
New Organizing Institute (NOI)




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2015):

Revenue: $1,070,117
Expenses: $1,287,586
Assets: $135,176




Democratic personnel trainer



Executive Director:

Ethan Roeder


Judith Freeman

Zack Exley

Archived Website:

Succeeded By:

Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL)

Wellstone Action (RePower)

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

NOI is defunct. For its successor, see Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL)

New Organizing Institute (NOI) was a left-progressive group that trained digital organizers and campaigners for the Democratic Party and liberal political causes. The organization, described by a Washington Post reporter as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry,” trained 30,000 members in ten years before experiencing a mass staff walkout in 2015. 1 NOI has claimed that, in 2014, it “trained 2,778 organizers in nine states and the District of Columbia, with 76 trainees graduating from our signature Data and Digital BootCamp programs.” 2 A 2012 book examining the activists who aided Barack Obama’s victory in the 2008 presidential election credits the New Organizing Institute as one of the “organizations that support[s] campaigns” such as Obama’s. 3

In 2015, the New Organizing Institute and its sister group, the New Organizing Institute Education Fund, were disbanded and its core program and most remaining members were folded into Wellstone Action, one of the largest left-of-center campaigner training organizations.

In 2012, NOI staffers Whitney May, Tiana-Epps Johnson, and Donny Bridges founded Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a left-of-center voter outreach group. All three would work for New Organizing Institute from 2012-2015 and then return to CTCL, bringing the digital skills NOI taught them to their new organization. 4 In 2020, CTCL received a $250 million grant from Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. 5 In October 2020, Zuckerberg and Chan announced they were donating an additional $100 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life. 6

The New Organizing Institute Education Fund (NOI Education Fund) was NOI’s 501(c)(3) “sister.”


The New Organizing Institute was co-founded in 2005 by Zack Exley, a radical activist with (later an adviser to Sen. Bernie Sander’s 2016 presidential campaign and an Open Society Foundations fellow), and Judith Freeman, a political strategist for the AFL-CIO and later adviser to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. 7 8

Exley was NOI’s founding president from 2006 until 2010. 9 Rosalyn Lemieux was the executive director of NOI from 2006-2007, while Freeman would serve as executive director from 2007-2013. 10 7 From 2013-2015 the executive director position was filled by Ethan Roeder, the data director for Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and had previously served as NOI’s Director of Data, Technology, and Election Administration. 11


“Hogwarts” for Democrats and “The Left’s New Death Star”

In July 2014, a reporter for the Washington Post published a piece covering the New Organizing Institute, calling it “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry” and “the Left’s think tank for campaign know-how.” 1

The piece detailed how NOI trained activists, campaign staffers, and nonprofit employees in digital technology such as HTML coding, voter outreach via email lists and social media adverts, donor outreach and fundraising methods, tips for spreading online video content, and proper eye-catching online messaging. The article explained that the impetus behind the Institute’s formation was the desire of Democratic Party operatives for their field workers to be trained in the latest digital techniques perfected by the Obama presidential campaign during the 2012 election. By spreading the latest skills in coding, social media, and internet advertising to as many left-of-center activists as possible, NOI could diffuse digital learning through the progressive movement as those activists went on to different places in their careers, giving a lasting advantage to Democrats. 1

NOI’s “About” page (archived here) quoted a CNN article which called it “The Left’s New Death Star,” bragging that “even as Republicans made impressive strides in digital and data-driven campaigning in 2014, Democrats retain a culture of innovation and an army of campaign geeks that far outpaces their GOP foes . . . There is nothing like [NOI] on the Right.” 2

Training for Political Activists

NOI offered training to left-of-center political activists, with courses focused on issues such as election administration, online and in-person get-out-the-vote (GOTV) strategy, voter data management, early voting laws, state-by-state election laws, “fighting voter suppression,” and campaign management. 12

Descriptions of courses include:

Get-Out-The-Vote 13

  • “In this session, you’ll learn how to use online strategy to maximize your GOTV efforts – including using social media and online tools to recruit for and promote online and offline actions.”
  • “Lee Rowland & Ashindi Maxton explain how you can help fight voter suppression in your campaign by talking with voters about IDs and other laws. Learn best practices to message around this issue and other laws to educate voters about this election cycle.”
  • “Strategies for responding to an attack using media.”
  • “Jenny Flanagan, Director of Voting & Elections for Common Cause, a non-partisan, non-profit organization working in coalition to protect voters rights across the country, joins us to discuss the specific voter suppression tactics threatening our most vulnerable voters this cycle.”
  • “Bridgit Donnelly covers basic GOTV strategy to turn out your voters, connecting turnout to your campaign or issue, shaping the terrain pre-GOTV to prepare for success, and scientifically-tested GOTV tactics.”

Data Management 14

  • “In this session, Katie Ellis talks about the calculations you need to set up your GOTV program. We’ll discuss what universe of voters you should contact for GOTV, and how to plan for enough shifts and volunteers to contact your whole universe. We’ll also cover some tips and tricks for maintaining your GOV data. Finally, we’ll touch on some GOTV logistics planning.”
  • “Katie Ellis explains how to target effectively for local campaigns . . . track and manage data, and measure your campaign’s progress over time.”

