Non-profits (Page 363)

  • Non-profit

    Veterans for Peace

    Veterans For Peace is an organization founded in 1985. It was initially made up of US military veterans of World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and other conflicts, as well as peacetime veterans and non-veterans but has since spread overseas and has a very
  • Non-profit

    Veterans for Peace Chapter 27

    Veterans for Peace Chapter 27 is the St. Paul, Minneapolis chapter of Veterans for Peace, a left-of-center membership organization of veterans that campaigns against nuclear proliferation and the use of war, while supporting increased funding for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Non-profit

    Vets for Freedom (VFF)

    Vets for Freedom (VFF) is an advocacy organization founded by combat veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. VFF supports policymakers who prioritize long-term national security and support American soldiers fighting abroad. VFF also aims to use its first-hand knowledge of American strategy and tactics in Iraq to educate
  • Non-profit

    VF Foundation

    The VF Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation that provides funding towards environmental, educational, and humanitarian causes. 25 The Foundation is funded by the VF Corporation, an appeal and footwear company.
  • Non-profit

    Victory 2021 Plan

    The Victory 2021 Plan is a financial strategy organized by left-of-center Democracy Alliance-connected organizations Issue One and the Piper Fund to reduce the influence of political donations by 2021. 29 Established in
  • Non-profit

    Video the Vote

    Video the Vote is a project that was formed by Ian Inaba of Guerilla News Network and James Rucker of Color of Change in 2006. The project is run by volunteer journalists who document alleged acts of voter suppression and election irregularities and post them on the
  • Non-profit

    Vijaya Foundation

    The Vijaya Foundation is the family foundation of Connecticut-based investment firm principal Vinit Bodas. 46 Much of its giving supports causes related to Vipassana meditation, Connecticut community institutions, and education causes,
  • Non-profit

    Vince and Linda McMahon Family Foundation

    The Vince and Linda McMahon Family Foundation is a private grantmaking organization founded by Vince McMahon and his wife Linda McMahon. The former founded World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and the latter previously worked as CEO of WWE before joining the first Trump administration as Administrator of the
  • Non-profit

    Violence Policy Center (VPC)

    The Violence Policy Center (VPC) is a left-of-center organization that advocates for gun control policies. Josh Sugarmann, former communications director for the National Coalition to Ban Handguns (now the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence), formed the VPC in 1988. The organization makes most of its money from contributions and
  • Non-profit

    Violet Jabara Charitable Trust

    The Violet Jabara Charitable Trust is a private foundation founded in 2007 by Linda K. Jacobs. The Trust is named after Jacobs’ mother, Violet “Vi” Jabara Jacobs,87 who founded the Jacobs Family Foundation in
  • Non-profit

    Violet World Foundations

    Violet World Foundations (VWF) is a grantmaking foundation run by investor and artist Robert Michael Scagliotti. 95 The VWF is registered in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, but most of its grants are directed toward local community support non-profits
  • Non-profit

    Virgin Unite

    Virgin Unite is a left-of-center organization sponsored by billionaire Richard Branson that advocates environmentalist and soft-on-crime policies. In addition, Virgin Unite provides grants to individuals and businesses that seek to provide market-oriented solutions to large-scale societal problems. Funding In 2019, Virgin Unite received $4,299,702 in contributions,
  • Non-profit

    Virginia Civic Engagement Table

    The Virginia Civic Engagement Table is a coalition of left-of-center advocacy groups that functions as a hub for environmentalist anti-conventional energy organizations, expanded voting rights, expanded abortion, and protection of illegal immigrants. The organization is the Virginia branch of State Voices, a nationwide coalition of left-leaning nonprofits that has
  • Non-profit

    Virginia Institute for Public Policy

    The Virginia Institute for Public Policy is a center-right nonprofit think tank that is based in Abingdon, Virginia. The institute is a member of the center-right of state-based think thanks known as the State Policy Network. It is also a member of the international center-right network of think tanks
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    Virginia Interfaith Power & Light

    Virginia Interfaith Power and Light (VAIPL), , is a left-of-center environmentalist group based in Richmond, Virginia that organizes outreach to church congregations and other religious and religious-aligned groups throughout the state of Virginia. VAIPL is administered in association with two left-leaning organizations: Interfaith Power and Light national chapter and
  • Non-profit

    Virginia League of Conservation Voters (VA LCV)

    The Virginia League of Conservation Voters (Virginia LCV or VA LCV) is a left-of-center environmental advocacy organization headquartered in Richmond that promotes left-of-center environmental policies and supports Democratic candidates for public office throughout Virginia. The organization is one of many state-level affiliates of the League of Conservation Voters, a 
  • Non-profit

    Virginia Mercury

    Virginia Mercury is a left-leaning state-focused news website founded in 2018. While it claims to produce non-partisan news coverage, it selects topics of interest for a left-of-center readership and writes them from a left-of-center perspective.
  • Non-profit

    Virginia Organizing

    Virginia Organizing, formerly known as the Virginia Organizing Project, is a political advocacy organization in the state of Virginia. While Virginia Organizing calls itself “non-partisan,”  the group receives major funding from left-of-center organizations like Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Johnson Family Foundation, and Surdna Foundation.
  • Non-profit

    Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice

    Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice (VPPFJ) is a professional association of local prosecutors who support left-of-center criminal justice policies. VPPFJ is an outgrowth of the Virginia Association of Commonwealth’s Attorneys (VACA), an ostensibly nonpartisan professional association of Virginia prosecutors. VACA and similar organizations often advocate for policies aligned with a
  • Non-profit

    Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation

    The Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation is the independent philanthropic arm of Cabot-Wellington LLC, an investment management firm from Boston. The foundation gives grants to organizations such as the Tides Foundation, American Near East Refugees, Young Women Empowered, and Multifaith Alliance. The foundation states it has four main areas of