Search results for ‘amnesty international’

  • Non-profit

    Amnesty International USA (AIUSA)

    Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights. The organization claims to have over 7 million members and supporters around the world. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) is the American branch and the largest section of Amnesty International (AI), a London-based international advocacy organization.
  • Other Group

    International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network

    The International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network is composed of legal scholars and practitioners who represent the interests of workers and workers’ organizations. In particular, the group focuses on trade union powers, international labor organization, the informal economy, the “fissured employment relationship,” and forced labor and trafficking, among several other
  • Non-profit

    International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF)

    International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) is a grantmaking organization that disburses funds to support journalistic projects throughout the world, with a particular focus on “women and nonbinary” journalists. It also provides resources on journalistic best practices, as well as support lines for journalists in need of emergency assistance.
  • Other Group

    Privacy International

    Privacy International is an advocacy organization based in London, England, focused on advancing privacy rights. Founded in 1990, the organization identifies its goals as raising awareness of threats to privacy, reporting on surveillance measures in society, and promoting legal and technological measures intended to protect personal information. Privacy International has
  • Other Group

    International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights (INTERIGHTS)

    The International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, better known as INTERIGHTS, was a London-based human rights legal organization established in 1982. The organization closed in 2014. 81 Two of the primary
  • Non-profit

    International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR)

    The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) is an international, left-of-center project of the Tides network which pushes governments around the world to implement and enforce left-of-center business regulations. 88 ICAR launches initiatives to increase corporate regulation, specifically
  • Non-profit

    Weissman Family Foundation

    The Weissman Family Foundation is a grantmaking nonprofit based in New York state. It donates to organizations involved in left-of-center advocacy on issues relating to environmentalism, criminal justice, health care, housing, voting, immigration, media, and the arts.
  • Other Group

    Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD)

    The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) is a left-of-center Palestinian advocacy group seeks to promote left-leaning gender policies in the Palestinian territories 119
  • Other Group

    Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO)

    The Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) is an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian umbrella group that is based in the West Bank city of Ramallah with major influence in the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. 144
  • Non-profit

    The Signals Network

    The Signals Network is a whistleblower protection and promotion organization based in New York City that provides financial, legal, career, and medical support to whistleblowers. 189 IT was founded in December 2017 by Gilles
  • Non-profit


    DemocracyFIRST is a political advocacy organization that focuses on the electoral process. It awards grants to left-of-center “pro-democracy organizations” such as Promote the Vote and Future Forward USA Action, organizes events with academic speakers who claim that democracy is being threatened, and promotes the democracyFIRST Promise that calls
  • Other Group

    Accountable Now

    Accountable Now is an organization that provides consulting services to major left-of-center nonprofits. The organization is based in Germany but has 24 member chapters including those in Europe and the United States. In 2023, Accountability Now became a “venture” of Accountability Lab.
  • Other Group


    Equidem is a London-based labor advocacy group that claims to advocate against human rights abuses in developing countries including forced labor, trafficking, slavery, and alleged impacts on the workforce due to climate change. 226
  • Other Group

    Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice

    The Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice is a left-of-center activist organization in Europe that advocates against alleged racist polices and legislation within the European Union (EU) such as policies towards climate change, gender, law enforcement, and migration.
  • Other Group

    Advocating for Palestine

    Advocating for Palestine is a left-wing pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel advocacy organization. Advocating for Palestine claims that Israel is conducting a “military occupation” of the Palestinian territories. 267 The group produces pro-Palestine pamphlets
  • Non-profit

    Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP)

    The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP) is a left-of-center privacy-focused activist and legal organization dedicated to technological privacy issues in New York state. It is especially concerned with facial recognition and biometric data technology use by both governments and corporations. It has a legal arm that is engaged in several
  • Other Group

    Palestine Digital Activist Forum (PDAF)

    The Palestine Digital Activist Forum (PDAF) is an annual digital event focused on digital rights and digital activism among Palestinians. The organization focuses on issues like artificial intelligence, digital discrimination, and social media. PDAF is a project of 7amleh, also known as the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social
  • Non-profit

    Oil and Gas Action Network

    The Oil and Gas Action Network is a radical climate change activism group that organizes protests against conventional energy projects and their financing. The organization also provides training and resources to climate change activists.
  • Non-profit

    Freedom Now

    Freedom Now organizes domestic and international opposition to human rights violations overseas and conducts legal and political advocacy to free and rehabilitate individuals deprived of liberty for exercising human rights guaranteed under international law.
  • Non-profit

    About Face

    About Face is an anti-war activist group whose members include United States military veterans against U.S. foreign and local policy. In 2018, members of the nonprofit attempted to disrupt a tour by former President George W. Bush to protest American foreign policy. Background About Face is a coalition of