Also see Democracy Fund Voice (Non-profit)
The Democracy Fund is a left-of-center public policy-oriented foundation chaired and solely funded by eBay founder and former chairman Pierre Omidyar.1 The organization contributes to center-left and left-wing media organizations, groups seeking to infringe on campaign speech rights, left-of-center voter registration organizations, and nominally non-aligned public policy organizations. The group is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has stated that it has funded over $275 million in grants to organizations. It has also funded the left-of-center Voter Registration Project, as well as projects in journalism, artificial intelligence policy, and election law, often working in concert with coalitions of other left-of-center grantmakers. 2 3 4
Democracy Fund has stated that it attempts to be scrupulously bipartisan,5 though its giving suggests the group holds broad left-of-center views on campaign speech regulation and which prospective voters should be registered. Omidyar’s personal political giving is principally in support of Democrats and against Republicans.6 Democracy Fund president Joe Goldman was an aide to former District of Columbia Mayor Anthony Williams (D).7
Democracy Fund grant recipients include think tanks and advocacy organizations on both the left and center-right, though the left-of-center organizations tend to be more ideologically extreme. Recipients from the center-right include the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the libertarian Cato Institute; left-wing beneficiaries of Democracy Fund contributions include Common Cause Education Fund, Rock the Vote, and the Campaign Legal Center.8
Omidyar’s efforts go beyond Democracy Fund. Democracy Fund itself is associated with a 501(c)(4) organization, Democracy Fund Voice, which is permitted to intervene in elections. Omidyar also funds philanthropic activities through the Omidyar Network and has funded the left-wing media venture First Look Media, publisher of the online news website The Intercept which was co-founded by journalists who collaborated in the mass disclosure of a trove of classified national security documents by a former U.S. government contractor now residing in Russia.9 In 2017, First Look Media and Democracy Fund jointly announced $12 million in grants to left-of-center media outlets and activists.10
Since early 2016, Omidyar and groups associated with the Democracy Fund have been funders of opponents of the campaign and administration of President Donald Trump. Omidyar contributed $450,000 to Super PACs advocating against Trump’s election in 2016; Democracy Fund Voice contributed $250,000 to Stand Up Republic, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization advocating against the Trump administration and run by former Independent Presidential candidate Evan McMullin.1112
Pierre Omidyar, then-chairman of the online retailer eBay, founded Democracy Fund in 2014 as a spin-off from his existing philanthropy, the Omidyar Network.13 Prior to the foundation of Democracy Fund, Omidyar’s public policy philanthropy had supported a mixture of property-rights-based libertarian-leaning organizations at home and abroad alongside partnerships with conventionally left-wing philanthropy, including George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the Ford Foundation.14 Early material indicated that Democracy Fund sought to support “social entrepreneurs working to ensure that our political system is responsive to the public and able to meet the greatest challenges facing our nation.”15
In a blog post published on June 16, 2020, Democracy Fund president Joe Goldman announced that Democracy Fund would no longer describe itself as “bipartisan,” but rather as “an independent, nonpartisan foundation that advocates for an open and just democracy.” 16 Explaining this decision, he stated in the post,
“As more political leaders have abandoned their commitment to core democratic principles, we have increasingly found it impossible to describe our work as “bipartisan” without compromising on who we are and what we believe. Simply put, a commitment to “bipartisanship” above all else is untenable when our political leaders openly embrace authoritarian politics and reject values like pluralism and the rule of law.” 16
Goldman further stated that the foundation would be adding “We believe a just and equitable political system must eliminate structural barriers to ensure historically excluded communities have meaningful influence in our democracy” to its list of “core beliefs.” 16
Financial Overview
The following is an overview of the Democracy Fund’s finances: 17
Democracy Fund Financial Overview | ||||
Year | Total Revenues | Total Expenditures | Grants Paid | Net Assets |
2020 | $65,793,183 | $72,150,532 | $51,779,106 | $78,891,991 |
2019 | $63,141,642 | $56,331,961 | $37,636,989 | $71,833,424 |
2018 | $73,959,277 | $55,621,199 | $37,498,303 | $53,495,346 |
2017 | $53,135,469 | $47,424,736 | $33,944,350 | $47,784,613 |
2016 | $38,655,163 | $20,383,089 | $13,244,125 | $29,512,539 |
2015 | $22,308,429 | $15,818,008 | $11,568,791 | $22,842,268 |
2014 | $30,472,552 | $7,630,284 | $5,956,175 | $22,842,268 |
$347,465,715 | $275,359,809 | $191,627,839 |
Democracy Fund makes grants to a number of classes of organizations. They include liberal-leaning journalism outfits, most notably the publisher of controversial “fact-checking” website Politifact; election-related groups like Issue One which seek to institute tighter limits on political advocacy, like Democracy Works which seek to change how votes are cast, and like Rock the Vote which register left-leaning voters; and nominally centrist policy organizations like the No Labels Foundation.
Democracy Fund Grant Recipients
The following is a list of grant recipients from Democracy Fund between 2015 and 2020: 18
Recipient | Amount | Year | Grant Description |
Hopewell Fund | $1,500,000 | 2020 | |
American Journalism Project | $1,000,000 | 2020 | |
Democracy Works | $1,000,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $1,000,000 | 2020 | |
Borealis Philanthropy | $900,000 | 2020 | |
University of Southern California | $875,000 | 2020 | |
Project on Government Oversight | $850,000 | 2020 | |
American Press Institute | $771,000 | 2020 | |
Partnership For Public Service | $750,000 | 2020 | |
Pro Publica | $700,000 | 2020 | |
Protect Democracy Project | $650,000 | 2020 | |
R Street Institute | $625,000 | 2020 | |
Center for Investigative Reporting | $600,000 | 2020 | |
Miami Foundation | $600,000 | 2020 | |
URI Foundation and Alumni Engagement | $550,000 | 2020 | |
Georgetown University | $535,000 | 2020 | |
State Voices | $525,000 | 2020 | |
Proteus Fund | $510,000 | 2020 | |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus | $500,000 | 2020 | |
North Carolina Community Foundation | $500,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Public Integrity | $490,000 | 2020 | |
Santa Fe Community Foundation | $450,000 | 2020 | |
Issue One | $445,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $425,000 | 2020 | |
Miami Foundation | $400,000 | 2020 | |
More In Common | $400,000 | 2020 | |
NEO Philanthropy | $400,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $400,000 | 2020 | |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $350,000 | 2020 | |
Common Cause Education Fund | $350,000 | 2020 | |
NEO Philanthropy | $350,000 | 2020 | |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $350,000 | 2020 | |
Rose Community Foundation | $350,000 | 2020 | |
Take Back Our Republic | $325,000 | 2020 | |
Texas Civil Rights Projects | $325,000 | 2020 | |
The Campaign Legal Center | $325,000 | 2020 | |
City Bureau NFP | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism Cuny Foundation | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Democracy Works | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Millions of Conversations | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Montclair State University | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Muckrock Foundation | $300,000 | 2020 | |
National Immigration Law Center | $300,000 | 2020 | |
New America Foundation | $300,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $300,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $300,000 | 2020 | |
New York University | $300,000 | 2020 | |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Tides Foundation | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Welcoming America | $300,000 | 2020 | |
Ohio State University | $295,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Civic Design | $264,000 | 2020 | |
Chalkbeat | $250,000 | 2020 | |
Emma Bowen Found Minority Intrsts M | $250,000 | 2020 | |
Free Press | $250,000 | 2020 | |
NALEO Educational Fund | $250,000 | 2020 | |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $250,000 | 2020 | |
ReflectUs | $250,000 | 2020 | |
Georgetown University | $225,000 | 2020 | |
Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law | $225,000 | 2020 | |
The American Constitution Societey for Law and Policy | $220,000 | 2020 | |
Field Foundation of Illinois | $200,190 | 2020 | |
American Oversight | $200,000 | 2020 | |
American Press Institute | $200,000 | 2020 | |
Data for Black Lives | $200,000 | 2020 | |
International Refugee Assistance Project | $200,000 | 2020 | |
League of Women Voters Education Fund | $200,000 | 2020 | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $200,000 | 2020 | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $200,000 | 2020 | |
Naacp Legal Defence Fund | $200,000 | 2020 | |
National Governors Association Center For Best Practices | $200,000 | 2020 | |
National Immigration Law Center | $200,000 | 2020 | |
New America Foundation | $200,000 | 2020 | |
New School | $200,000 | 2020 | |
News Revenue Hub | $200,000 | 2020 | |
Faith In Public Life | $183,000 | 2020 | |
Brennan Center for Justice | $175,000 | 2020 | |
Constitutional Accountability Center | $175,000 | 2020 | |
German Marshall Fund of the United States | $175,000 | 2020 | |
Government Accountability Project | $175,000 | 2020 | |
Millennial Action Project | $175,000 | 2020 | |
NALEO Educational Fund | $175,000 | 2020 | |
National Association of Black Journalists | $175,000 | 2020 | |
Sojourners | $175,000 | 2020 | |
Center for Economic and Policy Research | $165,000 | 2020 | |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | $162,924 | 2020 | |
E-1 Hibri Foundation | $160,000 | 2020 | |
Mediajustice | $160,000 | 2020 | |
American Press Institute | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Bold Impact | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Business Forward Foundation | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Democracy and Technology | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Common Cause Education Fund | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Community Partners | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Fund For Constitutional Government | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Good Jobs First | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Human Rights First | $150,000 | 2020 | |
International Women's Media Foundation | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Local Independent Online News Publishers | $150,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Niskanen Center | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Philanthropy For Active Civic Engagement | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Pillars Fund | $150,000 | 2020 | |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Student Press Law Center | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Trustees of Princeton University | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Values United Whistleblower Aid | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security, and Conflict Trans | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Women's Congressional Policy Institute | $150,000 | 2020 | |
Congressional Progressive Caucus Center | $145,000 | 2020 | |
NEO Philanthropy | $143,500 | 2020 | |
Faith and Politics Institute | $140,000 | 2020 | |
Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law | $140,000 | 2020 | |
National Conference of State Legislatures | $140,000 | 2020 | |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | $130,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Internet Security | $130,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Election Innovation & Research | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $125,000 | 2020 | |
E Pluribus Unum Foundation | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Equity Alliance | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | $125,000 | 2020 | |
League of Women Voters Education Fund | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Muckrock Foundation | $125,000 | 2020 | |
New York University | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Pen American Center | $125,000 | 2020 | |
ProGeorgia State Table | $125,000 | 2020 | |
ThinkTennessee | $125,000 | 2020 | |
Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology | $120,000 | 2020 | |
National Conference on Citizenship | $102,630 | 2020 | |
American Enterprise Institute | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Arab American Institute Foundation | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Asian Pacific American Institute For Congressional Studies | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Aspen Institute | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Aspen Institute | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Bold Impact | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Borealis Philanthropy | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Brookings Institution | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Center for a New American Security | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Community Foundation of New Jersey | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Democracy North Carolina | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Entertainment Industry Foundation | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Free Press | $100,000 | 2020 | |