Organizing and Leadership 15

  • “In order to create change in the world we have to engage in action. But in order for action to mean something it needs to be guided by a clear, compelling strategy that lays out a believable path to change. The work of strategy and the purpose of this session is figuring out how to turn what you have into what you need to get what you want; how to turn the resources you have into the power you need to achieve a specific, measurable goal.”
  • “Leadership is taking the responsibility for enabling others to achieve purpose in the face of uncertainty. Taking the first step to empowering our communities requires that we challenge ourselves and others to make THE CHOICE to organizing in the face of these uncertainties we face every day. This lesson introduces you to the craft of organizing as it relates to the major movements in U.S. history and provides a framework for re-shaping our ideas about leadership.”

As part of its training NOI offered an “Organizer of the Year Award” for activists involved in center- and far-left causes and the Democratic Party.

In 2015, the award winner was Charlene A. Carruthers, a self-described “Black, queer feminist community organizer and writer with over 10 years of experience in racial justice, feminist and youth leadership development movement work.” Carruthers has also worked for the Center for Community Change, the Women’s Media Center, Color of Change, and National People’s Action, all left-wing political groups that aid Democrats. She was also involved in a “delegation of young activists in Palestine in 2015 to build solidarity between Black and Palestinian liberation movements.” 16


NOI hosted “unconferences,” what it described as “the organizer’s version of your typical conference.” These were called “UpRoots,” held year-round, and “Rootscamp,” held annually in Washington, DC. Topics included social media strategy, graphic design for campaigns, voter data analysis, and political advertising. 17

Keynote attendees included notable Democratic politicians such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who spoke on Democrats’ coming strategy in 2016; Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who spoke on the need for more gun control laws alongside Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense (now part of Everytown for Gun Safety) founder Shannon Watts; and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who spoke on the need for women activists. 18 19 20

Fiscal Sponsorship

NOI offered fiscal sponsorship services to other left-of-center groups seeking sponsorship until obtaining standalone tax-exempt status from the IRS. NOI charged fees for this service: “5% of every donation” to the sponsee, “3% of crowdfunding” funds raised by the sponsee, and “50% of office space” expenses. Funders could donate directly to NOI in support of sponsored groups. 21

Connections to Major Liberal Political Groups

Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)

NOI sponsored a panel entitled “21st Century Engagement: Lessons from the Youth Movement” at the Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP) December 2010 conference in Washington, DC. FCCP is a collective for left-of-center foundations and donors focused on funding get-out-the-vote and voter registration among Democratic-leaning constituencies, as well as influencing the 2021 redistricting process to favor Democrats. 22

Speakers included Mohammad Abdollahi of, Christina Hollenback of Generational Alliance, Victor Sanchez of the United States Student Association, and Matt Singer of the Bus Federation. The panel was described as: 22

Dreamers. Facebook Friends. Climate Warriors. Text Messengers. Equality. 10th Floor Champions. YouTube-makers. Health Care Heroes. Youth! While pundits tend to put young voters in a one-size fits all box, we know that this critical sector of the Rising American Electorate is driven by compelling and very diverse agendas. What can funders learn from this amazing landscape about the best ways to engage the citizens of the future? This session will explore winning strategies that help issue and constituency-based youth movements connect and draw upon each other’s strengths to create new models for political organizing and build long-term alliances for change.

In 2009, NOI Education Fund contracted with FCCP to develop a survey regarding liberal 501(c)(3) groups’ abilities to “perform individual contact and mobilization” and whether they had a “civic engagement, organizing, or advocacy program” in the lead-up to the 2010 midterm elections. 23

The report recommended that advocacy groups improve coalition access to “volunteer lists, voter registration lists, and membership lists,” develop social media and data management infrastructure, and hire more data and media directors to improve get-out-the-vote results. Participating groups in the report included: 23

  • 9to5, National Association of Working Women
  • Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN)
  • ACORN of St. Louis
  • ACORN of Western PA
  • Project Vote (a now-defunct successor to ACORN)
  • Action for Children North Carolina
  • Advancement Project
  • Advocates for Youth
  • Arab Community for Economic & Social Services (ACCESS)
  • Arizona Interfaith Network
  • Asian Pacific Islander American Vote
  • Catholic Coalition on Climate Change
  • Center for Civic Policy
  • Center for Community Change
  • Colorado C3 Roundtable
  • Colorado Conservation Voters
  • Colorado Immigrant Rights Organization
  • Colorado Progressive Coalition
  • Community Voices Heard
  • Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina
  • Conservation Council of NC Foundation
  • Democracia USA
  • Earth Day Network
  • Ecology Center, Inc.
  • Economic Opportunity Institute
  • El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos
  • Equality NC Foundation
  • Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table
  • Florida State Conference NAACP
  • Front Range Economic Strategy Center
  • Grassroots Institute of NJ
  • NJ Working Families Alliance
  • Green For All
  • Health Action New Mexico
  • Jobs with Justice
  • Keystone Progress Education Fund
  • Lao Assistance Center of MN
  • Latina Initiative
  • League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
  • League of Women Voters Education Fund
  • Maine Women’s Policy Center
  • Miami Workers Center Michigan Citizens Education Fund
  • Michigan League of Conservation Voters
  • Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network
  • Michigan Universal Health Care Access Network
  • Mississippi Immigrant’s Rights Alliance
  • Missouri Association for Social Welfare
  • Missouri Budget Project
  • Missouri Jobs with Justice
  • Missouri Votes Conservation/Missouri Votes Conservation Education Fund
  • Missourians for Tax Justice
  • Mobilize the Immigrant Vote (MIV) California Collaborative
  • Montana Women Vote
  • National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
  • National Organization for Women
  • National Partnership for Women & Families
  • National Women’s Health Network
  • NC Conservation Network
  • New Energy Economy
  • New Mexico Environmental Law Center
  • North Carolina Housing Coalition
  • Clean Water Action & Clean Water Fund
  • OutFront Minnesota
  • People of Faith Against the Death Penalty
  • Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Michigan
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America
  • Planned Parenthood of the Heartland
  • Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
  • Progress Michigan Education
  • Public Interest Network
  • Rights for All People
  • Restaurant Opportunities Center Michigan
  • Rock the Vote
  • Services for Independent Living, Columbia
  • SouthWest Organizing Project
  • Strategic Concepts in organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE)
  • Sunflower Community Action
  • Tennesseans for Fair Taxation
  • The Washington Bus Education Fund
  • The White House Project
  • U.S. Student Association and U.S. Student Association Foundation
  • U.S. Student Association Foundation
  • Valley Interfaith
  • Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
  • Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
  • Western States Center
  • Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters Institute
  • Working America Education Fund
  • Women’s Voices, Women Vote (part of the Voter Participation Center)

