For more information, see American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (Nonprofit) The ADC Research Institute (ADCRI) is an affiliate of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit.. It was founded in 1982 by former U.S. Senator James Abourezk (D-S.D.). The ADCRI’s principal activity is teaching Arab-Americans about their
The Adelson Family Foundation (AFF) is a private grantmaking organization that primarily supports programs that benefit the state of Israel and the Jewish people. The organization was established in 2007 by the late billionaire businessman and philanthropist Sheldon G. Adelson and his wife Miriam Adelson.
Adessium Foundation is a Dutch grantmaking organization founded by commodities trader Gerard van Vliet that provides grants to left-leaning organizations across the world. Adessium means “to bring into being.” 19 In 2007, Adessium
Adhikaar for Human Rights and Social Justice is a left-of-center 501(c)(3) nonprofit for the Nepali community within New York state that advocates for amnesty and social justice issues.
Advance American Democracy is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that funds lobbying efforts that support policies that would eliminate Republican-backed election integrity policies and funds campaigns that oppose financial reforms to entitlement programs. 45
The Advance Arkansas Institute is a right-of-center think tank which supports free-market policy. The institute has received funding from the Charles Koch Foundation and has been involved with programs at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.
Advance Democracy Inc. is a nonprofit investigative organization that conducts investigations around the world to improve accountability, transparency, and good governance, often on behalf of liberal internationalist ideological interests. The organization is run by Daniel J. Jones who is best known for his work as a U.S. Senate investigator
Advance Native Political Leadership (ANPL) is a nonprofit organization which advocates for increased representation of Native Americans in public offices. In July 2020, the Sandler Foundation announced that it would be donating $200 million to “racial justice groups” in response to the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, and
Advance North Carolina, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit based in Raleigh that claims to fight the right-wing takeover in North Carolina which, according to the organization, “seeks to reestablish a Southern racial and economic hierarchy.”
Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) is a 501(c)(6) environmentalist advocacy business league with notable members such as Apple, General Electric, and Edison Energy. It advocates for businesses to incorporate environmentalism in their business practices and for policy that facilitates a complete transition to an infrastructure that relies on environmentalist
Advanced Energy Economy 4 is the 501(c)(4) branch of the 501(c)(6) environmental advocacy business league Advanced Energy Economy.
Advanced Energy Institute (AEI), formerly the Advanced Energy Economy Institute (AEEI), is a branch of the left-of-center Advanced Energy Economy (AEE). AEI performs research to support its advocacy for environmentalist policy in coordination with AEE.
Advanced Energy Works (AEW), formerly Advanced Energy Economy 4, is the lobbying branch of the environmental advocacy business league Advanced Energy Economy. It advocates for policy that promotes a transition to relying on environmentalist energy and supports the workers within the related industries. As an advocacy arm of Advanced
Advanced Power Alliance (APA) is an energy industry trade group focused on the promotion of wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear power as well as on increased energy storage capacity. 137 APA is headquartered
The Advancement Project (AP) was established in 1999 by a group of civil rights lawyers as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization. While its stated objective is to address race and civil rights issues through the legal system and community activism, AP is in fact a key left-wing agitation group that
Advancing American Freedom (AAF) is a non-profit organization founded by former Vice President Mike Pence that advocates for right-of-center policy proposals relating to religious liberty, economics, and foreign policy. 172 Activity Advancing American Freedom
Advancing Arizona, also known as Advancing AZ and Honest Arizona, is a left-of-center advocacy organization that seeks to defeat Republican candidates. Led by Democrats, Honest Arizona fundraises under the name Advancing Arizona and advocates for increased government spending, raising the minimum wage, increased government involvement in health care, and opposition
Advancing Equity in Childhood Education is a critical race theory-aligned position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, an early education advocacy and grantmaking organization. Notably, support for the development of the statement was provided by the Bainum Family Foundation, a left-leaning private grantmaking
The Advocacy Action Fund (AAF) is a grantmaking organization that provides donations to left-of-center state and federal-level policy advocacy campaigns. AAF was founded with funding from Atlantic Philanthropies.
Advocacy Plus is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people with disabilities. They specialize in personalized care, financial management, and create public awareness about common disabilities 235