One Girl Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization in New York City which advocates for women’s issues.1
For more on this organization, see One Illinois Media. One Illinois is a left-leaning news website.
One Illinois Media is a left-of-center nonprofit journalism project focused on Illinois. The project has taken six-figure funding from the Illinois Education Association government worker labor union,
One Iowa (sometimes styled One 1owa) is a left-of-center LGBT-interests advocacy group that originally focused on campaigning for the state recognition of same-sex marriage in Iowa, but since 2012 has shifted its focus to a broader set of issues involving LGBT Iowans, including health care policy, corporate practices, and elder
One Iowa Education Fund is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) organization which advocates for LGBT issues in Iowa.19
One Love Global is a left-of-center nonprofit that focuses on racial equity, building power, and youth organizing. One Love Global has called for reparations for Black people, defunding the police, ending bail requirements, automatic voter registration, fighting global warming, supporting labor unions, and a social justice-equity agenda. One Love Global
One Nation (formerly Alliance for America’s Future) advocates for legislation and policies that support economic growth, limited and accountable government, and strong national security. 45 The group is aligned with the Republican Party. Activities One Nation’s
One Ohio Now was a coalition of over 100 largely left-of-center activist and labor organizations that advocated for raising taxes in the state of Ohio and increasing taxpayer funding for education, infrastructure, welfare programs, and other priorities. In 2018, One Ohio Now was brought under the banner of Ohio
One Pennsylvania (or OnePA) is a left-of-center activist group associated with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Its president, Gabe Morgan, is a vice president of 32BJ, an SEIU local union active throughout the northeastern United States; its executive director, Erin Kramer, is also a career SEIU organizer.
One People’s Project is a far-left research and media organization led by activist Daryle Lamont Jenkins that aims to keep watch on what it deems fascist activity. Its website’s “merch” section has Antifa beanies for sale, and its news website Idavox reports on street battles between Antifa and other activists.
One Step A La Vez is a left-of-center community organization that hosts after-school programming and other programs for at-risk youth in Fillmore, California. The group’s programs, in addition to after-school programs, include behavioral health outreach and engagement, violence prevention, and intervention services. The group also conducts advocacy on left-of-center political
One Wisconsin Now is a liberal issue advocacy group based in Madison, Wisconsin. Founded in 2007, One Wisconsin Now focuses on state politics and policies, but also branches out into federal policies with national projects such as its “I Am a Student Loan Voter” project calling for taxpayers to forgive
One Wisconsin Now Institute (also known as Institute for One Wisconsin) is the charitable counterpart of One Wisconsin Now, a liberal issue-advocacy organization also based in Madison, Wisconsin. Programs The Institute focuses on voter rights initiatives and expanding access to the polls in Wisconsin.
OneAmerica lobbies and organizes for left-of-center causes, focusing on immigrant rights, including illegal immigrants in the United States. OneAmerica has shaped national policy on racial profiling and opposes deportation while it supports the acquisition of college financial aid,
OneVoice Movement is a project of the Peaceworks Foundation, a nonprofit founded to support a two-state solution to the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. Originally operating in the United States, it has expanded to Europe and the Middle East, with one division in each Israel and Palestinian territories.
The Oil & Natural Gas Industry Labor-Management Committee (ONGIL-MC) is an association of labor unions with members who work in the oil and gas industry.157
The Onion Foundation is a grantmaking organization committed to providing grants for art education and environmental conservation efforts in Maine. In 2022, it made just shy of $3 million in grants to groups including Fractured Atlas, Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition, and Maine Conservation Alliance.
The Online News Association is a professional membership association for individual internet-based journalists. The organization was formed in the late 1990s shortly after the advent of the online news industry and, like other journalism-related organizations, promotes a variety of left-of-center ideologies and is funded by major left-of-center grantmaking foundations. The
Online Progressive Engagement Network (OPEN) is a left-of-center global network dedicated to quickly organizing campaigns for various causes including climate change activism, “stripping right-wing organizations of financial services,” and “strengthening antiauthoritarianism in Europe.”
Onward Together is a political fundraising organization established by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the wake of her loss to President Donald Trump in the 2016 election. The 501(c)(4) organization receives anonymous donations, and distributes the majority of that money to a small number of partner