Democracy Alliance

Also see Democracy Alliance

NOI was part of the Democracy Alliance’s (DA) portfolio of groups recommended for donations from DA members. The Democracy Alliance is a collective of left-of-center unions, policy groups, and major donors that coordinates political spending to key infrastructure groups ahead of elections. 24

According to Politico, in 2015 then-DA director Gara LaMarche called NOI’s implosion a “wake-up call” that had “a tiny, distracted, founder-led board,” and the Democracy Alliance “has identified this as a problem for NOI in the past, and they said they would take steps, but it never happened.” LaMarche reportedly threatened to “impose capital punishment” by dropping NOI from its portfolio of recommended groups, effectively removing it from the collective’s powerful pool of mega-funders. 25

Dissolution and Staff Walkout (2015)

In February 2015, eight senior staff members and an unknown number of the “20 or so” lower level staffers of the New Organizing Institute quit en masse. The day prior, senior staff members had presented an ultimatum to the New Organizing Institute board demanding the resignation of executive director Ethan Roeder due to alleged financial mismanagement which had left the organization on the verge of insolvency. The board, led by Judith Freeman, refused to remove Roeder. 26

After the walkout, Freeman vowed to continue the New Organizing Institute,26 but the Institute and the Education Fund would dissolve eight months later. In an October press release, Freeman announced that NOI’s core training program would be absorbed by Wellstone Action (now RePower). 27

Center for Tech and Civic Life

Also see Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL)

Among the senior staff members who quit the New Organizing Institute in February 2015 were Whitney May, Tiana Epps-Johnson, and Donny Bridges. 28 29 30

In 2012, these three founded the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a voter outreach organization which targets demographic groups which tend to support the Democratic Party. Around the same time they created CTCL, the trio joined New Organizing Institute. May worked as the Institute’s voter information project state liaison and election administration government liaison. Johnson was the Institute’s election administration director. Bridges served as the Institute’s election administration research director. 31

In February 2015, after leaving the Institute, the three turned their focus to CTCL. CTCL’s tax-exempt status was officially recognized on March 24, 2015 according to a “Final Letter” from the IRS. Though the letter was dated March 24, 2015, the letter also states that the effective date of exemption was October 23, 2014.32 Interestingly, the address listed was the same address as the New Organizing Institute. 33 This means that the Center for Tech and Civic Life was created and operational within the New Organizing Institute’s offices before the New Organizing Institute was dissolved amid scandal in 2015.

May became CTCL’s director of government services, Epps-Johnson became its executive director, and Bridges became its director of civic data. 282930

In 2020, CTCL received $250 million from Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to increase voter registration and mail voting for the 2020 elections. 34 In October 2020, Zuckerberg and Chan announced they were donating an additional $100 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life. 6

In April 2020, Epps-Johnson, May, and Bridges received a “Skoll Award” from the Skoll Foundation, a major left-of-center foundation, for their involvement in the 2020 election. 35



New Organizing Institute and the New Organizing Institute Education Fund and were co-founded by Judith Freeman, a long-time strategist for the Democratic Party and allied organizations. From 2006-2015, Freeman served as president of New Organizing Institute. 36 26

In 2004, after attending college at the University of Chicago, Freeman worked for M+R Strategic Services and on then-Senator John Kerry’s (D-MA) 2004 presidential campaign. In 2005, Freeman began serving as a senior political strategist for the AFL-CIO labor union federation and co-founded New Organizing Institute. In 2008, Freeman worked as a digital field director for Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy. 37

Zack Exley, NOI’s other co-founder, is a political activist who previously worked with and Britain’s Labour Party. Exley was NOI president from 2006 to 2010, when he left to become chief community officer (later chief revenue officer) for the Wikimedia Foundation. From 2009-2010 Exley was an Open Society Foundations fellow, receiving a grant from the George Soros-aligned foundation. 8 In 2016, he was an advisor on socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (D-VT) failed presidential campaign; from its collapse he co-founded Middle Seat, a digital marketing firm catering to far-left politicians and causes. Exley co-founded the left-wing political committees Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress, which aims to elect socialist and far-left Democrats. In 2018, he co-founded New Consensus, a nonprofit that promotes the extremist Green New Deal. 9

Exley co-authored the 2016 book Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything with former CREDO super PAC president Becky Bond, a board member of NOI Education Fund until its collapse in 2015. 38 9

