The Voter Participation Center is a left-of-center voter registration nonprofit that was founded in 2003 as Women’s Voices Women Vote, changing its name in 2011 and expanding its mission to become the Voter Participation Center.
The Voter Project Fund is a left-of-center get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organization that claims to promote increased vote-by-mail and voter registration in the state of Pennsylvania to ensure, “all PA voters can cast a ballot in a safe, secure and convenient way.”
The Voter Protection Project is a left-of-center political action committee that donates to far-left candidates for office who support eliminating many U.S. election security laws, including prohibiting all voter identification requirements.
The Voter Registration Project, also known as Everybody Votes, is a voter mobilization group which targets African-American, Latino, Native American, low-income, and other voter groups likely to lean left-of-center. The organization claims to be non-partisan, but is run by individuals with long-standing connections to left-of-center non-profits, including the AFL-CIO
The Voter Registration Project Education Fund is the education wing of the Voter Registration Project, a left-of-center voter mobilization group which targets African-American, Hispanic, low-income, and other individuals considered likely to support left-progressive politics and the Democratic Party. The Education Fund gives grants to other left-of-center nonprofit voter mobilization
Voter Rights Action is a nominal voter advocacy group created by the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit arm of the left-of-center “dark money” advocacy network associated with the for-profit consulting firm Arabella Advisors.
Established in 2012, VoteRiders is a left-of-center nonprofit organization based in Southern California that supports voters, especially voters from left-leaning demographic groups, in obtaining valid voter identification. Framed as a charitable organization, VoteRiders provides free voting resources and services, including guides to state voter identification laws and one-on-one voter registration
Voters Not Politicians (VNP) is a Michigan-based lobbying and political advocacy group affiliated with the nonprofit Count MI Vote that formed in 2016 for the purpose of changing the way political district boundaries are drawn for the Michigan state legislature and for congressional representation.
Voters of Tomorrow (VoT) is an activist group which aims to increase participation in politics by left-leaning young adults in the United States. Founded by Mexican-American immigrant and high school student Santiago Mayer in 2019, the group labels competing youth-focused political groups on the right as a “dangerous” influence on
Voters’ Right to Know (VRTK) is a social welfare advocacy group that promotes transparency in elections and the disclosure of political spending. 180 It is led by and has partnered with left-of-center individuals and
VoteRunLead (or Vote Run Lead) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that trains women to run as candidates for elected office at the local, state, and national level.
VoteVets Action Fund is the 501(c)4 arm of VoteVets, a left-leaning group identified with current and former military members that focuses on advancing left-of-center policies related to the environment, gay and lesbian rights, immigration, and labor. The action fund works primarily on advocacy of those issues in the political
(See also the Voter Registration Project) Voting for America was created in 2008 as an affiliate of Project Vote, the now defunct left-of-center organizing group. The organization shared an address with Project Vote, and until 2015 the organization was led by Project Vote president, Michael Slater.
The Voting Rights Institute is a legal advocacy and training organization that formed in 2014 as a project of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy and the Campaign Legal Center, two left-of-center legal organizations. The Georgetown University Law Center operates VRI.
VotingWorks is a left-of-center non-profit provider of voting machines and open-source election verification software. In November 2019, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced it would partner with VotingWorks to pilot the use of its vote verification software in six battleground states during the November 2020 election. In April 2020,
Voto Latino (also known as the Voto Latino Action Fund) is a left-of-center voter mobilization group targeted at Latino voters. Co-founded by Maria Theresa Kumar and actress Rosario Dawson, Voto Latino has registered hundreds of thousands of voters since 2004. The organization also advocates for abortion through its advertising and
The W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund is a grantmaking organization that provides funds for select photographers. 239
The W. Haywood Burns Institute is a left-of-center nonprofit organization which calls for far-left criminal justice and public service policy implementation to dismantle alleged “structural racism” in the United States. The Institute has called for an end to race-blind policymaking in the criminal justice system and called for increased government
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is the seventh largest private foundation in the United States, and the largest nonprofit in Michigan.
Waco Pride Network (WPN) is a left-of-center LGBT community and activist group in Waco, Texas. The network administers a variety of different social groups and hosts social events. Notably, WPN runs an under-18 youth group and partners with Planned Parenthood to run “Sex-Ed Summer Camp” for middle schoolers and