Non-profits (Page 352)

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    Triad Foundation (Iowa)

    The Triad Foundation is a public charity that awards scholarships to Iowa high school students. It should not be confused with the larger Triad Foundation, Inc., a private foundation based in Ithaca, New York.
  • Non-profit

    Triad Foundation Inc.

    Triad Foundation, Inc. is a private foundation headquartered in Ithaca, New York that supports center-right public policy organizations, fellowships in colleges, and locally based projects in Ithaca, New York; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Tampa, Florida. The Foundation was created in 2003 as a result of divisions in the family of
  • Non-profit

    Tribal Alliance Against Frauds (TAAF)

    Tribal Alliance Against Frauds (TAAF) is a left-of-center advocacy that claims to investigate and identifies individuals whom TAAF determines have falsely claimed Native American ancestry or tribal affiliation. 11 History and Leadership
  • Non-profit

    Tribeca Film Institute (TFI)

    The Tribeca Film Institute (TFI) is an arts-funding nonprofit based in New York City with 16 funds that provide grants to filmmakers. 27 TFI is best known for creating the Tribeca Film Festival, which
  • Non-profit

    Tricontinental Institute for Social Research

    The Tricontinental Institute for Social Research is a Marxist think tank created by Marxist historian, author, and journalist Vijay Prashad. The organization states that national liberation Marxism “anchors” its work, bases its research approach on the writings of Karl Marx, and notes it is “rooted” in the “traditions of
  • Non-profit

    Trilateral Commission

    The Trilateral Commission is an invitation-only, international non-governmental organization that was founded by David Rockefeller, Sr., in July 1973, to foster closer cooperation among nations in North America, Western Europe, and Japan.
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    Trinity Health

    Trinity Health is one of the largest Catholic health care systems in the nation. In collaboration with the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and Ceres, 97 Trinity Health’s Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
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    Trout Unlimited

    Trout Unlimited is an advocacy group for trout fishermen that is heavily funded by left-of-center environmentalist foundations and other groups and strongly advocates for various environmental causes. History Trout Unlimited (TU) was founded by 16 fishermen in July 1959 on the banks of the Au Sable River near Grayling, Michigan.
  • Non-profit

    True Costs Initiative

    True Costs Initiative is a left-of-center advocacy and funding nonprofit that pushes for “corporate accountability” laws in developing countries.
  • Non-profit

    True Friends of Coal

    True Friends of Coal is an environmentalist advocacy group that aims to end the use of coal in the United States. It is a project of the New Venture Fund (NVF), a Washington, D.C.-based left-of-center pass-through funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit managed by Arabella Advisors, a consulting firm that controls
  • Non-profit

    True North Foundation

    True North Foundation is an environmentalist grantmaking foundation, operating mostly in Alaska and the western United States. True North supports groups that oppose mining projects and advocate for cleanup of mining tailings (i.e., waste materials left over after mineral ore is processed). Grantmaking Activities True North supports groups that oppose
  • Non-profit

    True the Vote

    True the Vote is a Houston-based right-of-center nonprofit founded in 2011 by Catherine Engelbrecht that focuses on election integrity and stopping voter fraud. 151
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    USAction is an organization based in Washington, DC that was created in 1999. In 2007 TrueMajority merged with USAction to support its work in organizing left-of-center campaigns. 165
  • Non-profit

    Truist Foundation

    The Truist Foundation is the corporate grantmaking foundation of the Truist Financial Corporation, which formed following the merger of SunTrust Bank and BB&T Bank in 2019. 166 History The Truist Foundation was established in 1973 as the
  • Non-profit

    Truman Center for National Policy (CNP)

    The Truman Center for National Policy is a left-of-center national security-focused think tank located in Washington D.C. The organization was formed by the merger of the Center for National Policy and the Truman National Security Project in 2013. The center advances various left-of-center positions in national security, including promoting
  • Non-profit

    Truman National Security Project (TNSP)

    The Truman National Security Project (TNSP) is a left-leaning Washington D.C.-based think tank that conducts training in national security issues and advocates the U.S. take a more active role in promoting liberal policies as part of the nation’s foreign policy.
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    Truman Scholarship Foundation

    The Truman Scholarhip Foundation was formed by Congress in 1975 and is based in Washington DC. The foundation’s scholarship program provides scholarships to individuals who seek to pursue careers in public service. 231
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    Trust for America’s Health

    See Trust for America’s Health (TFAH)  
  • Non-profit

    Trust for America’s Health (TFAH)

    Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) is a health care research organization that advocates for national health care policies and strategies based on the left-progressive philosophy of “health equity” and its criteria of what would ensure “optimal health for every person and community.”
  • Non-profit

    Trust for Energy Innovation

    The Trust for Energy Innovation is a left-of-center funding organization that provides significant funding to a handful of notable left-leaning environmental advocacy groups. The organization was formed in 2011 and is managed by Corridor Partners, a left-of-center consultancy group focused on providing clients with environmentalist-aligned strategies to address climate