Non-profits (Page 253)

  • Non-profit

    New Jersey Consortium for Immigrant Children

    The New Jersey Consortium for Immigrant Children is a left-of-center immigration law and activism organization. In addition to providing legal services to children allegedly in the country illegally, it works with other organizations to assign state-funded legal services, and promotes liberal-expansionist immigration policies within New Jersey.
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey for a Better Future

    New Jersey for a Better Future is a left-of-center healthcare advocacy organization. It is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a 501(c)(4) funding and fiscal sponsorship group managed by the Washington, D.C.-based left-of-center consultancy Arabella Advisors. Background New Jersey for a Better Future is a left-of-center organization advocating for
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey Future

    New Jersey Future a climate advocacy nonprofit that has opposed additional roadbuilding in New Jersey and promoted taxpayer subsidies for the purchase of e-bicycles.
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey Institute for Social Justice

    The New Jersey Institute for Social Justice (NJISJ) is a New Jersey-based, left-of-center civil rights organization. Notably active in the city of Newark, the NJISJ publishes research on racial discrimination in housing, employment, and incarceration, pushing for left-of-center policy change in those areas. The NJISJ also sits on the Newark
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

    The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund is a left-of-center 501(c)(3) organization that advocates for environmental issues in New Jersey. It is a regional affiliate of the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund.
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey Organizing Project

    New Jersey Organizing Project is a left-of-center advocacy group based in the state of New Jersey. It advocates for taxpayer-funded health care and environmentalist climate change initiatives and endorses Democratic political candidates. 33
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey Policy Perspective

    New Jersey Policy Perspective is a left-of-center policy advocacy organization focused primarily on state-level issues in the state of New Jersey. The organization advocates for left-of-center positions on racial and economic issues, immigration policy, and climate change.
  • Non-profit

    New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) Citizen Lobby

    The New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) Citizen Lobby is the New Jersey state-level organization of the National Association of Organizations in the Public Interest (NAOPI). 62 NJPIRG Citizen 
  • Non-profit

    New Justice Project

    New Justice Project MN is a left-of-center organization founded in 2022 that asserts that there is systemic racism in the United States and focuses on jobs, housing, and politics. The New Justice Project MN advocates for defunding the police, reducing public safety funding throughout Minnesota, and the early release of
  • Non-profit

    New Leaders Council (NLC)

    The New Leaders Council (NLC) is a Washington, D.C. networking nonprofit catering to liberal political activists. The group provides training and “thought leadership” for individuals seeking to run for public office. NLC has chapters in 28 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Non-profit

    New Left Accelerator (NLA)

    New Left Accelerator (NLA) is a nonprofit advisory organization that helps left-of-center activist groups improve their systems and outreach potential. It was founded after the 2016 election by Deborah Barron, a founding member of Women Lawyers On Guard. NLA is the sister social-welfare organization of the Capacity Shop, a
  • Non-profit

    New Mexicans for Money Out of Politics

    In 2020, New Mexicans for Money Out of Politics co-signed a letter addressed to president Donald Trump which advocated for hiring Federal Election Commission (FEC) Commissioners to reach quorum and to enforce election laws.
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Civic Engagement Table

    The New Mexico Civic Engagement Table (NMCET) is a left-leaning voter mobilization group that aims to coordinate the efforts of other left-leaning activist groups in New Mexico. The organization is the Nebraska branch of State Voices, a nationwide coalition of left-leaning nonprofits that has created a voter mobilization infrastructure for
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC)

    New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC) is a left-of-center environmentalist legal advocacy group founded in 1987 that specializes in air, water, and land environmentalist issues in the state.
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (NMILC)

    The New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (NMILC) is a left-of-center public interest law firm founded to provide free legal services in immigration law to people with varying legal statuses, including illegal immigrants. The organization advocates for the abolition of detention of illegal immigrants. It was originally a fiscally sponsored project
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Native Vote

    New Mexico Native Vote (NM Native Vote) is a left-of-center get-out-the-vote (GOTV) and activist organization focused on Native American voter turnout in New Mexico. 153 NM Native Vote is committed to the critical
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Public Interest Research Group (NMPIRG) Education Fund

    New Mexico Public Interest Research Group Education Fund (NMPIRG) is the 501(c)(3) policy research arm of the 501(c)(4) New Mexico Public Interest Research Group Fund. It is the New Mexico state affiliate of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG).
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Public Interest Research Group (NMPIRG) Fund

    New Mexico Public Interest Research Group Fund (NMPIRG) is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of the New Mexico Public Interest Research Group Education Fund. It is the New Mexico state affiliate of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG).
  • Non-profit

    New Mexico Voices for Children

    New Mexico Voices for Children is a left-of-center public policy organization in New Mexico.
  • Non-profit

    New Morning Foundation

    The New Morning Foundation is a South Carolina-based nonprofit that supports expanded access to birth control and detailed sex education. 183 The organization asserts that women need artificial birth control to plan their lives,