. It advocates for the ideas created by its scholars and it aims to disseminate a left-wing interpretation of Catholic theology and social teaching. It claims Catholicism conflicts with free market economics, which it calls the “normative evaluation of the economy.” 1
CREDO plays a significant role in conferences sponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute to facilitate discussion of left-of-center economic policies. It runs a mentorship program for “the growth of Catholic economists” and aims to help them understand the connection between economics and Catholic teaching. 1
The organization nominates and elects an advisory panel of economic experts “in frontier research” who can be consulted by Church leaders and Catholic institutions searching for advice on economic matters and policy. 1
Declaration for American Democracy Membership
Catholic Research Economists Organization is a member of the Declaration for American Democracy (DFAD), a coalition comprised of over 250 groups that support its proposed “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.” The Act, named after the late U.S. Representative John Lewis (D-GA), would federalize elections, strengthen the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and remove many conventional election integrity measures. It would require states to make permanent emergency measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, including early voting, vote by mail, and lenient voter ID laws. It would additionally make election day a federal holiday, introduce automatic same-day voter registration, and establish federal protections to prevent state and local election officials from receiving “undue partisan influence and control.” 3
DFAD claims as a “guarantee” that The Freedom to Vote Act would ensure “fair” redistricting nationwide, and promises allegedly nonpartisan election oversight from the FEC. Furthermore, it would require super PACs, 501(c)(4) groups, and other organizations to disclose all donors, and would effectively shut down donor advised funds. It also aims to set up a fund to finance ongoing “innovations” in democracy and election infrastructure. The fund would be replenished by penalty fees paid by states who commit infractions against new election laws. Each state would get a disbursement from the fund to finance “eligible democracy and election-related investments.” 3
Joseph P. Kaboski is the president of Catholic Research Economists Organization. He is the David F. and Erin M. Seng Foundation Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame and a fellow of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame. 4 5 As of 2023, other members of the board included Michael Le Chevallier of the Lumen Christi Institute, Illenin Kondo of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and Daniel E. Flores, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas. 4
- “About CREDO.” Accessed February 4, 2023.
- “History.” Accessed February 4, 2023.
- “Declaration for American Democracy.” Accessed February 4, 2023. Archive:
- “Executive Board.” Accessed February 4, 2023.
- “Joseph Kaboski.” Faculty – Department of Economics – University of Notre Dame. Accessed February 4, 2023.