Executive Director

From 2006 to 2007, Rosalyn Lemieux was the executive director of NOI. Prior to her position with NOI, Lemieux had previously served as MoveOn.Org’s Online Organizer from 2004-2006. In 2007, NOI co-founder Judith Freeman served as executive director of the organization from 2007-2013. 10 7

In 2013, Ethan Roeder became the new executive director of New Organizing Institute and the NOI Education Fund. Roeder previously worked as a voter file manager and the national data manager Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. He then worked at New Organizing Institute as director of data, technology, and election administration for three years until he returned to President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign as director of data for Obama for America (OFA; now Organizing for Action). 39

In September 2017, Roeder became director of campaigns for Forward Majority Action (not to be confused with Majority Forward), a major Democratic-aligned super PAC that spends heavily to flip Congressional and U.S. Senate seats to Democrats. 39

In 2015, NOI/NOI Education Fund’s final year of operations, Roeder earned $113,392 in total compensation from both organizations. 40

Board of Directors

In 2015, its final year of operations, NOI’s board of directors included NOI president Judith Freeman and director Ethan Roeder. It listed one additional officer: James Rucker, a left-of-center political activist who co-founded the left-of-center advocacy and activist groups Color of Change, Citizen Engagement Lab, and Video the Vote, an a board member for 50/50 Climate Project and the Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund.

Key Staffers

Tiana Epps-Johnson worked for NOI between 2010 and 2015 in multiple capacities: deputy data manager (2010), manager for NOI’s Voting Information Project (2010-2012), and election administration director (2012-2015). She left NOI after its collapse in 2015 to join the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which she co-founded in 2012 and currently leads as executive director (as of January 2021). Epps-Johnson was an Obama Foundation fellow in 2018. 41

Whitney May was NOI’s Voting Information Project state liaison from 2012 to 2013, then its Election Administration government liaison from 2013 to 015. May, a former election administrator for Durham County, North Carolina, left NOI amidst its collapse in 2015 to rejoin the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) as its director of government services, a group she co-founded in 2012. 42 43

Donny Bridges worked for NOI from 2011 to 2015. He was research director for NOI’s Candidate Project (2011-2012), deputy director for the Candidate Project (2012), research director for NOI’s Ballot Information Project (2012), then election administration research director (2012-2015). He left NOI in 2015 to rejoin the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) as director of civic data, the group he co-founded in 2012. 44 45


NOI was incorporated in 2005 and ceased operations in 2015. In June 2018, its tax-exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failing to file an annual Form 990 report for three years in a row. 46

Financial Overview

Between 2006 and January 2015 (its final year of operation), NOI reported $5.8 million in revenues and $6.5 million in expenditures (note that data for 2010 is unavailable): 47

NOI Financial Overview
YearTotal RevenuesTotal ExpendituresNet Assets

Relationship with NOI Education Fund

The NOI Education Fund was NOI’s 501(c)(3) affiliate. The two organizations shared office space and staff, who were paid for by NOI Education Fund while working for NOI.

In 2014, NOI Education Fund paid NOI $647,285 in employee salaries, $803,021 in reimbursements for “expenses” (details are not provided), and $60,130 for the “sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists,” or other expenses. 48

In 2013, NOI Education Fund paid NOI $783,766 in employee salaries, $351,170 in reimbursements for “expenses” (details are not provided), and $72,928 for the “sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists,” or other expenses. 49

Donors to NOI Education Fund

New Organizing Institute’s 501(c)(3) “sister,” the NOI Education Fund, received $16 million in grants between 2008 and 2015, mostly from left-of-center foundations and pass-through funders: 50

