Non-profits (Page 371)

  • Non-profit

    Wellspring Committee

    The Wellspring Committee was a social welfare organization provided funding to advocacy groups that produced ads promoting conservative and Republican Party-aligned causes.
  • Non-profit

    Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

    The Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, formerly known as the Matan B’Seter Foundation, was created in 2001 as part of an elaborate and secretive network of grantmaking organizations funded by three hedge fund billionaires: Andrew Shechtel, David Gelbaum and C. Frederick Taylor.
  • Non-profit

    Wend II Inc.

    Wend II Inc. is a left-of-center grantmaking organization run by James M. Walton, the cousin of Ben Walton, the grandson of Walmart founder Sam Walton, and Sam Walton. 62
  • Non-profit


    WePower is a left-of-center community activist group focused on the St. Louis region that runs an investment fund and a small business accelerator program for the benefit of Black and Latino communities. The group claims that economic inequality is the result of “systemic oppression” and white supremacy.
  • Non-profit

    Werner-Kohnstamm Family Giving Fund (WKF)

    The Werner-Kohnstamm Family Giving Fund (WKF) is a family philanthropy focused on left-of-center immigration policy. It is managed by trustees Edward Kissam and Jo Ann Intili. It is organized as a donor-advised charitable giving fund within Fidelity Charitable.
  • Non-profit

    WESPAC Foundation

    WESPAC (Westchester People’s Action Coalition) Foundation is a left-of-center nonprofit that supports advocacy movements for social reformation. Founded in 1974, WESPAC advocates for progressive social change in Westchester County, New York, and beyond. 109 It is
  • Non-profit

    Wespath Benefits and Investments

    Wespath Benefits and Investments, also known as The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church, is a nonprofit agency organized under the United Methodist Church in the United States that manages a pension fund and investment organization exceeding $25 billion in assets. The organization provides
  • Non-profit

    West 80s Neighborhood Association

    West 80s Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit organization focusing on preservation and advocacy on environmental legislation. The association is a supporter of the Green New Deal.
  • Non-profit

    West Atlanta Watershed Alliance

    The West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA) is a left-of-center environmentalist organization founded in 1995 to address wastewater disposal reform in Atlanta. It has also purchased and protected public park spaces and nature areas. 163
  • Non-profit

    West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy

    West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy is a left-of-center public policy organization in West Virginia.
  • Non-profit

    West Virginia Citizen Action Group

    West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WV CAG) is a political advocacy group associated with West Virginia Citizen Action Education Fund (WV CAEF).  WV CAG supports the Green New Deal and replacing conventional fuels with weather-dependent energy.
  • Non-profit

    West Virginia Citizens Action Education Fund

    West Virginia Citizen Action Education Fund (WV CAEF) is a charitable advocacy organization associated with West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WV CAG). WV CAEF signed a June 6, 2022, letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris requesting the use of executive action to
  • Non-profit

    West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections

    West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections (WVCCE) is a coalition of organizations focused on election administration and campaign finance in West Virginia. WVCCE has advocated for various positions in judicial elections, for increased voter registration, and against the U.S. Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC. The group’s coordinator is
  • Non-profit

    West Virginia Watch

    West Virginia Watch is an online news outlet located in Charleston, West Virginia launched by States Newsroom. It reports on West Virginia state politics and policies focusing on left-of-center issues such as criminal justice, education, health, labor, the environment, and energy.
  • Non-profit

    Western Center on Law and Poverty

    The Western Center on Law and Poverty (Western Center) is a Los Angeles-based left-of-center and critical race theory-inspired 298 public interest law firm and advocacy
  • Non-profit

    Western Conservation Action

    Western Conservation Action is an organization formed in 2007 that works to support the political power and effectiveness of the Western Conservation Movement. 333
  • Non-profit

    Western Conservation Foundation

    Western Conservation Foundation is an environmentalist group based in Denver that provides grants to like-minded organizations in the western United States.334 The group informs the public of actions taken by public officials that it claims hurt
  • Non-profit

    Western Environmental Law Center

    Western Environmental Law Center is a left-wing law firm that works on environmental issues. The firm sues to oppose the exploitation of natural resources such as mining or logging, works to prevent the loss of wildlife, and works to prevent the exploitation of conventional energy resources to prevent climate change.
  • Non-profit

    Western Native Voice (WNV)

    Western Native Voice (WNV) is an advocacy organization that advocates before governments for favorable policies for native Americans, conduct voter registration, get out the vote (GOTV) initiatives, youth development programs, and leadership and advocacy training for Native Americans on and around the seven Indian reservations in Montana. The organization is
  • Non-profit

    Western Organization of Resource Councils

    The Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) is a Billings, Montana-based lobbying and advocacy379 coalition of left-leaning political activist groups based in seven western states with prominent agricultural and energy industries.