The NGO Committee on the Status of Women New York is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) organization that lobbies the United Nations on women’s issues.1
NH Wellpoint Foundation is a 501(c)(3)-PF based in Milford, New Hampshire. Its principal officer is Richard Katzenberg.2
NHT Communities (NHTC), previously National Housing Trust Enterprise Preservation Corporation, is a low-income housing development company based in Washington, D.C. NHTC preserves and improves low-income multifamily housing. It does this through acquisition of multifamily housing developments, improvements to the properties, property management, and providing resident services.
The Nia Community Foundation (NIACF) is a left-of-center organization that invests in businesses and organizations led by women or persons of color through grants or loans. It originally focused on the Oakland, California area but now works more widely. Its areas of focus include environment sustainability and equal economic outcomes.
Niagara Organizing Alliance for Hope (NOAH) is a Gamaliel Foundation and Faith in Action-affiliated left-of-center religious-inspired community organizing group based in the Buffalo, New York region.
The Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University places interns at left-of-center environmental policy organizations.
The Nick and Leslie Hanauer Foundation is the private foundation of progressive technology investor and reported Democracy Alliance partner Nick Hanauer.41 Hanauer, dubbed “America’s worst
The Nielsen Foundation is the private grantmaking foundation of Nielsen, a global data and analytics company. The nonprofit has a giving focus on the media and technology but supports numerous socially left-of-center causes and groups.
Nieman Lab is an academic and media outlet focused on the practice of journalism housed within the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University. Nieman Lab publishes The Daily Digest, a bi-weekly newsletter, and hosts stories regarding the development of the field of journalism during the digital age. History The Nieman
NILC Immigrant Justice Fund is the lobbying and electoral partner organization of the National Immigration Law Center. It advocates for liberalization of federal immigration law and works to mobilize immigrants in the political process to support left-of-center candidates who support expansionist immigration policy. The organization ran ads in key
Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment is a left-of-center Native American organizing group that promotes left-of-center environmental policies and a variety of other Native American and land-use issues. The group represents members of the Nez Perce Tribe, also known as the Nimiipuu people, and advocates for the rights of modern-day tribe members
The Niskanen Center is a nominally libertarian 501(c)(3) environmental think tank with ties to center-left environmental groups. The Center was created in January 2015 and was initially headed by Jerry Taylor, a global warming advocate and environmental activist who authored a 2015 report The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax.
The Niskanen Center For Public Policy is the lobbying arm of the right-leaning Niskanen Center, an environmentalist think tank created in 2016. Leadership According to its 2017 IRS filing (Form 990), the Niskanen Center for Public Policy reported three unpaid board members, all of whom are listed as officers of
NJ 11th for Change, based in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, is a small organization advocates for left-leaning policies and politicians. It supports and organizes the district’s U.S. Representative, Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), and other New Jersey Democrats.
No Boundaries Coalition is a community-based advocacy group that provides social services such as offering youth programs, promoting healthy produce, and improving relations with local police in Baltimore, Maryland. 135
No Labels is an ostensibly non-partisan advocacy group which attempts to foster bipartisan legislative efforts in government. No Labels considers itself an advocate for the “exhausted majority,” the supposedly two-thirds of Americans who do not have strong partisan loyalties toward the Republican or Democratic Parties.
No More is a center-left activist group that advocates against sexual assault and domestic violence. No More is a project of the center-left fiscal sponsorship nonprofit NEO Philanthropy. 159
No More Deaths (NMD), also known by the Spanish “No Mas Muertes,” is an immigration advocacy group founded in 2004 to protect illegal immigrants facing life and death struggles crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona. In 2008, it became an official ministry of the left-of-center Unitarian Universalist Church of
No More Guantanamos is a left-of-center activist organization that supports the closure of the detention camp for captured terrorism suspects at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The Nomi Network is an advocacy organization that seeks to end human trafficking by providing employment and career development opportunities to vulnerable populations. 212