350 Bay Area is a child organization of 350.org, a left-of-center environmental activist organization that advocates for policy that eliminates carbon emissions. It organizes protests, conducts digital campaigns, and lobbies policymakers to demand policy that eliminates the use of conventional energy. In addition to supporting radical environmentalism, 350 Bay Area advocates and protests for left-of-center to radical-left policies on race, labor, and immigration. 1
In May 2020, 350 Bay Area activists and leaders campaigned to have Lee Raymond, a former Exxon CEO, removed from JPMorgan Chase’s board of directors for being a supposed “climate denier.” They also projected a 30-foot slide show of individuals protesting JPMorgan investing in the energy industry onto JPMorgan’s main bank in San Francisco. 2
Youth 350 Bay Area activists commonly replicate Greta Thunberg’s “global climate strike” by skipping school to protest inaction by legislators to end carbon emissions. Some students have received excused absences from their schools while others have been threatened with failing classes for the strike. The demonstrations have included small groups going to the offices of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). 3
Rand Wrobel is a cofounder of 350 Bay Area and is the communications coordinator. He is a project manager for climatepolitics.org and is a founder and executive director for LilliWorks. 4
Jack Fleck is a cofounder of 350 Bay Area and is the treasurer and transportation lead. He worked for thirty years as a transportation engineer for the city of San Francisco. 5
Nan Parks is president of 350 Bay Area. She is a long-time activist within the San Francisco community on children’s and environmentalist issues. 6
In 2019, 350 Bay Area received $193,112 in revenue and $187,739 of which came from contributions. 7 Also, it reported $223,216 in expenses and $186,076 were reported as fees paid to independent contractors. 8
- “350 Bay Area Annual Report July 2019-20.” San Francisco: 350 Bay Area, n.d.
- Corbett, Jessica. “’This Is Only the Beginning’: JPMorgan Chase Faces Investor Revolt Over Financing Climate Destruction.” Common Dreams, May 19, 2020. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/05/19/only-beginning-jpmorgan-chase-faces-investor-revolt-over-financing-climate.
- Orenstein, Natalie. “’It’s Our Future’: Berkeley Kids Leave School to Join Global Climate Strike.” Berkeleyside, March 24, 2019. https://www.berkeleyside.com/2019/03/15/its-our-future-berkeley-kids-leave-school-to-join-global-climate-strike.
- “Rand Wrobel.” 350 Bay Area, December 15, 2017. https://350bayarea.org/rand-wrobel.
- “Steering Committee.” 350 Bay Area, January 11, 2017. https://350bayarea.org/steering-committee.
- “350 Bay Area About Us.” 350 Bay Area, January 15, 2021. https://350bayarea.org/about.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). 350 Bay Area. 2019. Part 1, Line 1-9.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). 350 Bay Area. 2019. Part 1, Line 13-17.