GrantorAmountYearGrant Description
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$2,520,000 2011Specific project
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$700,000 2012Specific project
Ford Foundation$600,000 2013General support for its unique grassroots program to train people to engage in and organize civic activities empowered by technology
Ford Foundation$600,000 2012Core support for the civic engagement program to train organizers and provide the tools necessary to build and manage effective non partisan voter engagement efforts
Ford Foundation$550,000 2013Core support for color of change to strengthen the voice of black America and create positive change surrounding critical political and social issues and for its criminal justice and voting rights initiatives
Ford Foundation$500,000 2014General support for community organizing and civic engagement work and for a project in partnership with the analyst institute to conduct research experimentation and learning in the civic engagement field
Ford Foundation$400,000 2012General support for its unique grassroots program to train people to engage in and organize civic activities empowered by technology
Ford Foundation$400,000 2011General support for its unique grassroots program to train people to engage in and organize civic activities empowered by technology
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$400,000 2013Specific project
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$285,000 2014For grant recipient's exempt purposes (EDUCATION FUND)
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$250,000 2015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$250,000 2012Environment and animals
Foundation To Promote Open Society$250,000 2011To provide general support
Foundation To Promote Open Society$250,000 2012To provide general support
Schmidt Family Foundation$250,000 2011To support citizen engagement lab climate organizing campaign
Tides Foundation$250,000 2012General support for education fund (EDUCATION FUND)
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr Fund$200,000 2011For start up support for a new online advocacy project in Asian American Communities $200 000
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$200,000 2013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$200,000 2013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Foundation To Promote Open Society$200,000 2013To provide general support (EDUCATION FUND)
Ford Foundation$200,000 2015General support for community organizing civic engagement and leadership development
Women Donors Network$200,000 2012Operating support for 'Ultra Violet'
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$150,000 2012General Support
Stephen M Silberstein Foundation$150,000 2013Produce the best leaders and strongest movements of our generation (SUM OF US)
Energy Foundation$150,000 2011To engage new allies on climate and energy issues
Unbound Philanthropy$125,000 2012Provide training and technical assistance to united we dream network's affiliates
Joyce Foundation$107,500 2011To provide training and technical assistance to public engagement grantees in the education and gun violence programs with a goal of expanding their capacity to use new media tools to organize around policy reform.
Open Society Foundations$100,000 2010To provide general support
Open Society Foundations$100,000 2009To provide general support
Ford Foundation$100,000 2013To convene research and identify future digital organizing strategies for social change
Tides Foundation$100,000 20122012 civic engagement efforts in Virginia North Carolina Florida and Michigan (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$100,000 2009Charitable non-lobbying work
Tides Foundation$100,000 2012Support civic engagement research work in Milwaukee (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$100,000 2010To support organizational development for emerging organizations in Michigan Arizona North Carolina Arkansas and Ohio
Unbound Philanthropy$100,000 2012Presente or a project of citizen engagement lab
Tides Foundation$95,000 2010General support for citizen engagement laboratory (CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT LABORATORY)
San Francisco Foundation$87,500 2012Citizen participation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$85,000 2014Arts and culture
Tides Foundation$85,000 20132012 independent voter registration report project
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr Fund$75,000 2012For the citizen engagement lab education fund to support online advocacy and organizing for civic participation in Latino communities $75 000 (EDUCATION FUND)
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr Fund$75,000 2011For Citizen Engagement Laboratory; To support Presente Org's online advocacy in Latino communities; To support immigration reform and civic participation $75 000
Surdna Foundation Inc$75,000 2011General support
Arca Foundation$75,000 2011(EDUCATION FUND)
Arca Foundation$75,000 2012To support the economic justice program
Joyce Foundation$75,000 2013To support two new media trainings for Joyce grantees in Chicago.
Nathan Cummings Foundation$75,000 2011High impact video series
Unbound Philanthropy$75,000 2011Presente org - rapid response organizing project
Wallace Global Fund II$75,000 2012General support for SumOfUs' corporate accountability human rights and environment campaigns
Unbound Philanthropy$70,000 2011Culture strike project
Unbound Philanthropy$70,000 2012Culture strike's work in promoting a cultural strategy around immigration reform
Tides Foundation$65,847 2012Citizen engagement laboratory's police accountability communications and new media project (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$62,000 2012Voter registration technology support project (EDUCATION FUND)
Wallace Global Fund II$60,000 2013General support for the color of change
Bauman Family Foundation$50,000 2013Color of change revenue project
Bauman Family Foundation$50,000
Compton Foundation Inc$50,000 2012Reproductive justice
NoVo Foundation$50,000 2012Project support ultra violet
NoVo Foundation$50,000 2014Project support civic legal corp.
NoVo Foundation$50,000 2013Project support civic legal corps legal fellowship training program and community center
NoVo Foundation$50,000 2015Project support CIVIC legal corps
Proteus Fund$50,000 2010For P Street Project's work to undermine the credibility of the Google-Verizon Internet policy framework and educate policy makers on the framework's potential harms
Robert W Deutsch Foundation$50,000 2013General purpose
Robert W Deutsch Foundation$50,000 2012General purposes
Sandler Foundation$50,000 2011For the citizen engagement laboratory
Arca Foundation$50,000 2012To support citizen engagement laboratory's economic Justice work
Arca Foundation$50,000 2010
Arca Foundation$50,000 2013To support color of change org education fund's economic justice project
Dobkin Family Foundation$50,000 2014General purpose fund (EDUCATION FUND)
Marisla Foundation$50,000 2010Citizen engagement laboratory
Tides Foundation$50,000 20132012 independent voter registration report project
Tides Foundation$45,358 2010Youth engagement planning for 2012
Tides Foundation$45,000 2012Citizen engagement laboratory's voter registration programs in Michigan Wisconsin Virginia North Carolina and Florida (EDUCATION FUND)
Rappaport Family Foundation$41,500 2012Project-specific grant in support of 'new organizing university-millennial project community college student engagement program'
Hull Family Foundation$41,000 2009
Bauman Family Foundation$40,000 2015General support
Gill Foundation$40,000 2013Program support for Color of change org
Hull Family Foundation$40,000 2010General operating
Rappaport Family Foundation$40,000 2012Organizing leadership online.
Rappaport Family Foundation$40,000 2013For project specific support of community college initiative
Arca Foundation$40,000 2011(EDUCATION FUND)
Brainerd Foundation$40,000 2013Environmental preservation
Ford Foundation$40,000 2013New organizing institute education fund is requesting travel and travel-related support on behalf of get equal education fund with this travel grant get equal plans to hold convenings and other opportunities
Leonard And Sophie Davis Fund$40,000 2014Support for social service programs or educational programs
Marisla Foundation$40,000 2012Citizens engagement laboratory climate initiative
Tides Foundation$40,000 2012General support for SumOfUs (EDUCATION FUND)
Wallace Global Fund II$40,000 2013Project support to protect end expand democratic systems
Wallace Global Fund II$40,000 2012General support for color of change
Tides Foundation$39,869 2014Berim's general support (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$38,000 2012Facebook mobilization experiment (EDUCATION FUND)
Unbound Philanthropy$35,000 2012Api online organizing
Tides Foundation$33,955 2014Food democracy now general support (EDUCATION FUND)
Enlyst Fund$30,000 2012General support (EDUCATION FUND)
Hull Family Foundation$30,000 2013General and unrestricted (EDUCATION FUND)
Hull Family Foundation$30,000 2015For voices Idaho operations and program costs
Jewish Community Federation Of San Francisco The Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$30,000 2012Gen/program
Mitchell Kapor Foundation Dba Kapor Center For Social Impact$30,000 2010Support for education
Orange County Community Foundation$30,000 2014Human services
Proteus Fund$30,000 2010To work to identify net neutrality champions in Congress pressure key legislators and gather information from Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) members to inform a shared lobbying strategy
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors$30,000 2014General Support
Tides Foundation$30,000 2011General support for citizenship engagement laboratory (CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT LABORATORY)
Tides Foundation$30,000 2011General support for citizenship engagement laboratory (CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT LABORATORY)