George Washington University | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Hopewell Fund | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Institute For Social Policy and Understanding | $100,000 | 2020 | |
International Documentary Associaton | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Islamic Society of North America | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Issue One | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Jefferson Centre Fr New Democratic Pr | $100,000 | 2020 | |
League of Women Voters Texas | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Mississippi Votes | $100,000 | 2020 | |
National Association of Hispanic Journalists | $100,000 | 2020 | |
National Conference of State Legislatures | $100,000 | 2020 | |
National League of Cities Institute | $100,000 | 2020 | |
National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Native American Rights Fund | $100,000 | 2020 | |
New Georgia Project | $100,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Pillars Fund | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Proteus Fund | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Public Knowledge | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Social Good Fund | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Solutions Journalism Network | $100,000 | 2020 | |
South Asian Americans Leading Together | $100,000 | 2020 | |
The Andrew Goodman Foundation | $100,000 | 2020 | |
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Trinity Forum | $100,000 | 2020 | |
University of Oregon Foundation | $100,000 | 2020 | |
West Virginia University Foundation | $100,000 | 2020 | |
Regents of the University of California, Riverside | $94,600 | 2020 | |
Repair the World | $85,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $84,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Responsive Politics | $75,000 | 2020 | |
College To Congress | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Community Partners | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Documentary Educational Resources | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Documentary Educational Resources | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Fair Elections Center | $75,000 | 2020 | |
National Security Archive Fund | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Native American Journalists Association | $75,000 | 2020 | |
New America Foundation | $75,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $75,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Nonprofit Vote | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Obsidian Collective Archives | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Take the Lead | $75,000 | 2020 | |
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia | $75,000 | 2020 | |
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Wayne State University | $75,000 | 2020 | |
Women's Public Leadership Network | $75,000 | 2020 | |
LSU Foundation | $74,966 | 2020 | |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $72,503 | 2020 | |
City University of New York | $60,000 | 2020 | |
Muckrock Foundation | $60,000 | 2020 | |
Regents of the University of California, Riverside | $50,015 | 2020 | |
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Responsive Politics | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Civic TN | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Community Foundation of New Jersey | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Duke University | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Institute For Social Policy and Understanding | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Journalism and Women Symposium | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Library of Congress | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Massachusetts Media Fund | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Morgan State University Foundation | $50,000 | 2020 | |
New America Foundation | $50,000 | 2020 | |
North Carolina Community Foundation | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Paul J. Aicher Foundation | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Social Science Research Council | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Social Science Research Council | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Yale University | $50,000 | 2020 | |
Georgetown University | $35,000 | 2020 | |
University of Maryland | $34,000 | 2020 | |
Menlo College | $30,000 | 2020 | |
Center For American Progress | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Congressional Management Foundation | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Election Reformers Network | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Foreign Policy Research Institute | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Internews | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Local Media Foundation | $25,000 | 2020 | |
New America Foundation | $25,000 | 2020 | |
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Wesleyan University | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Yale University | $25,000 | 2020 | |
Community Partners | $20,000 | 2020 | |
Yale University | $20,000 | 2020 | |
Louisiana State University and A&M College | $16,000 | 2020 | |
American Political Science Association | $15,000 | 2020 | |
Asian American Journalists Association | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Bold Impact | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Brookings Institution | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Business Forward Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Civic Design | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Election Innovation & Research | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $10,000 | 2020 | |
City Bureau NFP | $10,000 | 2020 | |
College To Congress | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Community Partners | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Congressional Management Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism Cuny Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
E Pluribus Unum Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Election Reformers Network | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Entertainment Industry Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Equity Alliance | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Federation of American Scientists | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Freedom Network Usa | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Fund For Constitutional Government | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Georgia Coalition for the Peoples Agenda | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Hopewell Fund | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Institute For Social Policy and Understanding | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Islamic Society of North America | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Jefferson Centre Fr New Democratic Pr | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Journalism and Women Symposium | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Kanu Hawaii | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Millennial Action Project | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Moaa Military Family Initiative | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Morgan State University Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Muckrock Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
National Association of Hispanic Journalists | $10,000 | 2020 | |
National Network For Youth | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Native American Journalists Association | $10,000 | 2020 | |
NEO Philanthropy | $10,000 | 2020 | |
NEO Philanthropy | $10,000 | 2020 | |
NEO Philanthropy | $10,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $10,000 | 2020 | |
New Venture Fund | $10,000 | 2020 | |
News Revenue Hub | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Nonprofit Vote | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Obsidian Collective Archives | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Philanthropy For Active Civic Engagement | $10,000 | 2020 | |
ReflectUs | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Social Good Fund | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Sojourners | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Student Press Law Center | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Take Back Our Republic | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Take the Lead | $10,000 | 2020 | |
ThinkTennessee | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Tides Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Trinity Forum | $10,000 | 2020 | |
University of Arizona Foundation | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Upturn | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Women's Congressional Policy Institute | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Women's Public Leadership Network | $10,000 | 2020 | |
Congressional Sports For Charity | $2,500 | 2020 | |
Congressional Women's Softball Game | $2,500 | 2020 | |
American Journalism Project | $1,000,000 | 2019 | General support |
Center For Investigative Reporting | $900,000 | 2019 | Program support for Reveal Labs |
Project On Government Oversight | $850,000 | 2019 | General support |
Miami Foundation | $700,000 | 2019 | Program support for NewsMatch Fund |
North Carolina Community Foundation | $700,000 | 2019 | Program support for the North Carolina Local News Lab Fund |
Pro Publica | $700,000 | 2019 | General support |
Center For Public Integrity | $650,000 | 2019 | General support |
Protect Democracy Project | $650,000 | 2019 | General support |
Wild Philanthropy | $650,000 | 2019 | Program support for the State Infrastructure Fund |
Partnership For Public Service | $600,000 | 2019 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $550,000 | 2019 | Program support for 2020 Census Project |
R Street Institute | $525,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Governance Project and American Institutions Network |
Lenfest Institute For Journalism | $500,000 | 2019 | Program support for First Draft News |
New Venture Fund | $500,000 | 2019 | Program support for 2020 Census Project |
Santa Fe Community Foundation | $475,000 | 2019 | Program support for the New Mexico Local News Lab Fund |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $450,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Congress Project |
Issue One | $435,000 | 2019 | General support |
Borealis Philanthropy | $400,000 | 2019 | Program support for Race Equity in Journalism Fund |
German Marshall Fund of the United States | $400,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Alliance for Securing Democracy project |
Miami Foundation | $400,000 | 2019 | Program support for Legal Clinic Fund |
New Venture Fund | $400,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Trusted Elections Fund |
Rethink Media | $400,000 | 2019 | Program support for the democracy collaborative's communications efforts |
Common Cause Education Fund | $350,000 | 2019 | General support |
Democracy Works | $350,000 | 2019 | General support |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $350,000 | 2019 | Program support for Technology and Social Change Project |
Take Back Our Republic | $350,000 | 2019 | General support |
Votingworks | $350,000 | 2019 | Program support for development of risk limiting audit tool |
Campaign Legal Center | $325,000 | 2019 | General support |
Center For Strategic and International Studies | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Defending Democratic Institutions project |
Congressional Management Foundation | $300,000 | 2019 | General support |
Democracy Works | $300,000 | 2019 | General support |
German Marshall Fund of the United States | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for Digital Democracy Project |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $300,000 | 2019 | General support |
Millions of Conversations | $300,000 | 2019 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Trust Project |
New Venture Fund | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Trust Project |
New York University | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on social media platforms and political advertisements |
Proteus Fund | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for the RISE Together Fund |
Reporters Committee For Freedom of the Press | $300,000 | 2019 | General support |
Robert C Maynard Institute For Journalism Education | $300,000 | 2019 | General support |
University of Texas Foundation | $300,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Engaging News Project |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $275,000 | 2019 | General support |
Center For Election Innovation & Research | $250,000 | 2019 | General support |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $250,000 | 2019 | Program support for Motor Voter compliance project |
Emma L Bowen Foundation For Minority Interests In Media | $250,000 | 2019 | General support |
Reflectus | $250,000 | 2019 | General support |
Reflectus | $250,000 | 2019 | General support |
