The Waitt Foundation is a nonprofit that supports marine conservation efforts around the world. The foundation’s staff and board members include people with connections to its founder, Ted Waitt, and his prior companies Background The Waitt Foundation, headquartered in La Jolla, California, was established in 1993 by Ted Waitt. The
The Waitt Institute is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to advancing and supporting global ocean conservation and environmental efforts. Founded in 2005 by philanthropist and entrepreneur Ted Waitt, the institute works to protect and manage marine environments. Background The Waitt Institute was founded by Ted Waitt, the co-founder of Gateway,
Walk for Water is a relief-based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit located in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. 20
The Walkabout Clearwater Chorus is a chartered member and supporter of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. Founded in 1984 by folk music legend, Pete Seeger, the chorus is a “people’s chorus” made up people who love to sing and promote environmental and social justice causes.
The Wallace Foundation is a left-of-center grantmaking foundation in New York City which supports underperforming schools through special programs, education research, and advocacy. With $1.6 billion and assets, and $57.6 million dispersed in 2017,
The Wallace Global Fund is a major private foundation controlled by the family of former U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace that funds left-of-center “activities and movements that are global or national in scope.” 37 Areas in
The Wallace H. Coulter Foundation is a private foundation that funds higher education and left-of-center Asian-American advocacy created by entrepreneur Wallace H. Coulter (1913-1998), who created a device that counted particles in blood samples. Coulter created the Coulter Corporation, which was sold to Beckman Instruments in 1997 for $875 million.
The Wallace H. Coulter Trust is a private foundation associated with the late biomedical inventor Wallace H. Coulter. It makes grants in areas of medical research and Asian-American interests.
The Walmart Foundation is the charitable arm of Walmart. While the Walton Family Foundation is run directly and funded by members of the family of Walmart founder Sam Walton, the Walmart Foundation is controlled and funded by the corporation. The Foundation disbursed over $120 million
The Walter and Elise Haas Fund is a private foundation created by the long-time president and board chair of Levi Strauss and Co, Walter A. Haas, Sr., and his wife Elise Stern Haas.
The Water Funder Initiative (WFI) is a left-of-center environmental advocacy group and a project of the Windward Fund,119 a sponsor of environmentalist projects associated with the Arabella Advisors network of left-progressive “dark money.”
The Walton Family Foundation is the primary charitable outlet of the Walton family, the heirs to Sam Walton’s Walmart fortune. With a combined net worth of $196 billion as of March 2020, the Waltons are the wealthiest family in the world.
War Child Canada is a human rights organization based in Toronto, Canada that provides education, social care, and opportunities for children living in communities affected by conflict. 137
The War Resisters League is an organization that was formed in 1923 to resist the involvement of the US in conflict domestically and abroad. 138
Warehouse Worker Resource Center (WWRC) is a left-of-center labor organization that campaigns among warehouse workers at companies including Amazon and Walmart in Southern California and California’s Inland Empire region. Although not a labor union, WWRC works in alignment with labor unions and in partnership with the immigrant rights
Warehouse Workers for Justice, also known as the Warehouse Workers Justice Center, is a workers’ center that conducts labor organizing campaigns among warehouse workers in the Chicago area. The group opposes business practices by companies such as Walmart and Home Depot, which outsource warehousing to third-party companies that use
Wild Animal Rehabilitation of Michigan (WaRM) is a conservation 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to rehabilitating local wildlife in need within the state of Michigan. 181
The Warsh Mott Legacy (WML) is a private foundation that makes grants to left-of-center international development, food policy, and legal policy organizations. WML is associated with the CS Fund, with which it shares a board of directors and staff.
WASH Advocates was an project that was formed in 2012 and was affiliated with the New Venture Fund. The project sought to provide safe drinking water and hygiene and sanitation practices communities throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America. 198
This organization is also known as Alliance for Gun Responsibility. For more on the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a gun-control advocacy group, see that profile.