Non-profits (Page 270)

  • Non-profit

    Our Revolution

    Our Revolution is a left-wing advocacy group that was formed in the wake of the 2016 presidential campaign of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Its primary focus is on supporting the election of candidates on the left-flank of the Democratic Party through campaign resources and activism. Notable Our
  • Non-profit

    Our Santa Fe River

    Our Santa Fe River is a left-of-center organization focused on environmental policy in the Santa Fe River of Florida. The organization sponsored the Green New Deal.
  • Non-profit

    Our Schools USA

    Our Schools USA is a left-of-center educational policy advocacy group that pushes an LGBT-based agenda and works to increase liberal presence on school boards. The group was founded in 2022 after one of its two co-founders lost her run for school board re-election to a member of Moms for Liberty,
  • Non-profit

    Our Story Hub

    Our Story is a project of the Proteus Fund established to work with left-of-center advocacy organizations and elected leaders on communication strategies and messaging. Our Story provides consulting services to facilitate the development and dissemination of left-of-center political propaganda. Our Story provides previously developed “narratives,” designed to be “used
  • Non-profit

    Our Voice Our Vote (OVOV)

    Our Voice Our Vote (OVOV), officially “Our Voice Our Vote Arizona,” is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the political interests of racial minorities in Arizona co-founded by former Arizona state Representative Reginald Bolding (D-Laveen) and his wife, Cymone Bolding. OVOV’s sister group is the Arizona Coalition for Change,
  • Non-profit


    OurStates is a project of StayWoke, a left-of-center activism group born out of the Black Lives Matter movement. The nearly defunct project serves as a resource for activists on the state level to identify and track legislation to support or oppose. The project also includes guidance for activists
  • Non-profit

    Out & Equal

    Out and Equal Workplace Advocates (typically styled “Out & Equal”) is an advocacy organization for LGBT interests in the professional environment based in Oakland, California. Out and Equal primarily provides training and support to LGBT employees. 76 The
  • Non-profit

    Out for Justice (Out 4 Justice)

    Out for Justice (sometimes styled as Out 4 Justice) is a left-of-center organization based in Baltimore, Maryland, oriented around criminal justice issues, particularly those affecting the ability of individuals with criminal records to gain access to education, employment, and the electoral franchise. Background Out for Justice was founded as a
  • Non-profit

    Out of Hand Theater

    Out of Hand Theater is a production company based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company puts on monthly “Equitable Dinners,” as well as short plays and group discussions to push advocacy and discussions on left-of-center policy issues.
  • Non-profit

    OutFront Minnesota

    OutFront Minnesota is a left-of-center organization that advocates for LGBT individuals through educational outreach to school-age children, teachers, and the public; anti-violence initiatives; outreach to religious organizations; 103 and legislative and political advocacy.
  • Non-profit

    Outlaw Project

    The Outlaw Project is a housing and advocacy organization based in Arizona that offers temporary housing services to Black transgender individuals involved in the sex industry.
  • Non-profit

    Outlier Media

    Outlier Media operates a nonprofit online news site focused on the City of Detroit that uses surveys of residents and public data analysis to identify topics for its reporters to cover. Its target audience is lower-income residents who receive its coverage through text messages and social media. History and Leadership
  • Non-profit

    Outrider Foundation

    The Outrider Foundation is an environmentalist advocacy organization based in Madison, Wisconsin, that promotes climate change advocacy and criticizes nuclear weapons, mainly through financial support for reporting in mainstream journalistic outlets. Background In 1999, Frank Burgess, the chairman of Madison Investment Holding, Inc, a financial firm based in Madison, Wisconsin,
  • Non-profit

    OutRight Action International

    OutRight Action International, formerly known as the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, is a left-of-center LGBT advocacy organization that receives substantial funding from left-leaning private grantmaking foundations including the Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, and Horizons Foundation.
  • Non-profit

    Over Zero

    Over Zero is a left-of-center advocacy organization against supposed “dangerous speech.” It is a project of the Hopewell Fund, a funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit managed by the Washington, D.C.-based consultancy Arabella Advisors. Activities The organization states that when societies become divided along religious, ethnic and political lines
  • Non-profit

    Overbrook Foundation

    The Overbrook Foundation is a New York City-based grantmaking foundation founded in 1948 by investor Frank Altschul and his wife Helen. Today, the Overbrook Foundation’s grants are focused on funding for left-of-center groups supporting social liberalism and environmentalism. Overbrook has an endowment of $150 million and has donated more than
  • Non-profit

    Overdeck Family Foundation

    The Overdeck Family Foundation was created by John A. Overdeck, co-founder and co-chair of the hedge fund Two Sigma Investments, and Laura Overdeck, an educator and creator of the Bedside Math Foundation. The Overdeck Family Foundation supports programs in education, with an emphasis on science and math education. John A.
  • Non-profit

    Oweesta Corporation

    The Oweesta Corporation is a Colorado-based intermediary for Native American community development financial institutions (CDFIs). Oweesta is the only Native American CDFI intermediary. The Oweesta Corporation is one of the many organizations that received a portion of $1.7 billion from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott in the summer of 2020. Scott
  • Non-profit

    Ownership Works

    Ownership Works is a nonprofit group advocating for broad employee ownership of business equity. It has received support from left-of-center organizations including the Ford Foundation, Omidyar Network, and Rockefeller Foundation.219
  • Non-profit

    Oxfam America

    Also see Oxfam America Advocacy Fund (Non-profit) Oxfam America is the American nonprofit arm of the worldwide group Oxfam International, which advocates for expanded international aid programs worldwide. 220 Oxfam America’s programs focus