Northwest Area Foundation (NWAF) is a left-of-center private foundation which was formed in 1934 by railroad magnate Louis W. Hill. In 2023, NWAF updated its grantmaking to focus on “racial, social, and economic justice,” aligning more strongly to left-of-center causes.
The Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) is a regional organization of private schools. The NWAIS provides resources to its member schools and trains education administrators to implement the organization’s left-of-center agenda on race and gender. The NWAIS also offers sponsorship opportunities to corporations, touting its ability to promote sponsors’
The Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition is a left-of-center organization based in the Bronx, New York that engages in community organizing, political and civic engagement, and policy advocacy. The coalition is a strong supporter of rent control: to that end, it was one of the leaders of the Upstate/Downstate
The Northwest Earth Institute is a nonprofit organization in Portland, Oregon, with the intention of “inspiring people to take responsibility for Earth.”
Northwest Energy Coalition (sometimes spelled NW Energy Coalition) is a left-of-center climate change organization that advocates for increased reliance on renewable energy sources composed of other organizations based in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia.
The Northwest Health Foundation is a left-of-center organization that makes grants to organizations based in Washington and Oregon. It uses the guise of promoting health to make grants to local organizations that seek to advance social policies in alignment with critical race theory, while using the identity politics concept of
The Northwest Health Foundation II is the charitable arm of the left-of-center Northwest Health Foundation and was created to act as a donor-advised fund provider affiliated with its sister organization.
The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project is a left-of-center legal advocacy organization that provides services to migrants in the United States, including citizenship proceedings, asylum cases, and defending against deportations. It also undertakes lawsuits aimed at changing federal immigration laws, policies, and procedures. In November 2024, it signed an open letter
Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is a mostly government-funded nonprofit founded in 1995 that provides free legal services and income maintenance assistance to those in need in Washington state. 65 NJP provides legal advice and representation, community
Northwest Center (formerly Northwest Side Housing Center) is a left-of-center advocacy group and housing-counseling center located in Chicago. It was founded in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Background Northwest Center was founded as Northwest Side Housing Center (NWSHC) in 2003 in the Chicago community of Belmont Cragin and
The Norwegian Refugee Council is a humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in 1946. The organization prioritizes assisting refugees across the world and stated that it helped just under 10 million people across 35 countries in 2021. 83 It
Not My Generation is a college-age-oriented gun-control organization that also supports the abolition of police and prisons as a long-term goal. 104 The organization began in response to a 2018 mass shooting at
Not One Penny (NOP) is a left-of-center tax advocacy group created to oppose the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (popularly known as the 2017 Tax Reform), a tax package passed by Congressional Republicans and signed into law by President Donald Trump in November 2017. NOP refers to the
Not Your Mascots is a left-of-center advocacy group that pressures schools and professional sports teams to change Native American-themed mascots. The organization views Native American mascots as racist and demeaning to Native Americans. The organization also works to promote other issues of interest to left-wing Native American activists such as
The NoVo Foundation is the private foundation controlled by Peter Buffett, son of investor and left-of-center philanthropist Warren Buffett, and Peter’s wife Jennifer. Warren provided the initial donation of 350,000 shares of Berkshire Hathaway valued at $1 billion
NPH Action Fund is a campaign group supporting housing-related tax increases in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The NRA Foundation is a nonprofit organization affiliated with the National Rifle Association (NRA) that functions as the lobbying organization’s charitable arm. The Foundation has awarded millions in grant funding to police organizations, gun clubs, and school groups.
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1982 which advocates for the end of the use of nuclear weapons and has opposed the use of zero carbon nuclear energy. 250
The Nuclear Control Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1981 which advocates for ending the use of plutonium and uranium in nuclear power plants and researches issues related to nuclear weapons.254
The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is a trade association advocating for nuclear power on behalf of nuclear-industry interests. The Nuclear Energy Institute advocates nuclear power as an always available, zero emission source of electricity. NEI educates and advances that nuclear energy is a safe, reliable, and a clean power source