University of Arizona Foundation | $250,000 | 2019 | Program support for the National Institute for Civil Discourse |
Government Accountability Project | $225,000 | 2019 | General support |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | $220,000 | 2019 | Program support for education and legal services for MASA communities (ASIAN LAW CAUCUS) |
Gild Foundation | $200,190 | 2019 | Program support for Chicago Media and Storytelling project |
American Press Institute | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Andrew Goodman Foundation | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for Elections Project |
Brookings Institution | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for Lawfare |
Center For Internet Security | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for Elections Security Best Practices project |
Common Cause Education Fund | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for analysis of documents related to redistricting |
Community Foundation of New Jersey | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for Local News Lab Fund |
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism Cuny Foundation | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Center for Community and Ethnic Media project |
Free Press | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for the News Voices project |
Fund For Constitutional Government | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for |
Fund For the City of New York | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Governance Lab |
Georgetown University | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for Election Data and Science Lab |
Montclair State University Foundation | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for New Jersey News Commons |
National Association of Hispanic Journalists | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
National Immigration Law Center | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for litigation and legal services |
New America Foundation | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for TechCongress |
New America Foundation | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for Political Reform Project |
News Revenue Hub | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Obsidian Collection Archives | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Pen American Center | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for combating online harassment |
Southern Coalition For Socialjustice | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Tides Foundation | $200,000 | 2019 | Program support for POPVOX LegiDash Fund |
Welcoming America | $200,000 | 2019 | General support |
Ohio State University | $180,000 | 2019 | Program support for Connecting to Congress project |
Former Members of Congress | $175,000 | 2019 | General support |
Georgetown University | $175,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation |
Millennial Action Project | $175,000 | 2019 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $175,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Civic Engagement and Elections Research Fund |
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice | $175,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on executive branch powers |
College To Congress | $165,000 | 2019 | General support |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $160,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for Congressional Program |
Business Forward Foundation | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for diversity and inclusion programming |
Center For Democracy and Technology | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for election cybersecurity research and best practices |
Community Partners | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for Open News |
Congressional Institute | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Congressional Reform Project |
Constitutional Accountability Center | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for congressional oversight |
El Hibri Foundation | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for field leadership training and capacity building |
Faith In Public Life | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for building networks among faith leaders and MASA communities |
Former Members of Congress | $150,000 | 2019 | General support |
Joint Center For Political and Economic Studies | $150,000 | 2019 | General support |
Latino Educational Fund | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for Staff Up Congress |
Library of Congress | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for Congressional Research Service seminars and trainings |
Local Independent Online News Publishers | $150,000 | 2019 | General support |
National League of Cities Institute | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for nonpartisan citizen engagment efforts |
New School | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for Journalism + Design program |
Niskanen Center | $150,000 | 2019 | General support |
Pepperdine University | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for the American Project |
Pillars Fund | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Pillars Fund and Pop Culture Collaborative project |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $150,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Belfer Center's Defending Digital Democracy Project |
Sojourners | $150,000 | 2019 | General support |
Student Press Law Center | $150,000 | 2019 | General support |
National Conference of State Legislatures | $140,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on election administration |
University of Chicago | $140,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Project on Political Reform |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $131,230 | 2019 | Program support for nonprofit news insrance project |
Aspen Institute | $125,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership |
Center For American Progress | $125,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on generational change and democracy |
Democracy North Carolina | $125,000 | 2019 | General support |
Do Something | $125,000 | 2019 | Program support for nonpartisan voter education efforts |
East Pluribus Unum Foundation | $125,000 | 2019 | General support |
Faith and Politics Institute | $125,000 | 2019 | General support |
Firerock Foundation | $125,000 | 2019 | General support |
League of Women Voters Education Fund | $125,000 | 2019 | Program support to conduct non-partisan outreach and communication |
Morgan State University Foundation | $125,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Morgan Initiative |
Pen American Center | $125,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Press Freedom Initiative Fund |
Think Tennessee | $125,000 | 2019 | General support |
Duke University | $120,000 | 2019 | Program support for the News Measures Research Project |
Public Knowledge | $120,000 | 2019 | Program support for Communications Justice fellows |
Wild Philanthropy | $120,000 | 2019 | Program support for Movement Law Lab |
Women'S Public Leadership Network | $120,000 | 2019 | General support |
American Press Institute | $104,230 | 2019 | Program support for the Election SOS project |
Federation of American Scientists | $103,500 | 2019 | Program support for Congressional Science Policy Initiative |
Asian Americans Journalist Association | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
Asian Pacific American Institute For Congressional Studies | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
Aspen Institute | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Socrates project |
Bold Impact | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Rights x Tech convenings |
Borealis Philanthropy | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Race Equity in Journalism Fund |
Brookings Institution | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for House Oversight Tracker |
Center For Civic Design | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
Center For Responsive Politics | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for political advertisement transparency |
Colorado Seminary | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Colorado Media Project |
Entertainment Industry Foundation | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the I Am A Voter campaign |
Foreign Policy Research Institute | $100,000 | 2019 | Program suppport for Foreign Influence Election 2020 project |
Free Press | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Change the Terms coalition |
George Washington University | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Monkey Cage |
Hopewell Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Over Zero |
Institute For Social Policy and Understanding | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
International Refugee Assistance Project | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for family reunification community lawyering and impact litigation work |
Internews | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Listening Post Collective |
Jefferson Center For New Democratic Processes | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Your Voice Ohio project |
Kennesaw State Unversity Research and Service Foundation | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Georgia News Lab |
Leadership Conference Education Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program suppport for voting rights communications project |
Lenfest Institute For Journalism | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Community Listening and Engagement Fund |
Mediajustice | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Change the Terms coalition |
National Association of Black Journalists | $100,000 | 2019 | Capacity support for operations management |
National Disability Rights Network | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for voter disability access and rights awareness |
Native American Rights Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for collaboration with US Postal Service on voter access |
New Georgia Project | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Demand Progress Legislative Capacity Project |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Demand Progress Legislative Capacity Project |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Media Democracy Fund's Unicorn Fund |
New York University | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on social media platforms and political advertisements |
One Voice | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for education about voter registration modernization in Mississippi |
Philanthropy For Active Civic Engagement | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Faith In/And Democracy project |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Defending Digital Democracy project |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation |
Proteus Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Security and Rights Collaborative |
Social Good Fund | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Spaceship Media |
Solutions Journalism Network | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
Trinity Forum | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for religious pluralism research and outreach |
Trustees of Tufts College | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement |
University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting |
University of Southern California | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for voting location siting tool |
Upturn | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on ad platforms and discrimination |
West Virginia University Foundation | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on recruitment techniques of racial extremist groups |
Wild Philanthropy | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for Thought Partnerships |
Womens Congressional Policy Institute | $100,000 | 2019 | General support |
Yale Univeristy | $100,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic |
University of Rhode Island Foundation & Alumni Engagement | $98,095 | 2019 | Program support for the URI VOTES project |
University of Chicago | $90,000 | 2019 | Program support for Bright Line Watch |
Kanu Hawaii | $85,000 | 2019 | Program support to increase voter participation in Hawai'i |
Cato Institute | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on American attitudes on pluralism and immigration |
Center For Responsive Politics | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for Foreign Lobby Watch Database |
Common Cause Education Fund | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for nonpartisan civic engagement efforts in Hawaii |
Community Partners | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Future of California Elections project |
Election Reformers Network | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for research around election officer conflict of interest policies |
Equity Alliance | $75,000 | 2019 | General support |
Hopewell Fund | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for Over Zero |
Islamic Society of North America | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for Shoulder to Shoulder Islamophobia trainings |
Lincoln Network | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for technology resources for Congress |
National Association of Black Journalists | $75,000 | 2019 | General support |
National Security Archive Fund | $75,000 | 2019 | General support |
Native American Journalists Association | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for Red Press Initiative |