Tides Foundation$30,000 2013Fellows program
Tides Foundation$30,000 2010General support for citizen engagement laboratory (CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT LABORATORY)
Ford Foundation$29,371 2013The new organizing institute completed a quantitative analysis of cumulative work of the organizations that comprise the black civic engagement initiative and the national Latino civic engagement
San Francisco Foundation$27,500 2013W24 (citizen participation)
Tides Foundation$25,738 2012General support for food democracy now! (EDUCATION FUND)
Schwab Charitable Fund$25,208 2015Support for education
Bauman Family Foundation$25,000 2013Color of change
California Community Foundation$25,000 2012Civic engagement
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$25,000 2012General Support
Hull Family Foundation$25,000 2012General and unrestricted
Jewish Federation Of Cleveland$25,000 2011General support
Ploughshares Fund$25,000 2014To organize a July 2014 event that brings constituents veterans and diverse Iranian voices to Washington to meet with members of congress to discuss option for limiting Iran's nuclear capability to civilian use (BERIM)
Robert R Mccormick Foundation$25,000 2013For one year of support for the Chicago votes education fund (EDUCATION FUND)
Seattle Foundation$25,000 2011To support the citizen engagement lab (EDUCATION FUND)
Seattle Foundation$25,000 2010To Support the Citizen Engagement Lab
Arca Foundation$25,000 2014Grant for support of ''
Arca Foundation$25,000 2012To support sumofus for the purposes of internet education and advocacy on issues of human rights poverty eradication and consumer rights
The Chorus$25,000 2012Program/project support (EDUCATION FUND)
The Chorus$25,000 2013General operating support
The Chorus$25,000 2013General operating support
Dobkin Family Foundation$25,000 2014General purpose fund (EDUCATION FUND)
Sagner Family Foundation$25,000 2008Leadership programs for youth
Sagner Family Foundation$25,000 2009Leadership programs for youth
Schooner Foundation$25,000 2014General support
Schooner Foundation$25,000 2013General support
Tides Foundation$25,000 2012GetEQUAL education fund's efforts to register and mobilize young LGBTQ and immigrant youth in collaboration with united we dream (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$25,000 2012General support (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$25,000 2014Berim's general support (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$25,000 2012To support experiments and testing for direct online voter registration in collaboration with rock the vote (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$25,000 2011General support
Tides Foundation$25,000 2010Citizen engagement laboratory's video the vote project (CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT LABORATORY)
Tides Foundation$25,000 2013Business federation civic fund's national voter registration day (BUSINESS FEDERATION - CIVIC FUND)
Tides Center$24,555 2010Equality Across America - CEL/GetEQUAL
Tides Foundation$24,223 2014Food democracy now general support (EDUCATION FUND)
Hull Family Foundation$23,000 2011General and unrestricted (EDUCATION FUND)
Jewish Community Federation Of San Francisco The Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$22,000 2013Support for education (EDUCATION FUND)
General Service Foundation$20,000 2014Sum of US and roc-united: taking on the other NRA and empowering low-wage workers
General Service Foundation$20,000 2012Sum of US's environment labor rights and human rights program that seeks to hold corporations accountable for the consequences of their actions through collective new media and offline actions
Gill Foundation$20,000 2012Program support for's tea party watch campaign
Gill Foundation$20,000 2013Program support for Color of change org
Hull Family Foundation$20,000 2014General and unrestricted
Hull Family Foundation$20,000 2012Sum of us program
Mitchell Kapor Foundation Dba Kapor Center For Social Impact$20,000 2011Civic participation
Natural Health Research Foundation$20,000 2014General Support
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$20,000 2012Support for education (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$20,000 2012SumOfUs environmental work (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$20,000 2011General support for citizenship engagement laboratory (CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT LABORATORY)
Hull Family Foundation$18,000 2012Citizen engagement lab
Hull Family Foundation$18,000 2012Citizen engagement lab program
Arcus Foundation$15,000 2014To support GetEQUAL education fund's listening sessions in targeted communities to lift up pressing needs of the most underserved LGBTQ populations and inform GetEQUAL's field organizing mandate
Ben and Jerry's Foundation Inc$15,000 2014350 Vermont - tar sands free northeast kingdom
Citybridge Foundation$15,000 2011One city grant
Enlyst Fund$15,000 2011General support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,000 2014For grant recipient's exempt purposes (EDUCATION FUND)
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,000 2014For grant recipient's exempt purposes (EDUCATION FUND)
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,000 2013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Hull Family Foundation$15,000 2013Bus federation civic fund (EDUCATION FUND)
Hull Family Foundation$15,000 2013Sum of us program (EDUCATION FUND - SUM OF US)
Hull Family Foundation$15,000 2011Citizen engagement lab project (EDUCATION FUND)
Natural Health Research Foundation$15,000 2013General Support
San Francisco Foundation$15,000 2014Citizen participation
Swanee Hunt Family Foundation$15,000 2011Arts and community support
Swanee Hunt Family Foundation$15,000 2013Prime movers program
Schooner Foundation$15,000 2009General support
Women's Foundation Of Colorado$15,000 2014Direct service grant from a donor advised fund
Tides Foundation$15,000 2011General support
Ploughshares Fund$14,950 2014To organize a February 2014 fly-in that brings constituents and prominent Iranian activists to Washington to meet with member of congress to discuss diplomacy with Iran (BERIM)
Liberty Hill Foundation$12,340 2012Citizen engagement lab's education fund
Patagonia Org$12,000 2014To support environmental projects (EDUCATION FUND)
Liberty Hill Foundation$10,900 2011Citizen engagement lab
Arcus Foundation$10,000 2013To support rusa LGBT in its work to assist the Russian-speaking LGBTQ community in the us and to develop the capacity of the organization
Enlyst Fund$10,000 2014General support
Enlyst Fund$10,000 2013General support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,000 2014For grant recipient's exempt purposes (EDUCATION FUND)
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,000 2015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,000 2012General Support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,000 2012Support for education
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,000 2012Support for education
Foundation For The Carolinas$10,000 2012General Support (EDUCATION FUND)
Harris and Frances Block Foundation$10,000 2014350 org vt
Hull Family Foundation$10,000 2015General and unrestricted
Hull Family Foundation$10,000 2012Citizen engagement lab program - presente program
Hull Family Foundation$10,000 2012Citizen engagement lab program - ultraviolet program
Hull Family Foundation$10,000 2012Color of change program
Natural Health Research Foundation$10,000 2015General Support
Neda Noban Foundation$10,000 2012Ultra violet
New World Foundation$10,000 2013In support of food democracy now (EDUCATION FUND)
Patagonia Org$10,000 2015To support environmental projects
Stonewall Community Foundation$10,000 2013Scouts for equality (EDUCATION FUND)
Sunflower Foundation$10,000 2012To support their 2013 fellowship program to train people primarily women and minorities in progressive online advocacy and civic engagement
Susie Tompkins Buell Foundation$10,000 2012Ultraviolet group
Ayco Charitable Foundation$10,000 2014General support (EDUCATION FUND)
Calamus Foundation$10,000 2013General operations
US Charitable Gift Trust$10,000 2013Support for education
Tides Foundation$10,000 2014General support (EDUCATION FUND)
Tides Foundation$10,000 2012Citizen engagement laboratory's general support (EDUCATION FUND)
Universal Health Care Foundation Of Connecticut$10,000 2013General operations
Patagonia Org$9,000 2015To support environmental projects
Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids$8,500 2013General Support
Arcus Foundation$8,100 2013To support the co-director of get equal education fund in their participation in the arcus LGBT leadership initiative (ALLI) which will provide resources to help identify key partnerships build effective alliances and develop professiona
Hull Family Foundation$7,500 2013Idaho civic engagement project (EDUCATION FUND - SUM OF US)
Needmor Fund$7,500 2012Program support
Liberty Hill Foundation$6,800 2013Scouts for equality (5000); getequal ed fund's DC activities (1 800) (EDUCATION FUND)
Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids$6,000 2014Unrestricted general
Rappaport Family Foundation$6,000 2013General support
Gerry-Corbett Foundation$5,000 2014General Support
Hull Family Foundation$5,000 2013Bus federation civic fund (EDUCATION FUND)
Hull Family Foundation$5,000 2014Chicago votes education fund
Jana Foundation$5,000 2013General Support (EDUCATION FUND)
Jana Foundation$5,000 2016General Support
Pivotal Foundation$5,000 2013General Support
Susie Tompkins Buell Foundation$5,000 2012Ultraviolet group
Byrnes Family Foundation$5,000 2012General support
Educational Foundation Of America$5,000 2014General and unrestricted
Germanacos Family Foundation$5,000 2014In support of extend
Jacquelyn And Gregory Zehner Foundation$5,000 2012General purposes
Sagner Family Foundation$5,000 2015For its charitable purposes
Schott Foundation For Public Education$5,000 2012Board discretionary grant
Laura Berick Foundation$2502014Unrestricted

