Non-profits (Page 328)

  • Non-profit

    The Whaleman Foundation

    The Whaleman Foundation is a nonprofit research and film organization that works on ocean awareness and wildlife preservation. It is a supporter of the Green New Deal.
  • Non-profit

    The Women’s Collective

    The Women’s Collective is a Washington, D.C.-based human-services agency which provides a variety of health and social care to women and girls at risk of or living with HIV/AIDS. 1 History The founder
  • Non-profit

    The Women’s Center

    The Women’s Center provides support, shelter, and assistance to victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, child abuse, and human trafficking in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The Center provides a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter and transitional living assistance, job skills training, support groups, and assistance on legal matters, healthcare, and housing. While
  • Non-profit

    The Woodson Center

    The Woodson Center is a nonprofit organization founded by civil rights activist Robert L. Woodson in 1981 to help residents of low-income neighborhoods. It was initially known as the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise but re-branded in 2016.
  • Non-profit

    The Workers Lab

    The Workers Lab is a nonprofit that advocates for worker’s rights. Formerly a project of the 501(c)(3) Solidago Foundation, it separated as an independent nonprofit in early 2019.1
  • Non-profit

    The Working World

    The Working World is a 501(c)(3) left-of-center nonprofit that provides aid to low-income communities. The Working World advocates for a democratic economy and removing all forms of capitalism.
  • Non-profit

    Theater Three Collaborative, Inc

    Theater Three Collaborative is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) organization which produces plays based on current events.1
  • Non-profit


    TheDream.US is a scholarship fund for immigrants, including illegal immigrants, which partners with colleges across the country. The fund accepts applications from teenage and young adult immigrants even if they do not qualify for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programs, which shield certain
  • Non-profit

    Themis Fund

    The Themis Fund is a center-left donor collaborative that channels grants from foundations to anti-death penalty litigation nonprofits. The Themis Fund is a project of the Proteus Fund, a major funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit. Background The Themis Fund provides small grants to support litigation to outlaw capital punishment
  • Non-profit

    Theodore Albert Von Der Ahe Jr Trust

    The Theodore Albert Von Der Ahe Jr. Trust is a grantmaking foundation based in Pasadena, California. It is the personal trust fund of Theodore (Ted) Albert Von Der Ahe Jr. Ted inherited the bulk of his fortune from his father, Theodore Albert Von Der Ahe, who was one of the
  • Non-profit

    Theodore Luce Charitable Trust

    The Theodore Luce Charitable Trust is a nonexempt charitable trust which allocates its philanthropic contributions to youth organizations located in New York City. Founder Theodore Luce was a 1920’s and Depression-era investment banker, automobile dealer, and New York City landlord. His early career was spent as a financier and director
  • Non-profit

    Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

    Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP) promotes left-of-center conservationist and environmentalist policies. A membership organization of hunters and fishers, it is dedicated to promoting federal control of public lands and opposing expanded oil and gas production in the United States. The organization also has ties to organized labor and the
  • Non-profit

    Think Big America

    Think Big America is a nonprofit advocacy organization founded by billionaire Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) to campaign at the national level for liberal abortion policies similar to those he has signed into law in Illinois. Pritzker says Think Big America will campaign to combat right-of-center initiatives such as
  • Non-profit

    Think Freely Media

    Think Freely Media (TFM) is a media organization that supports individual liberty and free enterprise. TFM advocates for these ideas in both law and culture1 by producing content, making grants, and sponsoring tournaments.
  • Non-profit

    ThinkProgress (

    ThinkProgress is a left-of-center online media outlet published by the Center for American Progress Action Fund. It began as a blog in 2005, but later began covering news from a liberal perspective with a staff of reporters and editors. In September 2019, its publisher laid off staff and closed
  • Non-profit

    Third Wave Fund

    The Third Wave Fund funnels grants to gay, lesbian, “intersex,” and transsexual advocacy groups in the name of “gender justice.” Third Wave Fund’s grantmaking foundations include Groundswell Fund, Arcus Foundation, Elton John AIDS Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, Craigslist, Joshua Mailman Foundation, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, and a number of individual
  • Non-profit

    Third Way

    Third Way is a left-of-center think tank 1 based in Washington, D.C., that believes the center-left is the “only real path” for the future in the United States.
  • Non-profit

    Third Way Institute

    Third Way Institute is the charitable arm of Third Way, a lobbying and advocacy organization that advocates for “modern center-left ideas.” 1 Third Way Institute was founded in 2005 and helps fund the tax-exempt work
  • Non-profit

    This is Place Foundation (PLACE)

    This is Place Foundation (PLACE) is a global mapping and data intermediary between governments and the private sector. PLACE seeks to produce higher quality, more in depth maps and further chart areas of the world that have been underserved. PLACE’s model collects data from the public and private sectors and
  • Non-profit

    Tholos Foundation

    Tholos Foundation is a free-market education and research foundation associated with Americans for Tax Reform. 1 The group’s better-known publications include the International Property Rights Index and the Trade Barrier Index.