Non-profits (Page 268)

  • Non-profit

    Orchard House Foundation

    The Orchard House Foundation is a Nevada-based private foundation funded by the Maya P. Miller Charitable Lead Annuity Trust.1 Maya P. Miller and her husband Richard Gordon Miller
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Capital Chronicle (OCC)

    The Oregon Capital Chronicle (OCC) was founded in 2021 as the Oregon affiliate for States Newsroom. States Newsroom is a left-of-center media hub that supports left-of-center reporting on the state level from dozens of small, affiliated startups and a national bureau in Washington, D.C. OCC embraces left-of-center positions
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation (OCWF)

    The Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation (OCWF) is a nonprofit organization that intends to educate Oregonians about state and local governments spending. To this end, OCWF researches, documents, and publicizes how government spends tax dollars. The Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation also promotes efficient government by developing policy proposals that encourage sound
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Center for Public Policy

    The Oregon Center for Public Policy (OCPP) is a left-of-center think tank that researches and advocates for policy proposals to expand the Oregon welfare state. 27
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Community Foundation

    The Oregon Community Foundation is the sixth-largest community foundation in the United States as of 2019. 37 In 2016, the foundation began focusing on addressing what it called an “opportunity gap” among children from low-income
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Environmental Council

    The Oregon Environmental Council is an environmental advocacy group based in Portland, Oregon, United States. It was founded in 1968.
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) Foundation

    The Oregon Health and Science University Foundation (OHSU Foundation) is the fundraising arm of the Oregon state school of medicine and hospital system. Despite ostensibly serving to obtain donations and subsidize the cost of its healthcare services and research, OHSU Foundation has at times taken left-of-center positions on issues such
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

    Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) conducts scientific research in an effort to increase the quality, quantity, and length of human life. OISM’s laboratory research includes protein biochemistry, diagnostic and preventative medicine, nutrition, and aging. It also performs work intended to improve basic education and emergency preparedness.
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility

    Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility is a left-leaning organization of health professionals focused on environmental policy in Oregon.
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Sex Workers Committee

    The Oregon Sex Workers Committee advocates for the decriminalization of prostitution and related activities. It organizes events that promote this agenda and claims to represent the interests of those who have been variously exploited by capitalism, harassed by police, or charged criminally for engaging in presently illegal sexual activities.
  • Non-profit

    Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition

    The Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition is a left-of-center non-profit organization whose focus is environmental issues. It promotes community action and government regulations to ensure conservation of the environment and to prevent climate change. 91
  • Non-profit

    Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG)

    Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) is the left-of-center 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of the 501(c)(3) policy research Oregon State Public Interest Research Group Foundation. It is the Oregon state affiliate of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG).
  • Non-profit

    Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) Foundation

    The Oregon State Public Interest Research Group Foundation (OSPIRG Foundation) is the left-of-center research arm of the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG), a left-of-center advocacy organization. It is the Oregon state affiliate of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG). The Foundation conducts research on the left-of-center
  • Non-profit

    Organic Consumers Association

    The Organic Consumers Association is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that advocates for tightening the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) criteria for labeling food products as organic. The association aims to stymie the sale of genetically engineered foods and other products associated with the use of pesticides and livestock
  • Non-profit

    Organic Voices Action Fund

    Organic Voices Action Fund is a non-profit organization that advocates for the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.111 Just Label It is a project from the Organic Voices Action Fund that it uses to educate
  • Non-profit

    Organization for Human Rights and Democracy

    The Organization for Human Rights and Democracy (OHRD) is a grassroots activism organization that advocates for radical community change. OHRD was founded in Georgia, originally under the name Atlanta Public Sector Alliance.
  • Non-profit

    Organization for Youth Empowerment

    The Organization for Youth Empowerment is an advocacy group that provides tutoring and life skills training for at-risk youth whilst promoting community service and environmental protections. 115
  • Non-profit

    Organize Action

    Organize Action is a left-of-center pass-through organization that connects funders with projects largely based on Asian and Pacific Islander political advocacy. Organize Action has provided funds to left-of-center organizations including Freedom Action Now, a self-described “radical queer black and Southeast Asian feminist” organization.
  • Non-profit

    Organize Florida

    Organize Florida was an Orlando-based tax-exempt social welfare organization. It trained community activists and regularly organized protests in the Central Florida and Tampa Bay areas to advance social, economic, and environmentally left-of-center agendas throughout the influential Tampa-Orlando “I-4 corridor.” It had satellite offices in Tampa and Kissimmee, and frequently coordinated
  • Non-profit

    Organize Florida Education Fund (formerly F.I.R.E.)

    The Organize Florida Education Fund (formerly F.I.R.E., Florida Institute for Reform and Empowerment) is a left-of-center advocacy group that trains activists working in the central Florida “I-4 corridor” between Tampa and Orlando. It has frequently worked with other Democratic-aligned and left-of-center organizations in Florida. Organize Florida Education Fund is a