Call To Action (CTA) is a radical-left institution associated with dissenters from certain Catholic Church practices that has independent affiliate chapters throughout the United States.
In 1990, CTA issued a “Call for Reform of the Catholic Church” urging the religion to reevaluate its positions on priestly celibacy, birth control, homosexuality, and male-only priests, in addition to racism, sexism, militarism, and poverty in modern society. In the 1990s CTA became a national movement. 1
Since then, CTA has incorporated promoting communal living, abortion, anti-capitalism, addressing the “apocalyptic” environment, and a range of social justice causes, such as LGBT, racial, and immigration, all seen through the lens of anti-racism and anti-oppression principles. 2 3
CTA has stated, “Capitalism is a monster. Acquisition is how it feeds.” Regarding the 2020 lockdowns, CTA also stated, “COVID-19 may have wounded capitalism, but it’s a poor hitman. It didn’t get the job done.” 4
The local Chicago Call to Action was established in 1978 in response to ongoing debates stemming from the Roman Catholic Church’s Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). CTA was part of the debate demanding the Church address “chronic racism, sexism, militarism and poverty in modern society” in addition to reevaluating “positions on issues like celibacy for priests, the male-only clergy, homosexuality, and birth control.” 5
In March 1990 CTA founders printed a full-page ad in the New York Times chastising the Church for “ignoring” issues such as the environment, poverty, drug abuse, and international conflicts; CTA offered solutions to its initial debate issues. With Vatican support, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz excommunicated CTA and other groups due to activities and stances that contrasted with the Catholic faith. 6
As of 2022, CTA’s declares its mission as justice (racial, LGBT, church worker), women and girl equality, lay engagement, and immigration seen through the lens of anti-racism and anti-oppression principles. 7
In 2008, 2,500 people attended CTA’s national conference; in 2018, 300 people attended; in addition, CTA had lost about 5,000 members over a decade. 8 To cure this, CTA developed Re/Generation, an intergenerational mentorship program, which implements projects “to address the injustices of the hierarchical Catholic church” resulting in the emergence of “a new network of intentional communities.” 9
Call To Action released a statement regarding the Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson that overturned the national right to abortion created by Roe v. Wade stating, “We are facing a new, fraught reality in which women, trans, and non-binary folks will be surveilled, harassed, and criminalized as health care is being pushed underground or, worse yet, placed in the hands of authoritarians.” 10
CTA claims the Catholic Church participates in “silencing and erasure of trans people,” writing that “trans people [need] to assert their presence and power … This Pride Month, trans leaders across the country have embodied the revolutionary roots of Pride, which included riots started by trans people of color against police violence and brutality.” 11
CTA hosted a presentation “Staying Awake Amidst a Great Uncovering: Practical Discipleship under Climate Ultimatums,” by the activist theologian Ched Myers, who states he “will look at our ‘apocalyptic’ moment of interlocking social and ecological crises, and briefly touch on some of the roots of our civilizational dilemma.” 12
CTA stated, “Capitalism is a monster. Acquisition is how it feeds.” Regarding the 2020 lockdowns, CTA stated, “COVID-19 may have wounded capitalism, but it’s a poor hitman. It didn’t get the job done.” 4
Through CTA’s history some of its members have lived in intentional communities, co-ops, communal farms, or worker houses. 3
Affiliated Organizations
CTA has independent chapters throughout the United States. 13
The website displays the annual reports of 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 that lists contributions from numerous donors and their level of giving, which makes up a substantial portion of their revenue. 14
Donor organizations include DignityUSA, which promotes changes to the teachings and in the practices in the Catholic Church for the inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer people; 15 16 the John D & Catherine T Macarthur Foundation; 17 18 Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund a commercial provider of donor-advised funds (DAFs); 19 20 and the Fund for Theological Education or Forum for Theological Exploration which provides resources, events, networks, grants, and fellowships to cultivate tomorrow’s Christian leaders; 21 22 FutureChurch, which seeks to change Roman Catholic Church policy to allow priests to marry; 23 8th Day Center for Justice, a left-of-center Catholic-aligned organization that promoted anti-war views, increased government control over the economy, and left-progressive views on civil rights and civil liberties; 24 and the Quixote Center, which supports programs for impoverished families and communities at different times focuses on different countries of need. 25 26
- “History.” Call To Action. Accessed October 2, 2022.
- Call To Action, Vision Council, Lauren Barbato, Jerry Brazier, and Abby Rampone. “News.” Call To Action, September 21, 2022.
- “Houses.” Call To Action. Accessed October 2, 2022.
- [1] Ramelo, Joseph. “Our Church Is out of Time.” Call To Action. Call To Action, September 13, 2022.
- (Organization), Call to Action. “Call to Action Records.” Special Collections | DePaul University Libraries. Accessed October 2, 2022.
- Cna. “Vatican Supports Excommunication of Call to Action Group.” Catholic News Agency. Catholic News Agency, February 15, 2022.
- “Values.” Call To Action. Accessed October 2, 2022.
- “Call to Action – the ‘Loyal Left Opposition’ – Reorganizes amid an Uncertain Future.” National Catholic Reporter, May 6, 2019.
- “Inspiring Leaders to Shape the Future.” Forum for Theological Exploration. Accessed October 2, 2022.
- Council, Vision. “Response to Dobbs Decision: Reproductive Justice Is a Catholic Value.” Call To Action. Call To Action, June 28, 2022.
- Council, Vision. “Trans Lives Are Sacred: A CTA Statement of Solidarity with Trans Communities.” Call To Action. Call To Action, June 7, 2021.
- Call To Action. “CTA Special Event on Our Apocalyptic Moment.” Call To Action. Call To Action, September 21, 2022.
- “Chapters.” Call To Action. Accessed October 2, 2022.
- Call To Action. “Annual Report – News.” Call To Action, December 6, 2020.
- “Our Mission.” DignityUSA. Accessed November 3, 2022.
- Form 990. Dignity Inc. Return of Dignity, Inc. Fiscal year ending Sept. 2019. Schedule I. DIGNITY INC – Form 990, Schedule I- Nonprofit Explorer – ProPublica
- “Past Work – Macarthur Foundation.” RSS. Accessed November 3, 2022.
- “Call to Action.” Call To Action | Minneapolis, MN | Cause IQ. Accessed October 2, 2022.,363003308/#similar
- Fidelity Charitable. Accessed November 3, 2022.
- Form 990. Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund. Return of Fidelity Investments Charitable Fund. Fiscal year ending June 2017. Schedule I. FIDELITY INVESTMENTS CHARITABLE GIFT FUND – Form 990, Schedule I- Nonprofit Explorer – ProPublica
- About. “Christian leadership incubator forum for theological exploration.” Accessed November 3, 2022.
- Form 990. The Fund for Theological Education Inc, Forum for Theological Exploration. Return of The Fund for Tehologial Education, Inc. Forum for Theological Exploration. Fiscal year ending Dec. 2019. Schedule I. THE FUND FOR THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION INC – Form 990, Schedule I- Nonprofit Explorer – ProPublica
- “Mission & Vision.” Future Church. Accessed November 3, 2022.
- “8th Day Center for Justice.” FormsPal. Accessed November 3, 2022.
- “About.” Quixote Center, October 20, 2022.
- Form 990. Call to Action. Return of Call to Action. Period ending Sept. 2005. CALL TO ACTION – Form 990 for period ending Sep 2005 – Nonprofit Explorer – ProPublica