Election Day to Every Day (EDED) is a coalition of mostly left-of-center nonprofits and grantmaking foundations that pledge to support election-related organizations after the 2024 election. 1 2 3
EDED is a continuation of All by April, a nearly identical program launched in early 2024 to support election efficiency and security. All by April was launched as a program of Democracy Fund, a left-of-center public policy-oriented foundation chaired and funded by eBay founder and former chairman Pierre Omidyar. EDED was also launched by Democracy Fund and remains under fiscal sponsorship. However, unlike All by April, EDED is an independent 501(c)(3). 1 4 5
In February 2024, the Democracy Fund, a left-of-center public policy-oriented foundation chaired and funded by eBay founder and former chairman Pierre Omidyar, launched All by April. All by April was a coalition of left-of-center foundations, nonprofit grantmakers, and individual donors that committed to making “election-related gifts” early in the 2024 election cycle to fund efforts to “help recruit poll workers, organize formally nonpartisan voter registration drives, support local election officials, and work to ensure that the diversity of our electorate is represented in our election process.” 1 4 By February 13th, All by April had 77 signatories for its pledge to support the 2024 election process. 5
By the November 2024 elections, All by April had nearly 200 signatories that had donated at least $155 million to election-related causes. According to an independent report commissioned by the Democracy Fund, most signatories donated more to election-related causes due to All by April. However, the report warned that many grantees were concerned about their financial stability after the 2024 election. 1 6
Immediately after the election, the Democracy Fund rebooted All by April as Election Day Every Day with a similar goal, website, and pledge. EDED warns that “Many grantees see a financial cliff after November, which threatens their ability to resist the authoritarian playbook, fuel a governing agenda, and build durable power in service of creating a more inclusive, multiracial democracy.” Democracy Fund president Joe Goldman has referred to this trend as a “boom-and-bust cycle of election giving.” EDED encourages major nonprofits to continue election funding during off-election years, particularly quarter one of 2025, “to build infrastructure in a non-election year and manage leadership transitions seamlessly.” As with All by April, EDED asks nonprofits to sign a pledge to commit to election funding. 1 2 3
The Election Day to Every Day pledge requires signatories to confirm its budget for election grants in 2025, offer “bridge funding” to grantees, commit to multi-year grants, and finance election security measures “that grantees need in the face of violent threats and the authoritarian playbook.” 1
As of November 19, 2024, EDED had 72 signatories, four of whom were anonymous: Democracy Fund, Agua Fund, Amalgamated Charitable Foundation, Ambedo Consulting, Arca Foundation, Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust, Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation, Bluespark Partners, Borealis Philanthropy, California Donor Table Fund, Chambers Initiative, Democracy Alliance, Dietel Pickering and Partners, Donors of Color Network, Four Freedoms Fund, Fund to Build Grassroots Power, Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP), Geneva Global, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Harman Family Foundation, Heartland Fund, Integrated Rural Strategies Group at Neighborhood Funders Group, JPB Foundation, JPP, Juanita Nyce, Justin Alfond, Justin Buell, Kaphan Foundation, Ktisis Capital, Latino Community Foundation, Laurie Emrich, Leah Hunt-Hendrix, Leland Fikes Foundation, Leveraged Philanthropy, Marissa and Ryan Hersh, McKnight Foundation, Merck Family Fund, Michael Kenig, Minnesota Council on Foundations, Movement Voter Fund, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, Northern California Grantmakers, One for Democracy, Open Society Foundations, Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund, Pro-Democracy Center, Propel Democracy Forward Fund, Proteus Fund, Public Wise, Raikes Foundation, Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation, Shannon Cofrin Gaggero, SoCal Grantmakers, Solidaire Network, Solidarity Giving, State Infrastructure Fund, State Leadership Project, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Moriah Fund, the Stein Family Democracy Fund, theCaseMade Incorporated, Third Plateau, Tides, Trusted Elections Fund, Unite and Renew Fund, Way to Rise, Women Donors Network, and Woodcock Foundation. 1
- “Letters & Signers.” Election Day Every Day. Accessed November 19, 2024. https://www.electionday-everyday.org/letter-and-signers/.
- Chambers, Laura M. “Sustaining Democracy Beyond Election Day: The “Election Day to Every Day” Campaign.” ABFE. November 5, 2024. Accessed November 19, 2024. https://www.abfe.org/blog/sustaining-democracy-beyond-election-day-election-day-every-day-campaign.
- “Post-Election Analysis: Why Philanthropy Needs to Pivot — Fast.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy. November 13, 2024. Accessed November 19, 2024. https://www.philanthropy.com/commons/joe-goldman-democracy-fund-interview-2024-elections.
- “Letters and Signers.” All by April. Accessed May 13, 2024. https://allbyapril.org/letter-and-signers/.
- “ALL BY APRIL PLEDGE FOR FREE, FAIR AND REPRESENTATIVE ELECTIONS.” Solidaire Network. February 13, 2024. Accessed May 13, 2024. https://solidairenetwork.org/all-by-april/.
- Creek, Heather. “What We Learned from All by April.” Democracy Fund. October 4, 2024. Accessed November 19, 2024. https://democracyfund.org/idea/what-we-learned-from-all-by-april/.