NOI Education Fund’s largest and most notable donors over this period included:


  1. Fung, Brian. “Inside the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for Digital Wizardry,” April 24, 2019.
  2. “What We Do.” New Organizing Institute. Jan. 4, 2021.
  3. Daniel Kreiss. Taking Our Country Back: The Crafting of Networked Politics from Howard Dean to Barack Obama. Oxford Press. 2012.
  4. “Our Team.” The Center for Tech and Civil Life. Accessed August 21, 2020.
  5. Allen, Mike. “Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Invest $300 Million in Election Infrastructure,” September 1, 2020.
  6. Culliford, Elizabeth. “Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan Donate $100 Million More to U.S. Election Infrastructure,” October 13, 2020.
  7. “Judith Freeman Profile.” LinkedIn. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  8. “Zack Exley: Open Society Foundations Fellowship.” Open Society Foundations. March 2009-March 2010. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  9. “Zack Exley Profile.” LinkedIn. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  10. “Roz Lemieux.” LinkedIn, Accessed October 3, 2023.
  11. “Ethan Roeder.” LinkedIn. Accessed October 3, 2023.
  12. “Welcome to the Election Center.” New Organizing Institute. Accessed Jan. 4, 2021.
  13. “GOTV.” New Organizing Institute. Accessed Jan. 4, 2021.
  14. “Data Management.” New Organizing Institute. Accessed Jan. 4, 2021.
  15. “Organizing and Leadership.” New Organizing Leadership. Jan. 4, 2021.
  16. “FFJ Advisor Discussion Series: Charlene Carruthers.” Neighborhood Funders Group. April 27, 2018. Accessed Jan. 4, 2021.
  17. “Unconferences.” New Organizing Institute. Jan. 4, 2021.
  18. “Why I Went to RootsCamp.” NOI. 2014. Jan. 4, 2021.
  19. “Sen. Chris Murphy: I’m Coming to RootsCamp.” NOI 2014. Jan. 4, 2021.
  20. “Sen. Gillibrand at RootsCamp.” NOI 2014. Jan. 4, 2021.
  21. “Fiscal Sponsorships.” New Organizing Institute. Archived on February 6, 2015. Accessed January 4, 2021. Web Archive: InfluenceWatch Archive:
  22. “Is There a New Normal?
    Democracy | Culture | Technology | Economy.” Funders Committee for Civic Participation. December 6-8, 2010. Accessed Jan. 4, 2021. Original URL: Archived:
    INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY.” New Organizing Institute. May 2010. Accessed Jan. 4, 2021. Original URL: Archived:
  24. “Democracy Alliance: 2014 Recommendations.” 2014. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021. See PDF page 90.
  25. Kenneth P. Vogel, Tarini Parti. “Hillary turns down invite to secretive donor meeting.” Politico. March 2, 2015. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  26. McMorris-Santoro, Evan. “Liberal Organizing Group Implodes In One Tumultuous Afternoon.” Buzzfeed News. February 10, 2015. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  27. “Wellstone to continue NOI’s work developing the next generation of progressive digital and data strategy.” Wellstone. October 9, 2015. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  28. “Whitney May.” LinkedIn. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  29. “Tiana Epps-Johnson.” LinkedIn. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  30. “Donny Bridges.” LinkedIn. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  31. “Skoll Awardee.” Skoll. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  32. “ Applications.” Details about Center for technology and civic life. Accessed July 12, 2021. Archive: Photo of CTCL’s IRS Recognition. | NOI 2014 form 990.
  33. Archive: Photo of CTCL’s IRS Recognition | NOI 2014 form 990.
  34. Schleifer, Theodore. “Mark Zuckerberg’s $300 million donation to protect elections must overcome Facebook’s past.” Vox. September 21, 2020. Accessed September 12, 2020.
  35. “Tiana Epps-Johnson, Whitney May, Donny Bridges | 2020 Skoll Award Acceptance Speech | CTCL.” YouTube. April 7, 2020. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  36. “New Organizing Institute Form 990.” ProPublica. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  37. “Judith Freeman.” LinkedIn. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  38. “Becky Bond LinkedIn Profile.” LinkedIn. Accessed January 4, 2021.
  39. “Ethan Roeder.” LinkedIn. Accessed September 21, 2020.
  40. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). New Organizing Institute Education Fund. 2014 (covers through Jan. 2015). Part VII.
  41. “Tiana Epps-Johnson.” LinkedIn. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  42. “Whitney May.” LinkedIn. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  43. “Whitney May.” Center for Tech and Civic Life. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  44. “Donny Bridges.” LinkedIn. Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  45. “Donny Bridges.” Center for Tech and Civic Life.” Accessed Jan. 5, 2021.
  46. Exemption revoked June 15, 2018. See IRS Exempt Organizations Search:,%20REVOCATION&orgTags=DETERMINATIONLETTERS&orgTags=REVOCATION
  47. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). New Organizing Institute. 2007-2015. Part I: Lines 8, 12, 22.

