The River Guardian Foundation is a left-center nonprofit that works in environmental advocacy projects. It is a supporter of the Green New Deal.
The River Network is a progressive center left non-profit organization that encourages minority groups to participate in environmental activism and enables citizens to protect the country’s bodies of water.1
River Valley Organizing (RVO) is a nonprofit which focuses on left-of-center issues relating to environmentalism, mass incarceration, public safety, drug policy, and civic engagement. The organization is specifically opposed to incineration plants, toxic waste dumps, and natural gas exploration. It seeks to increase in the number of Black people in
Riverkeeper is an environmental conservation group that advocates for the protection of the ecosystem of the Hudson River in New York state, as well as the New York State water supply for public use and natural habitats. 1 It signed
Riverside Park Conservancy is an environmental advocacy organization that works with local organizations, including the New York City Parks Department, to maintain and upkeep the Riverside Park in New York City. 1
Road to Michigan’s Future is a 501(c)(4) “dark money” group that supports the policies of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D).
The Robert & Ardis James Foundation is a non-profit organization that serves people and communities in Delaware.1 As of 2019, the Foundation had a revenue of $76,717,047 and no employees.
The Robert and Maureen Lucas Family Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation based in La Canada Flintridge, California. The foundation regularly makes contributions to local religious and educational charities, as well as several nonprofit organizations advancing left-of-center policies. Background The Robert and Maureen Lucas Family Foundation was established in 1998
The Robert and Ruth Halperin Foundation is a San Francisco-based private grantmaking foundation that donates to a variety of left-leaning nonprofits and activist organizations. The organization funds many prominent national and California-centric left-leaning organizations including the National Immigration Law Center, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (“RFK Center”) is a human rights advocacy and litigation organization. It is run by Kerry Kennedy, one of the seven children of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) and his wife Ethel.
The Robert R. McCormick Foundation (previously known as the McCormick Tribune Foundation) is a Chicago-based grantmaking organization which funds entities mainly covering journalism and freedom of speech issues, primarily in Illinois. The organization is one of the largest private grantmaking organizations in the country and held assets of $1.25 billion
The Robert Sterling Clark Foundation is a private grantmaking institution which was endowed by Robert Sterling Clark in the mid-1950s. Clark was a member of a family involved in the expansion of the Singer sewing machine company. Today, the foundation supports left-of-center advocacy.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (also known by its abbreviation, RWJF) was named after its founder, Robert Wood “General” Johnson II, son of the co-founder of Johnson & Johnson.
The Aileen K. and Brian L. Roberts Foundation is the family foundation of Brian L. Roberts, who became president of Comcast in 1990 and CEO of Comcast in 2002 and whose father, Ralph Roberts, founded Comcast in 1963. The foundation funds a wide variety of causes, with emphasis on Jewish
Also see Blanche and Julian Robertson Family Foundation (nonprofit) The Robertson Foundation is a foundation created by hedge fund investor Julian H. Robertson, Jr. and his wife, Josie Robertson. It is not to be confused with the Robertson Foundation for Government, a nonprofit that is the successor to the Robertson Foundation,
Robin Hood is a left-leaning nonprofit associated with the financial industry that has been criticized for ineffectiveness at its stated mission of alleviating poverty in New York City despite massive fundraising successes.
The Rochester People’s Climate Coalition (RPCC) is a left-center nonprofit that has a network of local organizations that work to advocate for climate change awareness and other environmentalist issues. The organization advocates for climate change legislation such as the Green New Deal and other legislative movements in New York
Rock ‘n Renew is an activist organization that partners with musicians and other artists to advocate sustainability and environmental policy for community leaders. 1
Rock the Vote is a left-progressive-aligned organization in the United States whose stated mission is to engage and “build the political power of young people.” The group claims to be nonpartisan,1 but has produced videos
Rock the Vote Action Fund is the lobbying affiliate of Rock the Vote, a progressive-aligned organization in the United States which seeks to to engage and “build the political power of young people.” 1