NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation is the legal and educational branch of NARAL Pro-Choice America (formerly the National Abortion Rights Action League). It advocates for abortion on demand and other abortion rights activism. It is a 501(c)(3), meaning that contributions are tax-deductible.
The foundation’s parent organization, NARAL (formerly the National Abortion Rights Action League) was founded in 1969. The NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation was founded in 1977 to perform the educational and charitable operations of NARAL. It serves as the organization’s think tank and works on research and policy work on behalf of NARAL.
The foundation works to promote the cause of abortion rights to the population at large. It conducts research on abortion-related issues and releases reports. It also supports public education campaigns in support of abortion rights. Finally, it provides training for grassroots activists.1
Among the causes the foundation supports are an abortion-friendly judiciary. In 2003, when a Supreme Court seat was expected to become vacant, the foundation launched a television campaign in support of nominating a pro-abortion justice.2 NARAL aired a commercial featuring a fictional newspaper headline: “Abortion Outlawed–Court Overturns Right To Choose.”
In 2014, NARAL was one of the organizations behind legislation intended to overturn the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision that allowed private employers with strong religious convictions to opt-out of Obamacare’s controversial contraceptive mandate.3
In 2013, NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation raised $4.3 million and spent $6.1 million. It had net assets totaling $3 million.4
The organization spent $1.7 million on organizing and advocacy. One of the targets of the advocacy were Crisis Pregnancy Centers, which operate in order to discourage women from choosing to have abortions. It also organized in opposition to the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision.4
It spent $1.5 million on supporting its California affiliate. It also spent $1.1 million on communications, mostly digital and social media related operations.4
In 2013, the foundation awarded most of its grants to state affiliates. According to Citizen Audit, it has been funded by the United Nations Foundation, the Summit Fund of Washington, The San Diego Foundation, and other foundations.5
The president of the foundation is Ilyse Hogue. Sasha Bruce serves as Senior Vice President for Campaigns and Strategy. Steven Kravitz serves as Chief Financial Officer. It also has a board of directors.
- “Causes”. 2017. Givkwik.Com. Accessed August 11, 2017.
- Lewis, Robin. 2003. “Lobbying Starts as Groups Forsee Vacancy on Court”. Nytimes.Com. Accessed August 11, 2017.
- “News Releases – Women – HOBBY LOBBY: Murray, Udall Introduce Legislative Fix To Protect Women’s Health In Aftermath Of Supreme Court Decision – United States Senator Patty Murray”. 2014. Murray.Senate.Gov. Accessed August 11, 2017.
- 2017. Pdfs.Citizenaudit.Org. Accessed August 15 2017.
- LLC, 2017. ” Citizenaudit.Org – NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA FOUNDATION “. Citizenaudit.Org. Accessed August 15 2017.