NPH Action Fund is a campaign group supporting housing-related tax increases in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The NRA Foundation is a nonprofit organization affiliated with the National Rifle Association (NRA) that functions as the lobbying organization’s charitable arm. The Foundation has awarded millions in grant funding to police organizations, gun clubs, and school groups.
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1982 which advocates for the end of the use of nuclear weapons and has opposed the use of zero carbon nuclear energy. 18
The Nuclear Control Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1981 which advocates for ending the use of plutonium and uranium in nuclear power plants and researches issues related to nuclear weapons.22
The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is a trade association advocating for nuclear power on behalf of nuclear-industry interests. The Nuclear Energy Institute advocates nuclear power as an always available, zero emission source of electricity. NEI educates and advances that nuclear energy is a safe, reliable, and a clean power source
Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) is an anti-nuclear-energy advocacy group. Opposition to Nuclear Energy Nuclear power plants produce no carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions, and as of 2021 accounted for 19 percent of American electricity production—the largest source of zero carbon electricity in the United States.
Nuclear Innovation Alliance is an nonprofit organization which advocates for nuclear energy to bring about a zero-carbon society. 44 Between 2017 and 2019, the Nuclear Innovation Alliance received $543,429 in grant money from the left-leaning LLC Arnold
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a center-left nonprofit formed in 2001 by philanthropist and media executive Ted Turner and former Sen. Sam Nunn (D-GA). The group advocates against nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Watch of New Mexico is a 501(c)(3) organization which advocates for ending the use of nuclear weapons.46
Numbers USA advocates for lower levels of immigration (legal and otherwise) into the United States.
NY 4 Whales is a left-leaning environmentalist organization focused on preserving whales and dolphins.
The New York Writers Coalition is a left-progressive nonprofit which assists writers in New York through workshops and other programs.47
The New York City Environmental Justice Alliance is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) environmental organization which advocates for environmental issues in New York City.48
NYC H2O is a left-of-center environmentalist organization that advocates for education and public policy change on local New York water ecology.
The Oak Foundation (and its U.S. affiliate Oak Foundation USA) is a left-leaning environmentalist grantmaking foundation. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Oak Foundation was formed in 1983 and maintains offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Bulgaria, India, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania.
The Oak Hill Fund is a left-of-center grantmaking organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia. 76 The Oak Hill Fund was established in 2001 as a 501(c)(3) organization from the division
The Oakland Institute is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that was created by Ben & Jerry’s Foundation trustee Anuradha Mittal in 2004. 88
Oakland Rising (OR) is a left-of-center activist project of the Movement Strategy Center (MSC) that focuses on voter mobilization among of low-income people, immigrants, and people of color in Oakland, California. Operating under the Bay Rising umbrella with sister organizations San Francisco Rising and Silicon Valley Rising,
The Oakwood Foundation, often referred to as Oakwood Village after the institution it supports, is a nonprofit charity that supports assisted living facilities in Madison, Wisconsin, and operates on two campuses called Oakwood Village University Woods and Oakwood Village Prairie Ridge. Donations to the Oakwood Village consortium are processed through
The Obama Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed in 2014, near the end of President Obama’s second term in office, to press for liberal projects and to both oversee the design and construction of the Obama Presidential Center within Jackson Park in Chicago, Illinois. A federal review of the