Women Make Movies is a left-of-center nonprofit organization based in New York City that provides funding, support, and distribution for women-produced independent films and documentaries. The group was founded by two female filmmakers in the 1970s. Since its founding, the group has helped distribute or fund over 700 films made
Women Moving Millions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Swanee Hunt and her sister Helen LaKelly Hunt. Members of the organization pledge to give at least $1 million to organizations of their choice that benefit women and girls.
Women Who Code (WWC) is an international left-of-center organization dedicated to encouraging more women to work in technology-related careers and having more women represented as technologists, technology leaders, executives, founders, venture capitalists, and software engineers.
Women Who Dare is a center-left minority women’s issues advocacy group. Women Who Dare is a project of the pass-through entity NEO Philanthropy.
Women Win Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that advocates for gender equality and empowering of young women through sports. The groups focus involves women’s rights, development, and sports.
Women with a Vision is a left-of-center nonprofit that champions sexuality-related causes including the abortion access, the decriminalization of sex work, HIV/AIDS education, and LGBTQ issues. The nonprofit has garnered over $3,000,000 in funding from left-leaning organizations like the Ford Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Women Matter: Making the breakthrough is a study released by McKinsey & Company that studies the business practices of 60 different companies to demonstrate ways to support female executives.
Women, Action, and the Media (WAM) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit networking entity that advocates for gender equality in media access, representation, and employment. WAM provides a networking system that connects, supports, and organizes that advance of women’s media representation.
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND) is a feminist-left organization focused on nuclear disarmament and reducing military and police spending. The organization hosts a network for female state and federal legislators in which it advocates for legislation aligned with its ideals. Background Women’s Action for New Directions was originally founded
Women’s City Club of New York City is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit activist organization. The organization advocates for economic, racial, and gender justice. The group also promotes improvements in public education, gender wage gap, affordable housing, and health care.
Women’s Congressional Policy Institute (WCPI), formerly known as Women’s Policy Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public policy organization which focuses on global and domestic women’s issues. The WCPI focuses on gender equality in career fields, the gender wage gap, economic security for women, and domestic violence.
Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) is a left-of-center environmental advocacy group. It is a project of the United States Climate Action Network (US-CAN). WECAN has opposed the use of zero carbon nuclear energy.
Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus, also known as Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, is a 501(c)(3) advocacy group for the global women’s climate justice movement. WECAN focuses on rights of women. rights of nature, rights of indigenous peoples, and rights of future generations. WECAN is engaging with
Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) is a 501(c)(3) global women’s advocacy group. The WEDO’s main concern is women’s rights; environmental and economic justice; and sustainable development principles. WEDO promotes women in leadership roles and increasing gender equality. Opposition to Nuclear Energy In December 2021, the Women’s Environment and Development
The Women’s Foundation of California is a far-Left, feminist grantmaking foundation located in San Francisco. It was founded in 1980 and promotes liberal social justice causes including race, economic, and gender equity.
The Women’s Foundation of Minnesota (WFMN) is an organization that campaigns for center-left ideas and policies. They also provide funding for various groups and organizations on the political left such as abortion providers and civil rights organizations. It also spends large sums of money on lobbying state lawmakers. The organization
Women’s Information Network (WIN) is a 501(c)(4) left-wing networking group that connects young pro-choice Democratic women politically, professionally, and socially. WIN offers Democratic women leadership positions, political and professional skills training, and equality training.
Women’s Information Service (WISE) (commonly known as WISE) is a New Hampshire-based nonprofit that primarily provides services and support to female and LGBT victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. WISE also engages in limited outreach, advocacy, and education initiatives. WISE claims to have helped over 10,000 victims and provided
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US Section (WILPFUS) is a 501(c)(4) advocacy group that focuses on women’s rights, civil rights, and social action. The WILPFUS creates a network of members that work toward eliminating oppression, especially sexism, heterosexism, militarism, economic disparity, and political disempowerment. The organization signed a
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is a 501(c)(3) international non-governmental organization that promotes working for peace, promoting political, economic, and social justice for all women. WILPF focuses on interactions on the international level to achieve its social movement. WILPF attempts to use existing international legal and political