New Venture Fund | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for Demand Progress Legislative Capacity Project |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for House Chiefs of Staff initiative |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for independent fact checking |
Rector and Visitors of the University | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for Center for Effective Lawmaking |
Wayne State University | $75,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Levin Center |
Trustees of the University | $71,500 | 2019 | Program support for the Center for High Impact Philanthropy |
Morgan State University Foundation | $70,000 | 2019 | Program support for Institute for Urban Journalism |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $62,500 | 2019 | Program support for the Faith Angle Forum |
American Political Science Association | $60,000 | 2019 | Program support for APSA Public Service Fellowship |
Rutgers University | $59,208 | 2019 | Program support for platform accountability research |
Allied Media Projects | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for Southern media community needs assessment |
Aspen Institute | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for Inclusive America Project |
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for Project DATA |
Business Forward Foundation | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for engagement of business leaders on rule of law issues |
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for MLK50 Conference |
Fair Elections Center | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for pollworker recruitment project |
Georgia Coalition For the Peoples Agenda | $50,000 | 2019 | General support |
Interfaith Youth Core | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for interfaith innovation fellowship program |
Menlo College | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for Women Also Know Stuff |
Moaa Military Family Initiative | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Military Voter Education Project |
New York University | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for racial targeting and digital marketing research |
New York University | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for Institute on the Arts and Civic Dialogue Radical Hospitality convening |
Nonprofit Vote | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for National Voter Registration Day |
Project On Government Oversight | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Constitution Project |
Social Science Research Council | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Digital Disinformation Research and Mapping Project |
Take the Lead | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for 50 Women Can Change the World in Journalism |
University of Oregon Foundation | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Gather project |
Yale Univeristy | $50,000 | 2019 | Program support for research on digital outage |
President | $45,000 | 2019 | Program support for Solidarity Journalism (BOARD of TRUSTEES SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY) |
New York University | $44,440 | 2019 | Program support for research on misinformation and social media platforms |
California State University - Northridge Foundation | $44,000 | 2019 | Program support to enhance ethnic media sustainability collaboration and engagement |
Journalism and Women Symposium | $40,000 | 2019 | General support |
Northeastern University | $40,000 | 2019 | Program support for research around the role of misinformation on social media platforms |
Duke University | $39,137 | 2019 | Program support for the News Measures Research Project |
University of Texas Foundation | $34,958 | 2019 | Program support for the Engaging News Project |
Association of the Bar of the City of New York Fund Inc Dba the Vance Center | $30,000 | 2019 | Program support for Lawyers for Reporters |
Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation | $30,000 | 2019 | General support |
Public Narrative | $30,000 | 2019 | Program support for Chicago Independent Media Alliance |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $25,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Democracy Project's efforts in election administration |
Equity Alliance | $25,000 | 2019 | Capacity support to build out human resources systems and policies |
Georgetown University | $25,000 | 2019 | Program support for initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life |
Georgetown University | $25,000 | 2019 | Program support for Dialogue and Dine series |
German Marshall Fund of the United States | $25,000 | 2019 | Capacity building support for organizational infrastructure |
Wesleyan University | $25,000 | 2019 | Program support for the Wesleyan Media Project |
Win Win Network | $25,000 | 2019 | Program support for automatic voter registration implementation in Washington state |
Common Cause Education Fund | $20,000 | 2019 | Program support for automatic voter registration implementation in Massachusetts |
Freedom Network Usa | $20,000 | 2019 | Program support for organizational wellness and sustainability efforts |
National Issues Forums Institute | $20,000 | 2019 | Program support for Connecting to Congress project |
National Network For Youth | $20,000 | 2019 | Program support for organizational wellness and substainability efforts |
United We Dream | $20,000 | 2019 | Program support for organizational wellness and sustainability efforts |
Wild Philanthropy | $20,000 | 2019 | Program support for organizational wellness and sustainability efforts |
George Washington University | $15,000 | 2019 | Program support for project on Political Communication Ethics |
Center For Investigative Reporting | $1,500,000 | 2018 | General support |
Center For Public Integrity | $1,500,000 | 2018 | General support |
Pro Publica | $1,500,000 | 2018 | General support |
Project On Government Oversight | $1,000,000 | 2018 | General support |
Miami Foundation | $950,000 | 2018 | Program support for NewsMatch 2018 |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $650,000 | 2018 | Program support for research and education to build Congressional capacity |
Community Foundation of New Jersey | $650,000 | 2018 | Program support for the New Jersey news ecosystem project |
New Venture Fund | $550,000 | 2018 | Program support for 2020 Census Project |
Protect Democracy Project | $500,000 | 2018 | General support |
Common Cause Education Fund | $450,000 | 2018 | General support |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $400,000 | 2018 | Program support for research and education around election administration |
Miami Foundation | $400,000 | 2018 | Program support for Legal Clinic Fund |
Reporters Committee For Freedom of the Press | $400,000 | 2018 | General support |
Santa Fe Community Foundation | $400,000 | 2018 | Program support for the New Mexico Local News Lab Fund |
Texas Civil Rights Project | $390,000 | 2018 | Program support for Motor Voter and High School compliance project |
News Revenue Hub | $370,000 | 2018 | General support |
R Street Institute | $365,000 | 2018 | General support |
Democracy Works | $350,000 | 2018 | General support |
Take Back Our Republic | $350,000 | 2018 | General support |
Womens Policy | $330,000 | 2018 | General support |
Campaign Legal Center | $325,000 | 2018 | General support |
Free Press | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for the News Voices project |
German Marshall Fund of the United States | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Alliance for Securing Democracy project |
German Marshall Fund of the United States | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for Digital Democracy Project |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $300,000 | 2018 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Trust Project |
New Venture Fund | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for Media Democracy Fund |
Proteus Fund | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Security and Rights Collaborative |
Robert C Maynard Institute For Journalism Education | $300,000 | 2018 | General support |
University of Texas Foundation | $300,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Engaging News Project |
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System | $280,000 | 2018 | Program support for Project DATA |
League of Women Voters Education Fund | $260,000 | 2018 | Program support for Transformation Roadmap implementation |
American University | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for Investigative Reporting Workshop |
Center For Election Innovation & Research | $250,000 | 2018 | General support |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $250,000 | 2018 | General support |
Chalkbeat | $250,000 | 2018 | General support |
Congressional Management Foundation | $250,000 | 2018 | General support |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for Motor Voter compliance project |
Emma L Bowen Foundation For Minority Interests In Media | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for diversity in media internship program |
Fund For Constitutional Government | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for Open the Government coalition |
Immigrant Legal Resource Center | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the New Americans Campaign |
Millions of Conversations | $250,000 | 2018 | General support |
Moaa Military Family Initiative | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Military Voter Registration Project |
Montclair State University Foundation | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for Center for Cooperative Media |
New York University | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Membership Puzzle Project |
North Carolina Community Foundation | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the North Carolina Local News Lab Fund |
Online News Association | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Challenge Fund for Innovation in Journalism |
Reflectus | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for ReflectUs |
Rethink Media | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Democracy Collaborative's communication efforts |
University of Arizona Foundation | $250,000 | 2018 | Program support for the National Institute for Civil Discourse |
Council of State Governments | $225,000 | 2018 | Program support for election cybersecurity working group |
Center For Internet Security | $213,000 | 2018 | Program support for elections infrastructure security research and trainings |
American Press Institute | $200,000 | 2018 | General support |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for education and legal services for MASA communities (ASIAN LAW CAUCUS) |
City Bureau NFP | $200,000 | 2018 | General support |
Georgetown University | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection |
Gild Foundation | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for Chicago Local News Field Fund |
Government Accountability Project | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for whistleblower education |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for the American Journalism Project |
Issue One | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Ethics and Accountability Project |
Issue One | $200,000 | 2018 | General support |
Legal Momentum | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Policing Reform Campaign |
Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for Election Law Program |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for Election Data and Science Lab |
Mozilla Foundation | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Coral Project |
National Governors Association Center For Best Practices | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for election security governance project |
National Immigration Law Center | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for litigation and legal services |
New Venture Fund | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for 2020 Census Project |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $200,000 | 2018 | General support |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $200,000 | 2018 | Program support for independent fact checking |
Georgetown University | $190,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Resilient Democracy Coalition |
Obsidian Collection Archives | $185,000 | 2018 | General support |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation | $183,500 | 2018 | Program support for ReflectUS |
Ohio State University | $180,000 | 2018 | Program support for Connecting to Congress project |
Former Members of Congress | $175,000 | 2018 | General support |
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice | $175,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on executive branch powers |
Business Forward Foundation | $170,000 | 2018 | Program support to engage business leaders in creating inclusive communities |
New York University | $151,800 | 2018 | Program support for GovLab's Congressional CrowdLaw project |
American Press Institute | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Trusting News project |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for Aspen Congressional Program |
Center For Civic Design | $150,000 | 2018 | General support |
Center For Strategic and International Studies | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for assessing threats to the U.S. judicial system |
Community Partners | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for Open News' Local Coder Cohort |
Congressional Institute | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Congressional Reform Project |
