Wisconsin Watch is a left-of-center online publication founded in 2009 that reports on state and local issues in Wisconsin. 1 Reporting Wisconsin Watch has reported on Wisconsin laws’
WISDOM, Inc. is a state-level federation of Gamaliel Foundation-affiliated left-wing community organizing groups in Wisconsin.
The Wishtoyo Foundation is dedicated to protecting and restoring the culture and natural environment of the Chumash Native Americans of the central and southern coastal regions of California. It does so through litigation, aquatic monitoring, advocacy, and promoting its version of traditional culture.
The Wishtoyo Foundation (which does business as Ventura Coastkeeper) is a California-based left leaning climate advocacy nonprofit. Opposition to Nuclear Energy The Wishtoyo Foundation was a cosigner on an April 2021 letter to President Joe Biden that asked the administration to promote weather dependent wind and solar power systems and
With Honor Action is a left-leaning “social welfare” lobbying and advocacy group which seeks to increase veteran participation in political leadership and increase government benefits to veterans. 36 With Honor
With Honor Action is a left-leaning “social welfare” lobbying and advocacy group which seeks to increase veteran participation in political leadership and increase government benefits to veterans. 36 With Honor
The Witherspoon Institute is a right-of-center think tank based in Princeton, New Jersey which has opposed same-sex marriage and embryonic stem-cell research. 51 The
Witness to Innocence is a judicial advocacy organization that advocates with, and is employed by, death row exonerees seeking to end the death penalty within the United States. 61
Women Across Frontiers is a 501(c)(3) left-of-center digital publication that promotes gender equality and women’s rights issues round the globe. The organization provides a platform for women’s rights advocates, their allies, and women’s rights projects.
Women Against Mass Incarceration (WAMI) is a left-of-center criminal justice advocacy group located in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that operates an advocacy campaign on behalf of left-of-center criminal justice policies, including supporting reentry efforts and protections for women with convictions for violent crimes. The group provides resources and training for women in
Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) is an anti-war organization founded in 1982 in Minneapolis, Minnesota claiming to oppose, “U.S. militarism and involvement in wars.” 70 Positions of WAMM Women
Women At The Well Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides recovery solutions. The organization offers outreach programs for crisis prevention, health issue training, and education services to women survivors of domestic abuse, mental health, and substance abuse.
Women Donors Network (WDN) is a left-of-center donor networking group for female advocacy funders. The claims over 200 donor members who contribute over $175 million to left-of-center causes each year. 81
Women Enabled International is a left-of-center advocacy organization that promotes left-of-center ideology and policy regarding gender issues. The group states that it works at an intersection of disability and gender advocacy and coordinates with a variety of women’s rights organizations and disability advocacy groups. The group operates a U.S.-based advocacy
Women Engaged is a left-of-center community organization based in Atlanta, Georgia, that supports left-of-center policies regarding gender issues and abortion access while also providing programs and training targeted toward African-American women. The group also operates a voter registration and a get-out-the-vote program to encourage voting among African-American women in the
Women for Justice, formerly known as Women for Bernie Sanders 2016, is a 501(c)(3) advocacy group for women-centric issues in politics. The group promotes higher minimum wages, clean energy, and increased taxing of the financial elite.
Women for Progress is a left-of-center get-out-the-vote and advocacy group based in Wyckoff, New Jersey. 111 Erin Chung, the Vice President of Public Affairs and Advocacy at Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey,
Women for Women International is a nonprofit humanitarian organization that provides practical and moral support to women survivors of war.
The Women in Law Section (WILS), formerly known as the Committee on Women in the Law, is a left-of-center legal association which works in an advisory and policy advocacy role for litigators, especially those dealing with issues of gender equality and women’s issues. WILS is a subgroup of the New
The Women in Migration Network (WIMN), formerly the Women and Global Migration Working Group, is an advocacy organization formed to promote the rights of female refugees and migrants. 142 WIMN pushes for various left-of-center