Non-profits (Page 256)

  • Non-profit

    No More

    No More is a center-left activist group that advocates against sexual assault and domestic violence. No More is a project of the center-left fiscal sponsorship nonprofit NEO Philanthropy. 1
  • Non-profit

    No More Deaths

    No More Deaths (NMD), also known by the Spanish “No Mas Muertes,” is an immigration advocacy group founded in 2004 to protect illegal immigrants facing life and death struggles crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona. In 2008, it became an official ministry of the left-of-center Unitarian Universalist Church of
  • Non-profit

    No More Guantanamos

    No More Guantanamos is a left-of-center activist organization that supports the closure of the detention camp for captured terrorism suspects at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
  • Non-profit

    Nomi Network

    The Nomi Network is an advocacy organization that seeks to end human trafficking by providing employment and career development opportunities to vulnerable populations. 54
  • Non-profit

    Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California

    The Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California is a left-progressive 501(c)(3) organization which advocates for housing issues in the San Francisco Bay Area.55
  • Non-profit

    Nonhuman Rights Project

    The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) is an animal liberation organization that works to give some animals the status of “legal personhood” in order to grant them legal rights similar to those of human beings.
  • Non-profit

    Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF)

    Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) is a left-of-center nonprofit offering loans and consulting services to small and mid-sized groups working toward liberal social policy, mental health, education, workforce development, and other sectors. 79 It is
  • Non-profit

    Nonprofit VOTE

    Nonprofit VOTE is a left-of-center organization which engages non-profits to mobilize individuals they interact with to participate in elections and vote. 97 The group has received funding from left-of-center funder organizations, most prominently the Ford Foundation,
  • Non-profit

    Nonviolent Peaceforce

    Nonviolent Peaceforce is a far-left 501(c)(3) organization which works to defend human rights through unarmed civilian protection, a method which involves attempting to protect vulnerable populations by non-violent means.122
  • Non-profit

    Noora Health

    Noora Health, based in San Francisco, California, trains family members in India and Bangladesh to provide health care at home to relatives discharged from the hospital. Family members receive training via hospital classes and through remote technology. Stanford University graduates Shahed Alam and Edith Elliott are Noora Health’s co-founders and
  • Non-profit

    NOPE! Neighbors Organized for Power and Equality

    Neighbors Organized for Power and Equality (styled NOPE! Neighbors Organized for Power and Equality) is a Democratic Party-aligned activist group based in Washington, D.C. that channels liberal activists from the city to support liberal candidates nationwide. The group formed shortly after the election of Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential
  • Non-profit


    NORC at the University of Chicago is one of the largest independent social research organizations in the United States, established in 1941.
  • Non-profit

    Norman Foundation

    The Norman Foundation is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that focuses on environmentalist and economic justice issues and movement building. The Foundation mandates that grant requests should further equity and that funded projects are likely to achieve left-of-center systemic change. The Norman Foundation funds environmentalist groups that seek to preserve land
  • Non-profit

    North American Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies (NAAIMS)

    The North American Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies, formerly the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, is a left-of-center academic organization focused on Islamic studies. The organization holds conferences co-sponsored by universities across the United States.
  • Non-profit

    North American Congress on Latin America

    The North American Congress on Latin America is a left-wing 501(c)(3) organization which advocates for issues affecting Latin America.180
  • Non-profit

    North American Imams Federation (NAIF)

    North American Imams Federation (NAIF), also known as North American Imams Fellow, is an Islamic activist group that represents imams and other Muslim leaders in the United States and Canada. 181
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    North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)

    North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) is an Islamic organization that operates as a form of a conventional trust or endowment program that follows Islamic law-compliant financial practices known as “waqf.” 198 NAIT holds
  • Non-profit

    North Carolina Citizens for Protecting Our Schools

    North Carolina Citizens for Protecting Our Schools is a North Carolina-based teachers union-funded education advocacy group that opposes tax cuts and supports expanded funding for public schools.
  • Non-profit

    North Carolina Climate Solutions Coalition (NCCSC)

    North Carolina Climate Solutions Coalition (NCCS) is an advocacy organization that promotes climate change activism across North Carolina. It supports policies including transitioning to weather-dependent energy sources  such as solar and wind and promoting energy efficiency measures such as North Carolina’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard.
  • Non-profit

    North Carolina Coastal Federation

    The North Carolina Coastal Federation is an environmental organization that seeks to prevent offshore oil and gas production.