Faith In Public Life | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for building networks among faith leaders and MASA communities |
Human Rights First | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for Veterans for American Ideals project |
Joint Center For Political and Economic Studies | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Black Talent Initiative |
Library of Congress | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for Congressional Research Service seminars and trainings |
National Disability Rights Network | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for voter disability access and rights awareness |
Pew Research Center | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for elections survey |
Pillars Fund | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for project to counter Islamophobia through narrative change |
Social Science Research Council | $150,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Social Data Initiative |
Solutions Journalism Network | $150,000 | 2018 | General support |
National Conference of State Legislatures | $140,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on election administration |
University of Chicago | $140,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Project on Political Reform |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $130,000 | 2018 | Program support for libel and defamation e-learning course |
Yale Univeristy | $130,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic |
Aspen Institute | $125,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership |
Center For American Progress | $125,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on generational change and democracy |
Faith and Politics Institute | $125,000 | 2018 | General support |
Morgan State University Foundation | $125,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Morgan Initiative |
New America Foundation | $125,000 | 2018 | Program support for Political Reform Project |
Opengov Foundation | $125,000 | 2018 | General support |
Pen American Center | $125,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Press Freedom Initiative Fund |
Project On Government Oversight | $125,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Constitution Project |
Duke University | $120,000 | 2018 | Program support for the News Measures Research Project |
Wild Philanthropy | $120,000 | 2018 | Program support for Movement Law Lab |
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism Cuny Foundation | $111,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Center for Community and Ethnic Media |
Trinity Forum | $110,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on role of Christian leaders in political life |
Aspen Institute | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Socrates project |
Brookings Institution | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for nonpartisan research on primary elections |
Brookings Institution | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for Lawfare |
Center For Democracy and Technology | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for election privacy and security project |
Center For Responsive Politics | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Foreign Lobby Watch Project |
Chicago Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for evaluation of Illinois automatic voter registration |
College To Congress | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
Convergence Center For Policy Resolution | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support to increase Congressional effectiveness |
Firerock Foundation | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
George Washington University | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Monkey Cage |
Hopewell Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for Over Zero |
Institute For Social Policy and Understanding | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
Internews | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Listening Post Collective |
Jefferson Center For New Democratic Processes | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Your Voice Ohio project |
Kennesaw State Unversity Research and Service Foundation | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Georgia News Lab |
Latino Educational Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for ensuring diversity in Congressional staff and promoting civility |
Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
Lugar Center | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
National Affairs | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for event series promoting democratic institutions and the rule of law |
National Association of Black Journalists | $100,000 | 2018 | Capacity support for operations management |
National Security Archive Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
New America Foundation | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for TechCongress initiative |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Demand Progress Legislative Capacity Project |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Civic Engagement and Elections Research Collaborative Fund |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Pluribus Project |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Center for Secure and Modern Elections |
Niskanen Center | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
One Voice | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for education about voter registration modernization in Mississippi |
Outlier Media A Project of Investigative Reporters and Editors | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for Outlier Media's service journalism project |
Partnership For Public Service | $100,000 | 2018 | General support |
Philanthropy For Active Civic Engagement | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for Faith In/And Democracy's engagement of faith leaders and communities |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Belfer Center's Defending Digital Democracy Project |
President and Fellows of Harvard College | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Ida B. Wells Society of Investigative Reporting |
Proteus Fund | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Security and Rights Collaborative |
Rethink Media | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Security and Rights Collaborative's communications work |
Social Science Research Council | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Digital Disinformation Research and Mapping Project |
Tides Foundation | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for POPVOX LegiDash Fund |
Trustees of Tufts College | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on youth electoral participation |
University of Oregon Foundation | $100,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Agora Journalism Center to provide journalism engagement tools |
University of Texas Foundation | $99,985 | 2018 | Program support for research about trust in elections |
University of Rhode Island Foundation & Alumni Engagement | $99,961 | 2018 | Program support for analysis of polling place efficacy |
Think Tennessee | $90,739 | 2018 | Program support for education about voter registration modernization in Tennessee |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation | $90,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Women Influencers Network |
University of Chicago | $90,000 | 2018 | Program support for Bright Line Watch |
Journalism and Women Symposium | $80,000 | 2018 | General support |
Business Forward Foundation | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for protecting the courts project |
Community Partners | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Future of California Elections project |
Edward M Kennedy Institute For the United States Senate | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for development of strategic plan for collaboration on civic education |
Fair Elections Center | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for |
Icivics | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for development of strategic plan for collaboration on civic education |
Lincoln Network | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for technology resources for Congress |
Nonprofit Vote | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for National Voter Registration Day |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for House Chiefs of Staff initiative |
Rector and Visitors of the University | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for Center for Effective Lawmaking |
Sojourners | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for Matthew 25 Initiative |
Wayne State University | $75,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Levin Center's research on Congressional oversight |
Trustees of the University | $71,500 | 2018 | Program support for the Center for High Impact Philanthropy |
California State University - Northridge Foundation | $70,000 | 2018 | Program support for ethnic media work |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $62,500 | 2018 | Program support for the Faith Angle Forum |
Rutgers University | $59,208 | 2018 | Program support for platform accountability research |
Icivics | $57,000 | 2018 | Program support for development of strategic plan for collaboration on civic education |
American Press Institute | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on political information in a healthy democracy |
Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for government transparency and fact checking project |
Common Cause Education Fund | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for nonpartisan research on automatic voter registration |
Congressional Sports For Charity | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for Congressional baseball game |
East Pluribus Unum Foundation | $50,000 | 2018 | General support |
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for MLK50 Conference |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for the News Revenue Hub |
Take the Lead | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for 50 Women Can Change the World in Journalism |
University of Chicago | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for the Project on Political Reform |
Yale Univeristy | $50,000 | 2018 | Program support for research on digital outage |
Rector and Visitors of the University | $45,000 | 2018 | Program support for technical advising on ASNE Diversity Survey |
New York University | $44,440 | 2018 | Program support for research on misinformation and social media platforms |
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library Foundation | $43,000 | 2018 | Program support for development of strategic plan for collaboration on civic education |
Islamic Society of North America | $40,000 | 2018 | Program support for Shoulder to Shoulder Islamophobia trainings |
Northeastern University | $40,000 | 2018 | Program support for research around the role of misinformation on social media platforms |
University System of New Hampshire | $40,000 | 2018 | Program support to pilot digital hearings to better engage constituents |
University of Texas Foundation | $34,958 | 2018 | Program support for the Engaging News Project |
Reed Institute | $30,250 | 2018 | Program support for the Cooperative Congressional Election Study |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $25,000 | 2018 | Program support for research and education around election administration |
Georgetown University | $25,000 | 2018 | Program support for Institute of Politics and Public Service Dialogue and Dine series |
Georgetown University | $25,000 | 2018 | Program support for Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life |
Lawfare Institute | $25,000 | 2018 | Capacity support for video and podcast production |
Lincoln Network | $25,000 | 2018 | Program support for technology resources for Congress |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $25,000 | 2018 | Capacity support for strategic planning for the Local Independent Online News Publishers project |
Kartemquin Educational Films | $20,000 | 2018 | Program support for Represent an educational film |
National Issues Forums Institute | $20,000 | 2018 | Program support for Connecting to Congress project |
Texas Civil Rights Project | $20,000 | 2018 | Capacity support for executive coaching and management training |
National Press Photographers Foundation | $10,000 | 2018 | General support |
Center For Investigative Reporting | $1,500,000 | 2017 | General support |
Center For Public Integrity | $1,500,000 | 2017 | General support |
Pro Publica | $1,500,000 | 2017 | General support |
Miami Foundation | $1,020,000 | 2017 | Program support for the News Match Fund for Nonprofit News |
North Carolina Community Foundation | $700,000 | 2017 | Program support for the North Carolina Local News Lab Fund |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $650,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Democracy Project's efforts in Congress |
Community Foundation of New Jersey | $650,000 | 2017 | Program support for the New Jersey news ecosystem project |
Democracy Works | $650,000 | 2017 | General support |
Immigrant Legal Resource Center | $500,000 | 2017 | Program support for the New Americans Campaign |
Project On Government Oversight | $500,000 | 2017 | General support |
Common Cause Education Fund | $475,000 | 2017 | General support |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $417,000 | 2017 | Program support for the News Revenue Hub |
Bipartisan Policy Center | $400,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Democracy Project's efforts in elections |
