Non-profits (Page 248)

  • Non-profit

    People’s Support Foundation

    The People’s Support Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation located in Chicago, Illinois. Its president is left-wing activist Jodie Evans. In 2020 and 2021, the vast majority of its grantmaking went to a 501(c)(4) nonprofit called the People’s Welfare Association, which in turn exclusively funds groups in foreign
  • Non-profit

    People’s Welfare Association

    The People’s Welfare Association is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit located in Madison, Wisconsin. From May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2022 it made a total of $50,888,520 in grants, all of which went to undisclosed recipients in foreign countries.
  • Non-profit

    People’s Action

    People’s Action, the lobbying arm of the left-wing People’s Action Institute, was created when USAction, Community Organizations in Action, National People’s Action Campaign, and Campaign for America’s Future merged in 2016. 1 The
  • Non-profit

    People’s Advocacy Institute

    The People’s Advocacy Institute is a left-of-center activist group that focuses on criminal justice policy and the implementation of a new criminal justice system. 1 People’s Advocacy Institute has received grants from various left-of-center organizations including
  • Non-profit

    People’s Courage International Inc., USA – Migrants Resilience Collaborative (MRC) (Jan Sahas)

    People’s Courage International Inc., USA – Migrants Resilience Collaborative (MRC), also known as Jan Sahas, is a collaborative of nonprofit and private sector actors aiming to combat sexual violence and improve working conditions for labor migrants in India and Southeast Asia.
  • Non-profit

    People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond

    The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, known by the name Undoing Racism, is a New Orleans-based collaboration of far-left activists that participate in grantmaking and lead workshops on topics, such as race, poverty, and activism. Programs Undoing Racism Workshop Undoing Racism is the signature workshop of the People’s Institute
  • Non-profit

    People’s Lobby

    People’s Lobby is a Chicago based left-of-center organization which has spent thousands in support of the campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Marie Newman, a Democratic primary candidate for the House of Representatives in Illinois. The organization receives the majority of its funding, to the tune $50,000 in 2018, from
  • Non-profit

    People’s Support Foundation (PSF)

    People’s Support Foundation (PSF) is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that is run by far-left activist and CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans. Beginning in 2020, PSF began making grants almost entirely to the left-of-center People’s Welfare Association, which makes grants overseas.
  • Non-profit

    People’s Welfare Association (PWA)

    People’s Welfare Association (PWA) is a social welfare grantmaking organization that is heavily funded by the left-of-center private foundation People’s Support Foundation (PSF). 1 Since its founding in 2019,
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    Peoples College of Law

    Peoples College of Law is a law school located in Los Angeles, California. It is notable for the priority it places on left-of-center activism among students and graduates, and for its historic connections to the American radical left especially through the radical-left-aligned National Lawyers Guild.
  • Non-profit

    Pepperwood Foundation

    The Pepperwood Foundation is a centrist organization focused on encouraging the scientific exploration of nature, and conservation; it is generally apolitical.
  • Non-profit

    Perception Institute

    The Perception Institute began as a project of the Institute for America’s Future to use research to release reports, conduct trainings, and otherwise advocate for left-of-center perspectives on racial, gender, and other alleged biases in American culture and society.
  • Non-profit

    Period, Inc.

    Period, Inc. (styled PERIOD; formerly Camions of Care) provides menstrual hygiene products to people unable to afford them and works to oppose stigmatization of menstruation.
  • Non-profit

    Perkins Hunter Foundation

    Perkins Hunter Foundation is a private foundation that primarily makes grants to left-of-center, youth-focused, and education-oriented organizations. 1 Thomas Perkins, Alec Perkins, and Jamel Perkins are the Perkins Hunter Foundation’s directors.
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    Perls Foundation

    The Perls Foundation is a grantmaking foundation founded by art dealer Klaus Perl. The foundation funds many left-of-center groups, including the Public Citizen Foundation, the ACLU, and United for a Fair Economy. Founding and History The Perls Foundation was founded by the art dealer Klaus Perls and
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    Pershing Square Foundation

    Pershing Square Foundation (PSF) is a nonprofit organization that funds higher education, organizations that provide social services, and left-of-center advocacy organizations. 1
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    Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

    Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) is a California-based environmental advocacy and community organizing group. PANNA’s core objective is to oppose the production and use of many commercial pesticides and genetically engineered foods, as well as the agricultural corporations that employ these practices.
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    Pesticide Watch

    Pesticide Watch is a left-leaning advocacy group that opposes the use of pesticides. In 2014, it argued against using pesticides to fight mosquitos carrying the West Nile Virus.
  • Non-profit

    Pesticide Watch Education Fund

    Pesticide Watch Education Fund was a left-of-center public policy group affiliated with the Pesticide Watch advocacy organization. The Education affiliate communicates the group’s opinions on the risks associated with modern agricultural technology. Pesticide Watch Education Fund opposed the spraying of pesticides to kill mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus
  • Non-profit

    Peter G. Peterson Foundation

    The Peter G. Peterson Foundation was created by Peter G. Peterson, who served as secretary of commerce in the Nixon administration and co-founded Blackstone, a mergers-and-acquisitions firm. The Peterson Foundation supports center-left, center, and center-right organizations that support reducing the national debt and curtailing the growth of Social Security and