Non-profits (Page 362)

  • Non-profit

    Van Ameringen Foundation

    Not to be confused with the similarly named H. van Ameringen Foundation. The van Ameringen Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation that funds prevention, advocacy, and treatment in the area of mental health, among other special interests of the board members. The van Ameringen Foundation was established in 1950
  • Non-profit

    Vandenberg Coalition

    The Vandenberg Coalition is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that intends to protect U.S. national security by advocating for a strong American foreign policy. The Coalition is comprised of foreign policy scholars and leaders who seek to advance national security, prosperity, and freedom.
  • Non-profit

    Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

    Vanguard Charitable is the fourth-largest manager of donor-advised funds (DAFs) and the 17th largest grantmaking organization in the United States as of 2017. 34 Founded by the commercial investment firm Vanguard in
  • Non-profit

    Vanguard Public Foundation

    The Vanguard Public Foundation was formed in 1972 as a grantmaking foundation to support left-of-center oriented programs. The organization’s nonprofit status was suspended when it was discovered that the previous president, Hari J. Dillon, diverted funds from the organization into his own account.
  • Non-profit


    VDare is an anti-immigration advocacy group and news site founded by Peter Brimelow. VDare is commonly considered an alt-right or white nationalist organization, though Brimelow denies the designations for himself and the group. VDare primarily operates as a “forum” and host for political commentary.
  • Non-profit

    Venceremos Brigade

    The Venceremos Brigade is a radical-left activist group that organizes trips to communist-ruled Cuba as a way for sympathetic Americans to demonstrate their solidarity with the country’s government and their opposition to related United States government policies. As of 2024, it is a fiscally-sponsored project of The People’s Forum,
  • Non-profit

    Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ)

    The Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ) is a left-of-center advocacy organization that agitates against what it characterizes as mass incarceration, racial disparities, and marginalization. Much of its work focuses on immigration and criminal justice issues. 191
  • Non-profit

    Vera R. Campbell Foundation

    Vera R. Campbell Foundation is a grantmaking foundation located in Los Angeles, California. Its grants are allocated primarily to left-leaning Los Angeles-based organizations that focus on education, the arts, social services, and public policy. The foundation has no full-time employees.
  • Non-profit

    Verified Voting

    Verified Voting is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that advocates against the use of electronic voting machines, instead championing the use of verified paper ballots to allegedly promote election security.
  • Non-profit

    Verified Voting Foundation

    The Verified Voting Foundation is an electoral integrity advocacy group and the partner organization of the left-of-center advocacy organization Verified Voting. The Foundation is heavily involved in promoting the use of verified paper ballots, risk-limiting audits, and other election measures around the country and frequently provides advice and consulting
  • Non-profit

    Vermont Institute of Natural Science

    The Vermont Institute of Natural Science is a non-profit environmental education organization based in Quechee, Vermont. Its mission is to motivate individuals and communities to care for the environment through education, research, and avian wildlife rehabilitation.
  • Non-profit

    Vermont Natural Resources Council

    The Vermont Natural Resources Council is a non-profit environmental advocacy group headquartered at Montpelier in the U.S. state of Vermont.
  • Non-profit

    Vermont Workers Center

    The Vermont Workers Center is a left-of-center pro-labor union advocacy group affiliated with Jobs With Justice, a national coalition of workers centers, labor unions, and advocacy groups that operates a variety of state chapters and other organizations. Vermont Workers’ Center has operated a variety of campaigns promoting left-of-center policies
  • Non-profit

    Vernon K. Krieble Foundation

    The Vernon K. Krieble Foundation is a family foundation run by the descendants of Vernon K. Krieble, inventor of the super-glue Loctite. The foundation supports a variety of center-right nonprofits and has played a role in the debate over American immigration policy. Krieble Family Vernon Krieble In 1956, Vernon Krieble,
  • Non-profit

    Veterans Fighting Fascism (Task Force Butler Institute)

    Veterans Fighting Fascism, also known as the Task Force Butler Institute, is a left-of-center advocacy and grassroots organizing group formed in 2023 by Kristopher Goldsmith, an Iraq War veteran who has worked for or funded multiple veterans’ advocacy groups. The group is organized as an anti-fascist grassroots organization and was
  • Non-profit

    Veterans for All Voters

    Veterans for All Voters, formerly known as Veterans for Political Innovation (VPI), is an electoral administration advocacy group founded and run by military veterans. The group supports “Final-Five Voting,” a package of election procedure changes that includes open primaries, ranked-choice voting, and other alternatives to plurality voting. Veterans for All
  • Non-profit

    Veterans for Peace

    Veterans For Peace is an organization founded in 1985. It was initially made up of US military veterans of World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and other conflicts, as well as peacetime veterans and non-veterans but has since spread overseas and has a very
  • Non-profit

    Veterans for Peace Chapter 27

    Veterans for Peace Chapter 27 is the St. Paul, Minneapolis chapter of Veterans for Peace, a left-of-center membership organization of veterans that campaigns against nuclear proliferation and the use of war, while supporting increased funding for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Non-profit

    Vets for Freedom (VFF)

    Vets for Freedom (VFF) is an advocacy organization founded by combat veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. VFF supports policymakers who prioritize long-term national security and support American soldiers fighting abroad. VFF also aims to use its first-hand knowledge of American strategy and tactics in Iraq to educate
  • Non-profit

    VF Foundation

    The VF Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation that provides funding towards environmental, educational, and humanitarian causes. 374 The Foundation is funded by the VF Corporation, an appeal and footwear company.