Georgetown University | $400,000 | 2017 | Program support for Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection |
Harvard Co | $400,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Defending Digital Democracy project |
New Venture Fund | $400,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Civic Engagement and Elections Research Collaborative Fund |
Proteus Fund | $400,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Security and Rights Collaborative |
Reporters Committee Freedom Of | $400,000 | 2017 | General support |
R Street Institute | $365,000 | 2017 | General support |
Civic Nation | $350,000 | 2017 | Program support for campaign on diversity and tolerance |
Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law | $350,000 | 2017 | Program support for pro bono litigation for vulnerable communities |
Take Back Our Republic | $350,000 | 2017 | General support |
University of Arizona Foundation | $350,000 | 2017 | Program support for the National Institute for Civic Discourse |
Campaign Legal Center | $325,000 | 2017 | General Support |
Center For Investigative Reporting | $325,000 | 2017 | Program support for Reveal Labs |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $325,000 | 2017 | General support |
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania | $325,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Center for High Impact Philanthropy |
Free Press | $310,000 | 2017 | Program support for the News Voices: New Jersey Project |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | $300,000 | 2017 | Program support for education and legal services for Arab Middle Eastern Muslim and South Asian communities |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $300,000 | 2017 | Program support for Motor Voter compliance project |
German Marshall Fund of the Us | $300,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Alliance for Securing Democracy |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $300,000 | 2017 | General support |
National Immigration Law Center | $300,000 | 2017 | Program support for litigation and legal services |
News Leaders Association | $300,000 | 2017 | Program support for annual newsroom diversity survey |
University of Texas Foundation | $300,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Engaging News Project |
Hopewell Fund | $280,000 | 2017 | Program support for Center for Election Innovation & Research |
New York University | $275,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Membership Puzzle Project |
American Press Institute | $250,000 | 2017 | General support |
American University | $250,000 | 2017 | Program support for Investigative Reporting Workshop |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $250,000 | 2017 | General support |
Congressional Management Foundation | $250,000 | 2017 | General support |
Emma Bowen Found Minority Intrsts M | $250,000 | 2017 | Program support for diversity in media internship program |
Faith and Politics Institute | $250,000 | 2017 | General support |
Fund For Constitutional Government | $250,000 | 2017 | Program support for OpenTheGovernment |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $250,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Local Independent Online News Publishers project |
Poynter Institute For Media Studies | $250,000 | 2017 | Program support for independent fact checking |
Rethink Media | $250,000 | 2017 | Program support for Collaborative Communications Inititative on Money in Politics |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $226,750 | 2017 | Program support for understanding the American electorate |
Mozilla Foundation | $225,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Coral Project |
Moaa Military Family Initiative | $220,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Military Voter Education Project |
Asian American Journalists Association | $200,000 | 2017 | General support |
Center For Democracy and Technology | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for election privacy and security project |
Harvard Co | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting |
Issue One | $200,000 | 2017 | General support |
Lenfest Institute For Journalism | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Community Listening and Engagement Fund |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Election Data and Science Lab |
Naacp Legal Defence Fund | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Policing Reform Campaign |
Protect Democracy Project | $200,000 | 2017 | General support |
Public Agenda | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for Participatory Budgeting Research |
Us Committee For Refuges and Immigr | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for outreach to Muslim-American communities |
Wild Philanthropy | $200,000 | 2017 | Program support for Movement Law Lab |
Former Members of Congress | $175,000 | 2017 | General support |
Millennial Action Project | $175,000 | 2017 | General support |
Texas Civil Rights Project | $175,000 | 2017 | Program support for implementation of voter registration law |
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice | $175,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on executive branch powers |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for Aspen Congressional Program |
Brookings Institution | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for nonpartisan research on primary elections |
Congressional Institute | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Congressional Reform Project |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for motor voter compliance project |
Faith In Public Life | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for building networks among faith leaders and MASA communities |
Hopewell Fund | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for Over Zero |
Human Rights First | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for Vets for American Ideals |
Issue One | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Ethics and Accountability Project |
Jefferson Centre Fr New Democratic Pr | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Your Voice Ohio project |
Joint Center For Political Econ Stu | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Black Talent Initiative |
Library of Congress | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for Congressional Research Service seminars and trainings |
Lugar Center | $150,000 | 2017 | General support |
Online News Association | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Challenge Fund for Innovation in Journalism |
Pepperdine University | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Project on the Renewal of American Conservatism |
Student Press Law Center | $150,000 | 2017 | General support |
West Virginia University Foundation | $150,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Media Innovation Center |
Nat'L Conference of State Legislatu | $140,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on election administration |
Womens Policy | $130,000 | 2017 | General support |
Center For Responsive Politics | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Foreign Lobby Watch Project |
Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Election Law Program |
Morgan State University Foundation | $125,000 | 2017 | Program Support for the Morgan Initiative |
Opengov Foundation | $125,000 | 2017 | General support |
Partnership For Public Service | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on congressional oversight |
Partnership For Public Service | $125,000 | 2017 | General support |
Project On Government Oversight | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Constitution Project |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for ReflectUs |
Times Publishing Company | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for independent nonpartisan fact-checking to improve news coverage and civic discourse in the states |
University of Maryland Foundation | $125,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on election cybersecurity issues |
University of Maryland Alumni Association | $105,600 | 2017 | Program support for research on political cooperation |
Andrew Goodman Foundation | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for Vote Everywhere |
Aspen Institute | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Socrates Program |
Az State U Foundation For A New American | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for News Literacy Lab |
Brookings Institution | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for Lawfare |
Business Forward Foundation | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for educational campaign on the importance of respecting and protecting vulnerable communities |
Campaign Finance Institute | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Center For Civic Design | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Coast Alaska | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for journalism collaboration model project |
Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for Congressional Budget Office project |
Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for government transparency and fact checking project |
Cultivate the Karass | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Curators of University | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Trusting News project |
Fairvote | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Firerock Foundation | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
George Washington University | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Monkey Cage |
Georgetown University | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Constructive Voices for the Common Good dialogue series |
Georgetown University | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Resilient Democracy Coalition |
Government Accountability Project | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for whistleblower education |
Harvard Co | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation |
Kennesaw St University Research Service Fo | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Georgia News Lab |
Latino Educational Fund | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for ensuring diversity in Congressional staff and promoting civility |
Lincoln Network | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for technology resources for Congress |
Lincoln Network | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Reboot Congress conference |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for Polling Place of the Future |
National Association of Black Journalists | $100,000 | 2017 | Capacity support for operations management |
National Security Archive Fund | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for Next Century Cities' Democracy on a Gig Initiative |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Demand Progress Legislative Capacity Project |
Niskanen Center | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Robert Maynard Institute For Journalism | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Solutions Journalism Network | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Trustees of Tufts College | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on youth electoral participation |
University of Chicago | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Project on Political Reform |
Voice | $100,000 | 2017 | General support |
Wayne State University | $100,000 | 2017 | Program support for experimentation around the sustainability of local news |
Yale Univeristy | $90,000 | 2017 | Program support for Bright Lines Watch |
President-Board of Trustees Santa C | $85,000 | 2017 | Capacity support for strategic planning for the Trust Project |
Council of State Governments | $75,000 | 2017 | Program support for elections cybersecurity working group |
Institute For Social Policy Underst | $75,000 | 2017 | General support |
Pen American Center | $75,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Press Freedom Incentive Fund |
Reporters Without Borders | $75,000 | 2017 | General support |
Social Science Research Council | $75,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Media and Democracy project |
University of North Carolina At Cha | $75,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on online platforms |
Wayne State University | $75,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on congressional oversight |
Campaign Legal Center | $70,000 | 2017 | Program support for research on foreign involvement in U.S. elections |
Cato Institute | $70,000 | 2017 | Program support for democracy discussion series |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $60,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Faith Angle Forum |
American Library Association | $50,000 | 2017 | Program support for Media Literacy @ Your Library |
Experimental Station | $50,000 | 2017 | Program support for the City Bureau Documenter Project |
Eyebeam Atelier | $50,000 | 2017 | Program support for Viz Lab |
Indiana University | $50,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Hoaxy Bot-o-Meter |
Research Found of City University O | $45,000 | 2017 | Program support for academic research on the Alt-Right movement |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $40,000 | 2017 | Capacity support for leadership development |
Montclair State University Foundation | $25,000 | 2017 | Program support for collaborative reporting projects |
Trustees of Tufts College | $25,000 | 2017 | Program support for promoting collaboration on democracy issues |
