AdvocAid is a judicial activist organization that provides legal representation, education opportunities, and support programs for women detained in Sierra Leone. 1
Advocates for Children and Youth is a nonprofit organization that networks with youth leaders and campus advocates to push for increased sexual health, social justice and equity for young adults. 2
Advocates for the West is a left-of-center environmentalist public interest law firm. The firm brings legal challenges to oil, gas, mining, and other energy development projects in Western states and frequently opposed the Trump administration’s energy policies. Opposition to the Bureau of Land Management During the Trump administration,
Advocates for Youth (AFY) is a left-of-center advocacy group that focus on topics such as youth sexual health, youth reproductive health, sexual violence, racial issues, and LGBT issues in both the United States and the “Global South,” a term referring to less economically developed nations.
Aequus Institute is a right-leaning 501(c)(3) based in Hillsdale, Michigan and associated with Hillsdale College.
The Afiya Center is a left-leaning pro-abortion non-profit that operates in Dallas, Texas. Afiya Center seeks to lessen restrictions on abortion in Texas through advocacy and lawsuits. The Afiya Center supports minors’ access to abortion without parental involvement; immediate depopulation of all Dallas jails, prisons, and detention facilities; and teaches
The Africa-America Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization based in New York City that advocates for higher education among Africans in America.
African American Policy Forum (AAFP) is a far-left think tank dedicated to promoting racial and gender intersectionality in the United States. The organization primarily launches online campaigns to promote specific racial issues, such as highlighting police violence against black women and opposition to bans on teaching critical race theory.
African Career Education and Resources is a left-of-center, critical race theory-aligned civic and advocacy organization focused on providing assistance with housing, employment, business operations, and voter registration to members of racial minority groups, particularly Black Americans, in the northwestern suburbs of the Twin Cities of Minnesota.
African Communities Together is a 501(c)(3) immigration advocacy organization based in New York City.
The African Cultural and Religious Society of Washington DC is a religious institution operating in Washington D.C. 72
The African Gender and Media Initiative is an advocacy organization that pushes for increased gender equality and women’s rights in Kenya. 73
The African Population and Health Research Center is a Nairobi, Kenya-based think tank that advocates for increased use of birth control and legalized abortion in Africa. The organization began its life as an offshoot of the population control advocacy organization Population Council in Nairobi, Kenya. Among the organization’s central goals
African Renaissance and Diaspora Network (ARDN) is a New York-based international organization dedicated to promoting socio-economic development in Africa, primarily through the promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Background African Renaissance and Diaspora Network was founded by Djibril Diallo, a former United Nations official from Senegal.
Africans Rising is a pan-African organization that is pushing for left-of-center policies all over Africa. It was formed in August 2016 and issued the Kilimanjaro Declaration in 2017. It also has expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.
Africare is a Washington-based nonprofit that focuses on quality of life in Africa. The organization says it has thousands of separate projects across 36 countries on the African continent. 111 In 2016, the organization had more
AFSCME Training and Education Institute (ATEI) is a non-profit affiliated with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
AfterImage Public Media is a nonprofit organization that funds, produces and releases films and documentaries it claims are “designed to raise awareness about matters in the public interest.” 134 Several films it has
The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit organization that networks local chapters, businesses, and elected officials to increase access to afterschool programs for children. 142
The AG Foundation, formerly known as the Agnes Gund Foundation, is the private foundation created by left-of-center philanthropist and arts patron Agnes Gund. Most of the foundation’s grantmaking goes towards supporting the arts. Founding and History The AG Foundation was established in 1988 as the Agnes Gund Foundation by