    Note: NOI’s calendar year ran from January 31-February 1, so years are reported for the actual period covered in the Form 990, not necessarily the date on the upper-right of the document. NOI’s Form 990 covering 2010 is unavailable; data covers through February 1, 2010, but data for the remainder of the year is unlisted online.

  48. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). New Organizing Institute Education Fund. 2014 (covers through Jan. 2015). Schedule R (Transactions with Related Organizations). PDF page 58:
  49. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). New Organizing Institute Education Fund. 2014 (covers through Jan. 2015). Schedule R (Transactions with Related Organizations). PDF page 48:
  50. Data provided by FoundationSearch. Donors to New Organizing Institute Education Fund. Search conducted January 4, 2021.
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Nonprofit Information

Available Filings

Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
2015 Jan Form 990 $1,070,117 $1,287,586 $135,176 $508,320 N $474,878 $595,235 $4 $43,918 PDF
2014 Jan Form 990 $1,055,688 $1,553,992 $369,549 $525,224 N $725,157 $328,261 $2,270 $46,441 PDF
2013 Jan Form 990 $1,005,081 $1,572,682 $349,885 $7,256 N $312,564 $691,899 $618 $20,366 PDF
2012 Jan Form 990 $841,506 $554,885 $911,674 $1,444 N $636,009 $205,093 $404 $15,352 PDF

Additional Filings (PDFs)

New Organizing Institute (NOI)

1133 19TH ST NW STE 850
WASHINGTON, DC 20036-3664