Association of Centers For Thestudy of Congress | $20,000 | 2017 | Program support for the Robert H. Michel Retrospective |
Bipartisan Policy Center Action | $1,100,000 | 2016 | Program support for the democracy program |
University of Texas Foundation | $400,000 | 2016 | Program support for the engaging news project |
Common Cause Education Fund | $350,000 | 2016 | General support |
Take Back Our Republic | $350,000 | 2016 | General support |
University of Arizona Foundation | $350,000 | 2016 | Program support for the national institute for civic discourse |
Campaign Legal Center | $325,000 | 2016 | General support |
Campaign Legal Center | $325,000 | 2016 | General support |
Center For Investigative Reporting | $325,000 | 2016 | Program support for reveal labs |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $317,250 | 2016 | Program support for understanding the American electorate |
Free Press | $310,000 | 2016 | Program support for the news voices new jersey project |
Demos A Network For Ideas and Action | $300,000 | 2016 | Program support for motor voter compliance project |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $300,000 | 2016 | General support |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $275,000 | 2016 | Program support to foster increased use of participatory budgeting in the united states |
Bipartisan Policy Center Action | $250,000 | 2016 | Program support for the democracy program |
Center For Public Integrity | $250,000 | 2016 | Program support for consider the source |
Faith and Politics Institute | $250,000 | 2016 | General support |
League of Women Voters Education Fund | $250,000 | 2016 | Capacity support for strategic planning |
New Venture Fund | $250,000 | 2016 | Program support for the civic engagement and elections research collaborative fund |
Times Publishing Company | $250,000 | 2016 | Program support for independent nonpartisan fact-checking to improve news coverage and civic discourse in the states |
Voice | $230,000 | 2016 | Program support for membership academy |
Duke University | $225,325 | 2016 | Program support for the news measures research project phase 2 |
Moaa Military Family Initiative | $218,300 | 2016 | Program support for the military voter education project |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $200,000 | 2016 | General support |
Congressional Management Foundation | $200,000 | 2016 | General support |
Issue One | $200,000 | 2016 | General support |
Trustees of Columbia University In City | $200,000 | 2016 | Program support for Columbia journalism review's united states project |
Aspen Institute | $175,000 | 2016 | Program support for aspen congressional program |
Former Members of Congress | $175,000 | 2016 | General support |
Millennial Action Project | $175,000 | 2016 | General support |
National Conference of State Legislature | $175,000 | 2016 | Program support for research on election administration |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2016 | Program support for the rodel fellowship in public leadership |
Cato Institute | $150,000 | 2016 | Program support for the deep bills project |
Healthy Democracy Fund | $150,000 | 2016 | General support |
New Venture Fund | $150,000 | 2016 | Program support for next century cities' democracy on a gig initiative |
Public Agenda | $150,000 | 2016 | Program support for participatory budgeting research |
Take Back Our Republic | $150,000 | 2016 | General support |
Project On Government Oversight | $137,500 | 2016 | Program support for congressional oversight trainings |
Committee For Economic Development | $125,000 | 2016 | Program support for money in politics program |
Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation | $125,000 | 2016 | Program support for election law state courts research |
Partnership For Public Service | $125,000 | 2016 | General support |
Campaign Finance Institute | $100,000 | 2016 | General support |
Center For Civic Design | $100,000 | 2016 | General support |
Fairvote | $100,000 | 2016 | General support |
George Washington University | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for the monkey cage |
Georgetown University | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for policy innovation a people's democracy in the next administration project |
Healthy Democracy Fund | $100,000 | 2016 | General support |
Internet Archive | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for political TV ad archive 2016 |
Pacific News Service | $100,000 | 2016 | Capacity support for operations management |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for safe spaces project |
Politico Llc | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for public education event |
Trustees of Columbia University In City | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for Columbia journalism review's united states project |
University of Oregon Foundation | $100,000 | 2016 | Program support for building out the community of practice |
Ignite | $99,000 | 2016 | Capacity support for strategic planning |
Campaign Legal Center | $80,000 | 2016 | Program support for litigation strategy council |
Democracy Works | $75,000 | 2016 | Program support for election administration website |
New America Foundation | $75,000 | 2016 | Program support for participatory budgeting solutions and political reform |
Rock the Vote | $75,000 | 2016 | General support |
Rutgers the State University | $74,750 | 2016 | Program support for the news measures project |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $60,000 | 2016 | Program support for the faith angle forum |
Candid | $50,000 | 2016 | Program support for the democracy map |
Civic Hall Labs | $50,000 | 2016 | Program support for nonpartisan research on how debates can increase engagement and become more responsive to voters' concerns |
Democracy Works | $50,000 | 2016 | Program support for election administration website |
Voice of the People | $50,000 | 2016 | Program support for the citizen cabinet pilot project |
Pennsylvania State University | $37,500 | 2016 | Program support for citizen initiative review research |
University of North Texas Foundation | $16,000 | 2016 | Program support for diversity in journalism research |
Reed Institute | $12,500 | 2016 | Program support for survey of an election administration |
Bipartisan Policy Center Action | $1,100,000 | 2015 | Program support for the democracy program |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $750,000 | 2015 | Program support for the pew election initiatives |
University of Arizona Foundation | $400,000 | 2015 | Program support for the national institute for civic discourse |
Center For Public Integrity | $350,000 | 2015 | Program support for consider the source |
Proteus Fund | $300,000 | 2015 | Program support for the collaborative communications initiative on money in politics |
Take Back Our Republic | $300,000 | 2015 | General support |
Voice of the People | $300,000 | 2015 | Program support for the citizen cabinet pilot project |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $280,000 | 2015 | General support |
Democracy Works | $250,000 | 2015 | General support |
Faith and Politics Institute | $250,000 | 2015 | General support |
John S and James L Knight Foundation | $250,000 | 2015 | Program support for knight news challenge on elections |
Aspen Institute | $200,000 | 2015 | Program support for the rodel fellowship in public leadership |
Center For Technology and Civic Life | $200,000 | 2015 | General support |
Congressional Management Foundation | $200,000 | 2015 | General support |
Fordham University | $200,000 | 2015 | Program support for field experiments on money in politics |
North Labels Foundation | $200,000 | 2015 | General support |
Participatory Budgeting Project | $200,000 | 2015 | Program support to foster increased use of participatory budgeting in the united states |
Trustees of Columbia University In City | $200,000 | 2015 | Program support for Columbia journalism review's united states project |
Civic Hall Labs | $175,000 | 2015 | Program support for nonpartisan research on how debates can increase engagement and become more responsive to voters' concerns |
National Conference of State Legislature | $175,000 | 2015 | Program support for research on election administration |
Aspen Institute | $150,000 | 2015 | Program support for aspen congressional program |
Fairvote | $150,000 | 2015 | General support |
Free Press | $150,000 | 2015 | Program support for the news voices New Jersey project |
Public Citizen Foundation | $150,000 | 2015 | Program support for bright lines project |
Millennial Action Project | $138,000 | 2015 | General support |
Project On Government Oversight | $137,500 | 2015 | Program support for congressional oversight trainings |
Times Publishing Company | $125,000 | 2015 | Program support for independent nonpartisan fact-checking to improve news coverage and civic discourse in the states |
American Press Institute | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for research and education activities related to fact checking in journalism |
Campaign Finance Institute | $100,000 | 2015 | General support |
Campaign Legal Center | $100,000 | 2015 | Capacity support for strategic planning |
Democracy Works | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for election administration website |
George Washington University | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for the monkey cage |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for polling place of the future |
New Venture Fund | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for next century cities' democracy on a gig initiative |
New York University | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for bipartisan research on the current state of money in politics |
Online News Association | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for the challenge fund for innovation in journalism |
Opengov Foundation | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support to plan for the development of a congressional digital service |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for safe spaces project |
Rutgers the State University | $100,000 | 2015 | Program support for the news measures project |
Institute For Cultural Evolution | $96,500 | 2015 | Program support for convening on the future of conservatism |
University of Arizona Foundation | $80,000 | 2015 | Program support for the national institute for civil discourse |
Rock the Vote | $75,000 | 2015 | General support |
Ethics and Public Policy Center | $60,000 | 2015 | Program support for the faith angle forum |
Az State U Foundation For A New American | $50,000 | 2015 | Program support for research and public education on the citizens' initiative review |
North Labels Foundation | $25,000 | 2015 | Capacity support for professional development for senior management |
Issue One | $21,250 | 2015 | Capacity building support for grant making program |
Grand Total: | $181,374,882 |
Left-of-Center Media Outlets
In alignment with fellow Omidyar project First Look Media, Democracy Fund has made numerous contributions to media outlets generally considered on the center-left. Media outlets receiving Democracy Fund grants in 2016 included the Center for Public Integrity, the Columbia Journalism Review, and Times Publishing Company, which sponsors the controversial Politifact fact-checking service.8
The Democracy Fund participates in one of the most notable efforts to fund left-of-center newsgathering. The Knight Foundation began funding the Institute for Nonprofit News (a membership group of left-of-center media outlets including the Center for Responsive Politics, Mother Jones, the Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund, Grist, and ProPublica, among others19) in 2016 through the “NewsMatch” program. In 2017, Democracy Fund and the MacArthur Foundation each pledged up to $1 million to support NewsMatch.20 Nonprofit Quarterly reported that Democracy Fund had “coordinated” the expansion of NewsMatch in 2017.20
In 2016, Politifact announced that Democracy Fund had pledged $500,000 over a two-year period to expand Politifact’s operations.21 In October 2016, during the height of the 2016 Presidential election, Politifact apparently wrongly classified reporting by a conservative-leaning news website on a partly Omidyar Network-funded Clinton Foundation program as inaccurate. Politifact initially denied receiving funding from Omidyar groups (which include Democracy Fund) when questioned about its report.22
Press Forward Journalism Initiative
In 2023, the Democracy Fund launched an initiative called Press Forward with a consortium of other left-of-center grantmaking foundations with the intention of providing $500 million in grants funding to ostensibly non-partisan local news organizations to “reverse the dramatic decline” in local news. 23
Press Forward’s stated plans to “strengthen communities and democracy” and provide an “active pushback” against disinformation “in the media ecosystem.” The right-of-center Washington Free Beacon stated the group hoped “to fill a vacuum of local news coverage after the closure of 2,200 local newspapers over the past two decades.” It also noted that Press Forward’s “roster of nearly two dozen donors includes some of the country’s biggest liberal philanthropies, raising questions about the group’s pledge to remain ‘independent of ideology.’” 23
Other funders of Press Forward include the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. 23
Election-Related Grantmaking
The Democracy Fund makes grants in a number of areas related to elections. The organization also engages in direct charitable activities to increase regulation of campaign activity and advance changes to election procedures and administration; the organization reported engaging in $1.4 million in such direct charitable expenditures in this area in 2016.24
