Non-profits (Page 375)

  • Non-profit

    Winrock International Institute

    Winrock International Institute, also known as Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, is a 501(c)(3) organization that promotes global development in agriculture, climate change, natural resource management, economic development, and gender equality.
  • Non-profit

    Winslow Foundation

    The Winslow Foundation is a private foundation that funds primarily left-leaning nonprofit organizations, especially environmentalist groups. Wren Winslow Wirth, the wife of Democratic politician, longtime United Nations Foundation president, former U.S. Senator from Colorado, and Clinton administration State Department official Tim Wirth, heads the foundation.
  • Non-profit

    Winter Wildlands Alliance

    The Winter Wildlands Alliance is a left-of-center environmentalist nonprofit organization that works towards preserving winter wildlands through political campaigns and other activities. 7 It has a large network, has received millions of dollars
  • Non-profit

    Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation

    The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation was created by Winthrop Rockefeller, the youngest son of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who served two two-year terms as governor of Arkansas between 1967 and 1971. The foundation primarily funds social service programs in Arkansas. While Winthrop Rockefeller had served as a Republican, the Foundation vows
  • Non-profit

    Winyah Rivers Foundation

    Winyah Rivers Alliance is a nonprofit organization that works to advocate for reform with watersheds and other water sources in North and South Carolina. It is a supporter of the Green New Deal.
  • Non-profit

    WireTap Magazine

    WireTap Magazine is an online publication that claims it was created, “by and for young people interested in social change.” 39
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust

    The Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust (WisACT) is a nonprofit dedicated to reducing political polarization in Wisconsin. The organization was co-founded by former Wisconsin Governor Scott McCallum (R) and former journalist David Haynes. WisACT is financially supported by The Carter Center. Background The Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust was
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Community Fund

    Wisconsin Community Fund was a 501(c)(3) that provides support to organizations that are concerned with social justice issues. The organization was terminated in 2012.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum

    Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum (WICEF) is an environmentalist energy advocacy organization created in 2017 that is funded by the Conservative Energy Network (CEN), an umbrella organization that receives grants from left-leaning foundations including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Turner Foundation, and the McKnight Foundation.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (WDC)

    The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (“WDC”) claims to be a nonprofit, nonpartisan political watchdog group. The organization targets the financial supporters of Republican and conservative policy leaders. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign has been a staunch defender of the controversial “John Doe” investigations designed to target supporters of Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Examiner

    Wisconsin Examiner is an online news outlet located in Madison, Wisconsin launched by States Newsroom. It reports on Wisconsin state politics and policies focusing on left-of-center issues in areas such as civil rights and immigration, education, and the environment.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice (WFVJ)

    Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice (WFVJ) is a left-of-center interfaith policy advocacy organization with a focus on LGBT, “economic justice,” and immigration issues. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, this organization was founded in 2011 and is led by Bonnie Margulis, a rabbi who has ties to Planned Parenthood. She is
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL)

    The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) is a right-of-center public interest law firm that specializes in cases pertaining to free speech, workers’ freedom, open government, good government, and individual rights. In 2013, WILL established a policy team to advance public policy that supports conservative principles.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Jobs Now

    Wisconsin Jobs Now (WJN) was a “liberal labor group” 150
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Native Vote

    Wisconsin Native Vote is a voter turnout initiative of Wisconsin Conservation Voices. The initiative has been active since 2011, and it was formed out of a partnership with the Bad River Band to oppose the development of an iron-ore mine near the Bad River Reservation in northern Wisconsin.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice

    The Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice is a network of left-of-center civic, anti-war, pro-union, and environmentalist organizations, which organizes protests, circulates petitions, and promotes the activities of its member organizations. Background According to the website of the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice, the organization was conceived following a
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG)

    Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WIPIRG) is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of the 501(c)(3) Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group Foundation. It is the Wisconsin state affiliate of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG).
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG) Foundation

    Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group Foundation (WIPIRG) is the 501(c)(3) education research arm of the 501(c)(4) Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group. It is the Wisconsin state affiliate of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG).
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Voices

    Wisconsin Voices, formerly known as the Wisconsin Civic Engagement Project, is a 501(c)(3) left-of-center advocacy network group in Wisconsin. The organization connects progressive groups, provides materials, and offers guidance to Wisconsin 501(c)(3) organizations.
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Voter Alliance

    The Wisconsin Voter Alliance is a right-of-center nonprofit organization based in Wisconsin that advocates for election integrity policies and engages in litigation in support of election integrity. 214 Wisconsin Voter Alliance was founded in