Democracy Fund is a major funder of organizations seeking to increase regulation on political speech and campaign activity. Issue One, the Proteus Fund, the Campaign Finance Institute, and the Campaign Legal Center have all received six-figure contributions from the Democracy Fund.8 The Democracy Fund has also given substantial support to Take Back Our Republic,8 a group backed by dissident Republican political consultant Mark McKinnon as a vehicle to promote restrictions on electoral activity.25
Democracy Fund has also contributed to efforts to change the American electoral system, making contributions to FairVote,8 which advocates a system known as ranked-choice voting (notably used in Australia) which allocates votes by preference-order rather than aggregate first-preference totals.26
Despite Democracy Fund’s pretensions to scrupulous bipartisanship, the organization has made substantial contributions to left-leaning voter registration and activation groups. Rock the Vote, a left-of-center voter registration group focused on young people, received $75,000 from Democracy Fund in 2015 and 2016.27 Democracy Fund has also funded Democracy Works,28 an online voter registration support group which partnered with the left-wing media website Mic during the 2016 election.29 Democracy Fund also provided $300,000 to the far-left think tank Demos to support its work regarding voter registration issues.8
Election Law
The Democracy Fund has also funded left-of-center election law initiatives. In 2023, the group provided a $300,000 grant to the William and Mary Law School to fund the school’s Election Law Program, a joint effort between the law school and the National Center for State Courts to provide “resources for judges deciding election cases” the grant also supported the Alliance of Students at the Polls (ASAP), a law student initiative that began at William and Mary in 2020 to “mobilize law students nationwide to support state and local election officials.” 4
According to the Washington Examiner, in July 2021 the Biden White House hosted a Zoom call with representatives of the Democracy Fund along with several other left-of-center voter advocacy groups to discuss increasing voter registration within the United States. Topics discussed on the call included “registering illegal immigrants and integrating voter registration into public housing as a requirement under federal law.” 30 Notes on the meeting were provided by the Washington Examiner through the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) and the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. Other groups involved in the call included the Open Society Policy Center, End Citizens United, Demos, League of Women Voters, and the Sentencing Project. 30
In April 2024, the Democracy Fund coordinated with a coalition of up to 174 left-of-center organizations and individuals to pledge and expedite grants for voter registration and get out the vote (GOTV) efforts by the end of the month leading up to the 2024 elections. Called All by April, the coalition’s spending was meant to fund efforts to “help recruit poll workers, organize nonpartisan voter registration drives, support local election officials, and work to ensure that the diversity of our electorate is represented in our election process.” Organizations and individuals involved with the coalition include Open Society Foundations, Arabella Advisors, Tides, and Susan Pritzker. 31
Voter Registration Project
The Democracy Fund has been among the many left-of-center foundations that funded the Voter Registration Project, which funded and organized the Everybody Votes campaign, a large voter registration effort during the 2020 election designed to promote Democratic candidates and Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. 2
Between 2016 and 2020, the Voter Registration Project and its sister organizations, the Voter Registration Project Education Fund and Register America, distributed over $116 million in grants to state level left-leaning activism organizations, mostly in political battleground states, to fund nominally “nonpartisan” voter registration activities. 2
Much of the Voter Registration Project’s funding has derived from grants from private foundations affiliated with well-known left-of-center billionaires including Warren Buffett’s Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and George Soros’s Foundation to Promote Open Society. The Democracy Fund provided $500,000 to the Voter Registration Project in 2022. 2
Policy Groups
Democracy Fund is also a substantial funder of nominally centrist or non-aligned policy organizations. The group funds the No Labels Foundation and the Bipartisan Policy Center.8 The grant to Bipartisan Policy Center supported the organization’s work in electoral reform;32 the grant to No Labels Foundation supported its convening of lawmakers across party lines.33
Voter Study Group
Since the 2016 elections, Democracy Fund has convened a cross-party review of public opinion research, known as the Voter Study Group.34 The project is directed by Henry Olsen of the right-leaning Ethics and Public Policy Center, which has received funding from Democracy Fund.8
In 2017, the Voter Study Group released reports studying the sectors of the electorate which supported the candidacy of Donald Trump, identifying growing cleavages in the Republican coalition over national identity and economic policy.35
Artificial Intelligence Policy
In 2023, the Democracy Fund joined a coalition of other left-of-center foundations to launch a new initiative to “ensure AI advances the public interest” the initiative was centered around addressing areas of need regarding AI identified by Vice President Kamala Harris, who urged the creation of such an initiative. The initiative was led by the Ford Foundation and participating foundations pledged to contribute over $200 million to the effort. 3
Areas of funding focus include using AI to address disinformation, to facilitate media and social media censorship, and to promote labor union priorities by working to “pioneer new economic thinking on competition, trade, and industrial policies to strengthen worker autonomy and power and integrate labor priorities into broader technology policy agendas.” 3
The initiative also stated it has a funding focus on “supporting efforts to hold AI companies accountable for racial, social, and economic bias, as well as funding projects to advocate for and develop strategies to increase transparency and accountability for AI companies and deployers.” 3
Participating foundations of the effort in addition to the Ford Foundation and the Democracy Fund are the David and Lucile Packard Foundation; Heising-Simons Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Kapor Foundation; Mozilla Foundation; Omidyar Network; Open Society Foundations; and the Wallace Global Fund. 3
Democracy Fund Voice
Also see Democracy Fund Voice (Non-profit)
Democracy Fund is associated with a 501(c)(4) advocacy group which is permitted to intervene in elections, known as Democracy Fund Voice. According to the organization’s 2016 tax return, Pierre Omidyar was Democracy Fund Voice’s sole contributor, providing the group a contribution of $5.51 million.36
In 2017, Democracy Fund Voice announced that it had made contributions of up to $550,000 to Stand Up Republic, a 501(c)(4) advocacy group associated with former Independent Presidential candidate Evan McMullin.37
Relation to Other Omidyar Philanthropies
In addition to Democracy Fund, Pierre Omidyar has also created a philanthropic network, the Omidyar Network, and a left-wing media company, First Look Media. Democracy Fund was spun out of the Omidyar Network, having been organized in 2011 and spun off in 2014.38
In addition to supporting left-of-center media through Democracy Fund, Omidyar personally pledged over $250 million to First Look Media. The nonprofit publishes The Intercept, a reporting website launched by the left-wing reporters who obtained and published leaked American national security information from government contractor Edward Snowden before his flight from the United States and arrival in Russia.39 As of 2015, Omidyar served as Board President of First Look Media Works, the group’s corporate parent.40
In 2017, Democracy Fund jointly announced $12 million in contributions to left-of-center media organizations in concert with First Look Media. Recipients of the joint grants included the Center for Investigative Reporting, the Center for Public Integrity, ProPublica, and New York University professor Jay Rosen.10
- Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2015, Part VIII Line 1 and Schedule B
- Thayer, Parker. “How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections.” Capital Research Center. August 15, 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023.
- “Philanthropies launch new initiative to ensure AI advances the public interest.” Ford Foundation. November 1, 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023.
- Morrill, David. “W&M’s Election Law Program receives grant to contextualize election statutes.” William & Mary Law School. October 31, 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023.
- “About Us.” Democracy Fund. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- “Donor Lookup – Pierre Omidyar.” OpenSecrets. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- “Joe Goldman.” Democracy Fund Voter Study Group. June 06, 2017. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2016, Part XV Line 3
- Hempel, Jessi. “First Look Media Turns to Old Media for a Reboot.” Wired. August 7, 2015. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- Grinapol, Corinne. “Democracy Fund and First Look Media Announce Over $12 Million Worth of Grants to News Organizations.” Adweek. March 27, 2017. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- “Stand Up Republic.” Democracy Fund Voice. May 9, 2017. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2016, Part VIII Line 1
- Gentilucci, Michael. “Can’t Get a Grip on Omidyar Philanthropy? You’re Not Alone, So Take This Guided Tour.” Inside Philanthropy. March 27, 2014. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- Maghami, Neil. “The Philanthropy of Pierre Omidyar, the EBay Billionaire.” Capital Research Center. June 2, 2014. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- Quoted in Maghami, Neil. “The Philanthropy of Pierre Omidyar, the EBay Billionaire.” Capital Research Center. June 2, 2014. Accessed March 23, 2018.
- Goldman, Joe. “Why Democracy Fund is Declaring Independence From Bipartisanship.” Democracy Fund. June 16, 2020.
- Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Democracy Fund. 2014-2020. Part I.
- Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Democracy Fund. 2015-2020. Schedule I.
- “Institute for Nonprofit News: Members.” Institute for Nonprofit News. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Kaplan, Larry. “2017 Was a Banner Fundraising Year for Nonprofit News Websites.” Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly. February 19, 2018. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Holan, Angie Drobnic. “New Grant Will Help PolitiFact Grow.” PolitiFact. January 14, 2016. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- “Fact Checking the ‘Fact Checkers’.” Weekly Standard. October 07, 2016. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Ross, Chuck. “Liberal Philanthropies Fund The Latest ‘Non-Partisan’ Journalism Initiative.” Washington Free Beacon. September 7, 2020. Accessed December 10, 2023.
- Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2016, Part IX-A Line 1
- Gold, Matea. “New Conservative Group Aims to Build GOP Support for Reducing Influence of Big Donors.” The Washington Post. January 13, 2015. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- “FairVote.” FairVote. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2016, Part XV Line 3 and Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2015, Part XV Line 3
- Democracy Fund, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2015, Part XV Line 3
- Walker, Lindsay. “Simplifying Democracy: Making Voting as Easy as American Pie.” Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly. March 25, 2016. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Kaminsky, Gabe. “Biden voter registration meeting raises eyebrows on Capitol Hill: ‘Election interference.’” The Washington Examiner, May 7, 2024.
- Schmad, Robert. “Influential Liberal Donor Organizes Massive Coalition To Throw Cash Behind Voter Mobilization.” The Daily Caller, May 6, 2024.
- “Bipartisan Policy Center.” Democracy Fund. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- “No Labels Foundation.” Democracy Fund. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- “About.” Democracy Fund Voter Study Group. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Balz, Dan. “How Attitudes about Immigration, Race and Religion Contributed to Trump Victory.” The Washington Post. June 13, 2017. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Democracy Fund Voice, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, 2016, Part I line 8 and Schedule B Part I Number 1
- “Stand Up Republic.” Democracy Fund Voice. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Goldman, Joe. “The Democracy Fund Relaunches as an Independent Foundation.” Democracy Fund. June 30, 2014. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- Rice, Andrew. “How the Snowden Leaks Gave Pierre Omidyar a Cause – and an Enemy.” Daily Intelligencer. November 03, 2014. Accessed March 26, 2018.
- First Look Media Works, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990), 2015, Part VI Section A Line 3